
The Stone Goddess

Hotfox_Baby · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Chapter One

150 years later

For the past 150 years, I've been training myself to become more powerful both physically and magically. This caused me to be able to return the color of my wings. I chose to rule under my father's name to keep people from panicking any further from his disappearance. I tap my fingernail against the cold concrete armrest purely out of boredom.

"Lord Kensei," calls Stronoff. "You must take a break from your duties as a demon lord."

"No. I'm still needed here. I won't ever take a break from being the demon lord," I refuse.

"I guess I have no choice," he says. "Your work schedule is very unhealthy for you. You've been pretending to be your father for way too long. I shall suspend your time as the demon lord until you can become a healthy person once more."

I get up from my throne and shout, "You can't do that! I'm in charge of people's health and wellbeing! They still need me!"

"However you contributed too much," he says and pulls out the device used for announcements.

"You can't do this to me, Stronoff!" I shout angrily.

He turns it on.

"Hello, fellow demons. This announcement is to inform you about the absence of the demon lord. Lord Kotatsu will be on an expedition to improve the entire world. This doesn't mean that the Demon Realm will be out of control. The security will tighten, and I, Stronoff, will bring your well-being into my hands. Thank you for listening to this announcement and have a great day," he announced.

My blood starts to boil.

"It's time for you to get the vacation that you deserve," he says and bows.

"Don't you dare bow down to me! I command you to take back the announcement right now! There's no need for a vacation!" I shout.

"I already got your luggage ready for your voyage. Guards, bring our lord to the paradise that she deserves," he says dramatically.

The guards grab onto my arms and drag me into a portal along with a giant bag. I scream angrily at Stronoff for defying my commands as the demon lord. The guards throw me out of the portal along with the giant bag of stuff. They return to the Demon Realm, and the portal disappears.

"My lord, the threat has been taken care of. This entire realm is now in your hands," says Stronoff.

"I am grateful for all that you've done, my precious servant. You'll get what you've always desired, Sir Stronoff," says a mysterious voice.

"Thank you, Master... I'll always be by your side," he says and bows to the mysterious person.

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