
The Story About me and The Girl who Asked me out

New Version of the story is out please proceed to click the link to read https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-story-about-me-and-the-girl-who-asked-me-out-ver.2_28507228708385305 So basically this is the story about our Mc, Matsuki Satoro and this girl Kira Miyoko. Kira asked him to go out with her, but unexpectedly, Matsuki hates the opposite gender. Though there are few female that he doesn’t dislike. To be more precise he doesn’t like beautiful girl who has the slightest resemblance to “Her”. Matsuki accept her confession due to his own selfish and unreasonable reasons and that reason is, he wants to get his revenge on all girls. While Matsuki plans to use her as a stepping stone along the way for his goal, something went incredibly wrong. What could have possibly happened along the way? Will he be able to execute his plan or will someone get in his way? Find out by reading "The Story About Me and the girl who asked me out" [Note from the Author] “Hello this is just a story I just imagined and wanted to try to write it, but you may not like it though because Mc may look a little dumb or whatsoever but even so I’ll finish it even if on one reads it”  [[This story is in revision process]]

sm_yesa · สมจริง
47 Chs

Chapter 25: A nightmare or a memory?

Satoro-kun what's the matter?"

Ugh! My head....It hurts.F*ck... I tried to hold my head that is in pain.

After Korosaku and his pals left, Naruki has been cuddling to me but as soon as I tried to calm myself from meeting Korosaku, thoughts suddenly flow into my head like 'I know that he did something wrong to me before but..' When I tried to remember it, My head started to hurts.

"It hurts, shit!

"Hahah! pathetic!" voices suddenly echoed into my head.

What the hell? I grabbed my ears to veiled it, and hope for it to stop, but I keep hearing those weird sounds in a weird way, then after a few seconds, it suddenly went silent, and it gets worse.

Unfamiliar blurry faces started appearing in my mind and the laughing sounds became loud .

"Satoro-kun!" Naruki grabbed me from the back to stop me from falling from the bench.

"You're uncle died."


"Your eyes really resembles his."


"Does it hurt?"

"Hahaha let sing a song for him."


"Huh?" What the hell? What the hell? I feel like a nightmare is being shown to me. But somehow I felt like it is not.

ah! Shit! What is happening to me?. My head hurts so much! Fuck!

...."You have no choice, I'll alternate your memories as.."

I felt like such events suddenly flash before my eyes.

And without noticing it, my mouth suddenly let out a familiar name.


I gulp my saliva as I remembered who it was.

"You okay, Satoro-kun? Should I call an ambulance?"

Naruki asked worriedly.

"I put my hand onto my forehead, trying to relieve the pain, I managed to get up and get on the bench but it still hurts...

The hell is this, what's wrong with me? The scenes that was shown to me suddenly became vivid and clear. *Uwoah* I puked while holding my gut as if some poison was serve to me when I saw Shira trying to sabotage me in that nightmare.

"What's that?" I asked in confusion?

"A nightmare?..." I wondered upon my question.

As I tried to comprehend it, my head started to ached again, so much that I can't even endure it.

"Taxi!" Naruki stopped the taxi that was about to cross us and immediately lift me up from the bench.

"Naruki, It's fine.. Ugh.."

"Just get on the car."

"Sorry, I'm counting on you."

As my head began to feel heavy, I just followed Naruki's action and we came to the hospital.


I and Naruki went to hospital and I took my rest there.

Lying on the bed, having a painful headache, I closed my eyes and endured the excruciating feeling I've been experiencing....

But who would have thought that...that closing my eyes in the hospital will make me feel worse than ever....

**A week after what happened on that certain day**

Last week, t-that's only a dream nor a joke, Shira is someone who enjoys prank, so that must be it.

I filled my thoughts with such dreams, hoping that everything will be ok and if I asked her, she will laugh and said: "Heheh got you, that's only a joke!" just like any other day of our lives with her silly jokes, yeah, it is Just like that, there's no wa---

As I was trying to deceive or rather persuade myself that it was all just like that, I finally reached our classroom and when I glanced over the window, I see Shira with her girl friends.

As I was dumb as ever, I got nervous and without a second thought, I entered the classroom, and immediately go to the person, the one and only that matters to me, it was Shira. I mean I have nothing else in the world at that time, so I'm really desperate to think that everything will be alright.

