
Ending is Beginning

The view port was dark as John stared at the dark side of the planet slowly shrinking. The surface lights were few, the spaceport being the brightest as the planet continued on its path through the stars. Experian IV was a rogue planet - yet somehow it maintained a temperate surface due to its geothermal energies beneath its crust. John sighed as he turned his head and contemplated the last four years on Experian.

"Hello John, welcome to Experian IV and the selective studies university. My name is Arcanus, the presiding Elder of Studies." Arcanus extended a wrinkled hand from beneath a white layered robe and John extended his hand and accepted the greeting, "thank you Elder. It is indeed an honor to be here among the stars"

Experian had been colonized some time during the 3rd century post light speed, over 400 sol years in the past, making it one of the older human settlements outside Terra, and with a rogue planet, one of the most unique. It hadn't really grown, but rather matured. Terraforming wasn't much of an option, as light was not readily available, but native plantlife was edible, if only bland.

"What ya thinkin' about, John?"

"Nothing much, just reminiscing the past four years. It's surreal to be finished with school, isn't it?"

"Yeah, yup, for sure, ja"

Lenny was from a young planet, Alfseti, and the dialect already in place there was tough to shake. John remembered the first time he'd met Lenny, and had no clue ehat the young man was saying. Even four years of higher education wasn't enough to clear the strange speech patterns.

"Do ya know were yer goin'?"

"Science Station, somewhere in the Gamajoris Rim system."

"Ooh, fancy! I'm headin' home myself, ja. Family needs the smarts I got over here'n Experian"

"You sure are loyal to family! Mine chased me out, I don't expect to see them again."

"Ach! That's too bad. Family is a special thing. If ya ever need something, don't hes'tate and ask, ja? You're like family now."

"Thanks Lenny, means a lot to me"


The two quieted down as the cabin lights dimmmed and the light speed drive push started. The planet disappeared from the viewport - and John recounted his history lesson on light speed drives.

The first light speed trips were completed through automation. Nobody knew what would happen to the occupants of a lightspeed ship - and experimentation on living creatures became more frowned upon as earth's population continued to swell. Eventually, the vessels were proven safe as far as possible, and humans were finally able to reach the stars. So long as the were sedated in a near death like state. Or so the stories go. It wasn't until a few centuries prior that light speed became mire accessible as inertial dampeners provided a comfortable fully awake jump.

Which was exactly what John was thinking about after his first jump in four years. John settled in for the long journey to the Gammajoris Rim. His ending of his education marked the beginning of a new path to the future.