

The Stark by Dscot

I do not own this story.


Sybelle Stark, born in the year 277. She possessed an unmatched mastery in the realms of runes and languages. It was truly awe-inspiring to witness her extraordinary abilities in understanding the intricate art of rune arrays. I had never seen anything quite like it before!

What set Sybelle apart was her unwavering passion for flight and her deep longing to harness the powers of magic to make it possible. She soared above all others in her expertise, truly standing out among her siblings..

She was an incredible expert in runes! Not only that, but she also spent a lot of time teaching my younger siblings how to carve their own runes. She had such a deep understanding of runes that went beyond just language and even ventured into the mystical world of alchemy. But no matter how much she knew about alchemy, her true passion was always the world of runes.


Maisie Stark, born in the year 278 had an incredible passion for potions and alchemy. Even though she was still quite young, her skills in these arts surpassed those of many masters. Unlike her older sister, Maisie didn't have the same love for runes, but she could still use them with astonishing proficiency. Maisie has this extraordinary passion for books. She's a total bibliophile! And it's through this love for books that she has truly discovered her purpose in life. Maisie's connection with literature is so deep and genuine, it's truly something special. The library became her haven, and she delighted in the world of words, reading and writing with unwavering enthusiasm.

Maisie had this incredible thirst for knowledge that was just off the charts. It was like a burning fire inside her, brighter than the sun itself. One day, she found out that I hadn't actually gone through all the books I had collected during Robert's Rebellion. I could see the excitement in her eyes, like a fierce determination had taken over. She didn't waste a second before demanding to see them. And let me tell you, what followed was truly something remarkable. It was like witnessing a spectacular display of pure intellectual passion.

Months flew by in the blink of an eye as Maisie lost herself in the captivating words of those old books. And when I came back victorious from the Iron Islands, carrying a wealth of intellectual treasures, Maisie's face lit up with a brilliant smile that could have brightened even the gloomiest corners of the earth. Her happiness was tangible, a clear sign of her insatiable thirst for knowledge and the immense joy she found in growing our family library.


Ros Stark, born in the year 279. Ros Stark, the sweetest sibling of mine. She was truly one of a kind. While the rest of us in the family had these amazing magical powers, Ros didn't possess them to the same extent. That didn't bother her one bit though. Instead, she found pure delight in dresses and sewing, embracing her inner girly girl with open arms. She was always fascinated by stories of knights and princesses, completely captivated by their adventures. Ros had the gentlest demeanor, and her voice was always soft-spoken. Her heart was constantly filled with happiness, and it was truly infectious.

Ros is such a sweetheart, but don't let that fool you - she's got some serious fighting skills! Just like the rest of us siblings, she went through intense combat training. You wouldn't expect it, but Ros has a special affinity for wielding a bastard sword like a demon.. She's really into water dancing and has chosen it as her fighting style. We were all in awe when she consistently outperformed us in the sparring yard.

Even though Rosa is a skilled fighter, she spends most of her time practicing and training in her healing arts. When she was young, she had a fall and receive assistance from one of the esteemed Aya who used their magical touch to mend her wounded skin. This encounter captivated Rosa, igniting her fascination with the art of healing. Although she hasn't achieved mastery in the healing arts, her passion for helping others burns brightly. Despite her limited magical abilities, it only fuels her desire to make a positive impact on the lives of those around her. Ros Stark, the epitome of elegance and empathy, defied the expectations. With her gentle touch, she wove threads of kindness and stitched together the wounded hearts.


Olly Stark, born in the year 280 he was the one who gave me the most trouble out of all my brothers and sisters. What set him apart was his extraordinary talent for warging. Fortunately, with my guidance, I was able to help him learn how to control and communicate with animals using this ability. However, Olly was quite the troublemaker. He seemed to always find himself in fights with other kids and had an unquenchable restlessness when it came to his studies.

What truly irked me about Olly was his refusal to learn conventional fighting. Whenever he engaged in a traditional brawl, he would inevitably end up on the losing side. Though I was happy that he learned to employ underhanded tactics, relying on ambushes and cheap shots. His wild spirit knew no bounds as he continuously caused chaos wherever he went. Despite all this, no one could deny the profound love he held for our mother.

Even though Olly was not her biological son, it's true that Olly had a special place in my mother's heart. While my other siblings were not treated any less, it was evident that there was a unique connection between Olly and her. Perhaps it was his striking resemblance to my father, both in looks and in personality.