"Shira, What happened L-last week was all but just a joke, right?.. Right?" I stuttered as I found myself standing right before her who's sitting and talking to her friends.

I lift my hand as to say hi and nervously bring up the same question. "S-shira, it was all, but just a joke, right?.. Right?" I smiled and keep my head up while brushing my hair, then I noticed her standing upon seeing my stupidity.

"Eh..My Matsuki," She leaned close to me and suddenly act like an one-san, well, that's how she usually act around me. "I miss you, Why did you skip a week of classes," As just what she said, I really skip a week of classes due to what happened on that day, but yesterday I found the courage to get up and get off my bed and came here, hoping things will be alright.

"Eh..Uhmm.. I caught a cold so.. you see, I only managed to get over it yesterday and so I'm fine now." I lied while fidgeting on my toes.

Then as I glanced left and right nervously, she abruptly came so close, so close I could smell her fragrance that I long for and she hugged me.

"Hee?" I was shocked and my depressed face suddenly lit up and I began to smile at that time. 'Everything is now fine, Heheh' is what I thought, but...

"Matsuki," She whispered my name, then as I was happily cuddling to her, She stared into my eyes for a brief moment.

"Ugh!!" I groaned and crouched on the floor as I felt an excruciating pain between my legs.

It seems like my balls were cracked, Shit! I was devastated, it was so painful that some tears flow out of my eyes, not because my balls really hurts, of course it hurts, but not that it hurts than the feelings I've been hoping for were crushed by the very person I hold for.

"Heh?.. Do you really think that was what I'll do? Tsk! Why do they even let a beggar in our school? Such a pain in the ass pet," She looked at me with contempt and disgust on her face. "I already throw you, why are you coming back!" She yelled and stomped her high heels on my crotch.

Augh!!" I groaned as Shira continued to stomped her high heels on my crotch.

"W-what? Shira, what's this?" As I was dumb and stupid, I asked with a smile, still hoping that everything is just as joke.

"Are you a masochist or something? What kind of person who would smile when they're in pain!" She got agitated and wasn't satisfied on stomping my crotch, she moved her feet and Kicked my face. It hurts! It really hurts! As the pain was recognized by my brain, I Also now recognized that this is not a joke, so such questions was suddenly brought forth into my mind, such as "Why is this happening to me? What did I do? What should I do?

Suppressing my screamed, I caught my breath and asked: "Why is Shira doing this, did I made a mistake? Did I do something wrong or I didn't do something that.."

"Sigh, Didn't I already told you, You're just my pet, Why? Did you really have forgotten what you did to me before? I'm getting back at you!"

Huh?... What did I even do before?

"W-wait, what did I do? Didn't you said that we were friends and we get along pretty well?"

"Seriously, did you really lost your memory, even your brain is not what it used to, it's even worse than before."

As I was confused on what she's talking, there's no way I would remember what happened to us before, I mean, I pretty much lost all of my memories.

Even though it's unreasonable to think it really it's my fault and apologize to her I nervously tried to remember what I have done.

As I thought, I can't remember a thing, What am I hoping for, I can't even remember the person who gives birth to me, How am I suppose to remember other things?


After a brief moment of silence, I bit my lips and looked around and noticed that everyone in the class in not paying attention to us, And her friends who has having a conversation with her is trying to block the view of me and Shira to everyone.

Shit! Did they plan this? But why? Did I really do something so bad before and I have to suffer through it even though I can't remember a single thing!

"T-then," I grabbed Shira's heels and tried to speak, "Could you please tell me what I did wrong to you?...

"....I promise I'll make up for it, so..."

Before I can finished my line, Shira kicked my mouth with a full force that I was knocked down and I lost my consciousness.

The only noises I heard before I lost my sight was "I'm supposed to be the one, Why did you even get in my way"


Hello, to the person who's Still with me even though I hardly post new chapter before, So the story of the reason why our mc really hate her will be soon unveiled. Thanks for reading this, hope you're liking it and will stick with me till the end.

Did you guys noticed that my title of each chapter is getting long, hahaha(lol)

sm_yesacreators' thoughts