
The greater picture (1)

Hex stood covered in blood and gore. 

The Refined Knights didn't know how to feel at the moment. The ant they searched for, hid and bit them when they dropped their guard.

As seasoned fighters, the loss of their lower body didn't hurt as much as their shattered pride. They were bested by a bumpkin from the desolate north. 

Hex enjoyed the look on his opponents' faces. His carefree stance didn't do justice to the amount of risk he took in his endeavor. 

His effort to sneak around in the wolves' territory alone could have cost him his life. At all times, no matter how much effort it took, Hex ensured to have the wind with him, not against him. 

Years of experience with the wolves taught him that they were intelligent creatures. Luring them out of their territory wouldn't be easy. Not only the Disasters but even the younger and weaker ones wouldn't be duped by a halfhearted approach.