Olly would often push the boundaries, testing the limits of what was acceptable. Yet, my mother's love for him remained unwavering. She would scold him, yes, but there was always an underlying tenderness in her voice. It was as if she understood that beneath his mischief, there was a genuine zest for life.

Sybelle and I have had our fair share of experiences with bed partners, but Olly has truly shown us he's our father's son. It became evident when my mother caught him with several maids. He seems to have a knack for flirting with any female he lays his eyes on.


Jacks Stark, born in the year 280 Jacks the youngest of my siblings. He's a quiet and observant person, always paying attention to his surroundings. Jacks has been following in the footsteps of our sister, Sybelle. It's interesting how their mothers were friends. Unfortunately, Jack's mother passed away while giving birth to him, but Sybille's mother stepped in and took care of him until she also passed away. At that time, Sybelle was only five years old, but she practically raised Jack on her own. Eventually, I discovered them and brought them to Winterfell, where they now call home.

Jacks is a calm and peaceful individual who can always be found by Sybille's side or in the company of our sister Ros. He is incredibly eager to learn all there is to know about the art of healing. Jacks has a natural sense of discipline and never causes any trouble. Although he excels in rune carving, his true passion lies in healing and working with plants.

Jacks finds solace in the midst of the beautiful and vibrant flora that surrounds us. He is a member of the Herb Hunters, a group of experienced experts, and together they explore the secrets of plants. Jacks uncovers the profound wisdom hidden within the delicate petals and sturdy stems. Jacks devotes himself to learning how to nurture and care for these botanical wonders. His hands move deftly, navigating the intricacies of their existence.

However, what truly sets him apart is his unwavering concern for others. Jacks has this incredible talent of uniting people, even when they're in the middle of intense arguments. His caring and understanding nature, along with his ability to forgive, can effortlessly diffuse any tensions that might come up within our family.


I embarked on a mission that would have a lasting impact on my realm. My goal was to gather the most gifted artisans from all corners of the land. There were metalworkers, woodworkers, masons, leatherworkers, and weavers among them - their skills were truly remarkable, and I was eager to gather them and have them share their expertise.

Some people thought this endeavor was unnecessary or overly extravagant. However, I saw the incredible potential and untapped talent that lay dormant. I believed that by nurturing these promising craftsmen and women, we could create a legacy that would extend far beyond our own lifetimes.

But it wasn't enough to just find and hire these amazing crafters. I knew that our success depended on passing down their knowledge to future generations. So, I invested my resources in providing financial assistance to encourage them to take on apprentices. I built a whole section connected to Wintertown and constructed large halls dedicated to different crafts. I spared no expense in creating an environment that would nurture excellence in craftsmanship.

The halls reverberated with the sounds of hammers hitting metal, saws slicing through wood, and skilled hands intricately weaving patterns. The air was filled with the scent of freshly cut wood, heated metal, and the earthy aroma of leather.

Master craftsmen from all corners of the world came to our city, enticed by the exciting prospect of a prosperous future. Not only were they provided with the necessary tools and resources to hone their skills, but they were also encouraged to pass on their knowledge and ignite the passion in aspiring artisans who would carry their legacy forward.

In these special halls, knowledge was exchanged and talents were perfected. The young apprentices were so enthusiastic, soaking up every piece of wisdom, every movement of a chisel, and every intricately woven thread.

As time went on, the skills taught by the masters evolved and became even more advanced. Our craftsmen weren't satisfied with just copying what their mentors had done. Every single day, for countless years, the air was filled with the sound of hammers clinking, looms whirring, and the delightful scent of fresh wood shavings.

The fruits of our hard work soon became evident. Masterpieces flowed out of these workshops, each more breathtaking than the last. Armor that sparkled like the sun, intricate carvings that breathed life into wood, all crafted by the skilled hands of these talented individuals and their devoted apprentices.


One of the incredible achievements that I had the privilege of being a part of was the transformation of animal husbandry. Through my efforts, I was able to introduce and selectively breed resilient sheep breeds, resulting in the creation of havens of sturdy livestock in the northern regions. Witnessing the immense potential this had for our community, I fearlessly expanded our herds, ensuring a prosperous future for our people.

But my aspirations extended beyond just that. I also recognized the growing demand for fur clothing and took it upon myself to source and bring in diverse animal species from distant lands. These animals were carefully chosen for their lush and exquisite fur, providing us with a wide array of materials for our immensely talented artisans to craft into truly stunning garments.

While engaging in trade with distant places, I experienced immense joy when we stumbled upon hemp. This amazing plant has completely revolutionized our textile industry. First of all, hemp is a total game-changer. It's one of the fastest growing crops. In just four to twelve weeks, hemp can reach its full growth potential. On the other hand, cotton takes a whopping 21 to 25 weeks to reach its peak.

With hemp's impressive growth speed, we have access to an abundance of material for our textile industry. This allows us to flourish with lightning speed and keep up with the ever-growing demand for textiles.

Hemp fabric is truly amazing it's incredibly strong and lasts much longer than cotton, making it the best option for people who want high-quality, long-lasting fabrics. In fact, hemp fabric can endure for an impressive average of 30 years.

It's not just about being strong and long-lasting. Hemp fabric is also amazing when it comes to handling different temperatures and humidity levels. It's super strong, so it can handle all the rough and tumble of everyday use without tearing or unraveling. That's why it's absolutely perfect for upholstery. You can stretch it as tight as you want, and it will stay that way for as long as your furniture lasts. It's a game-changer for my carpentre and furnishing projects!

This incredible plant can also be used as a natural insulation material. Its thermal-insulation properties are truly remarkable. It can effectively trap and retain body heat, making it an excellent choice for staying warm in chilly or cold weather. Hemp fabric is also lightweight and breathable, which means it can help keep you cool and comfortable in warmer climates.

Hemp might not be as soft as cotton at first touch, but let me assure you, it's worth it. Once you start wearing and washing hemp garments, they transform into a luxurious embrace for your body. They become softer, more supple, and simply heavenly against your skin.


So, I had this idea to get my grandfather a really special gift. I wanted to give him something that he would truly appreciate and also help increase the wealth of house Ryswell.

I reached out to the traders that work for me and asked them to find the absolute best horse herds out there. I wanted horses that exuded power and grace, ones that were the epitome of beauty. They searched far and wide across the lands of Essos and Westeros, and finally, they found these majestic creatures.

I brought those incredible horses back to our northern realm, ready to surprise my grandfather with an extraordinary gift. As the horses were led into the grand stable that I had prepared, my grandfather's face lit up with pure delight. As I introduced my grandfather to the different breeds of horses, I saw a remarkable change in him. His eyes sparkled with a renewed sense of purpose. He couldn't contain his excitement as he walked among the horses, gently patting their sleek coats and whispering words of admiration to each one.

It was a sight that warmed my heart, knowing that I had brought such happiness to the man who had always been there for me. Growing up, my grandfather had been one of my biggest supporters. I remember the countless hours we spent together, as he shared stories of his own adventures with horses. He would recount the races he had won, the bonds he had formed with these magnificent creatures, and the lessons they had taught him about life.

Under the caring guidance of my grandfather and his heir, Uncle Roger. These two extraordinary individuals dedicated themselves to meticulously interbreeding different horse breeds, resulting in the creation of a breed that surpassed all others in strength and agility.

My grandfather spent countless hours in the company of these magnificent beings, as my grandfather and Uncle Roger find pure joy in their newfound mission. Their entire existence revolves around understanding the horses' needs, nurturing their potential, and uncovering the hidden depths of their abilities.


In this reality, I am the ingenious inventor of the revolutionary Stark's process! In my previous life, it was once known as the Bessemer process. Now, it is my brilliance that has brought forth this incredible advancement in the world of metallurgy.

Using a mind-blowing blend of science and magical runes, I've completely transformed the way steel is refined. Say goodbye to those excruciatingly long reactions between slag and metal in the old-fashioned open-hearth furnace.

With the infusion of magic and the precision of scientific knowledge, I introduced the concept of blowing oxygen through a lance into a pear-shaped vessel. The results? Nothing short of extraordinary. In a jaw-dropping display of mastery, 200 tons of steel can now be produced in a mere 60 minutes. Yes, you read that correctly - minutes, not hours.

The magical runes embedded in the vessel work in perfect harmony with the scientific principles of oxygen combustion. As the oxygen enters the molten metal, it reacts with impurities, swiftly eliminating them and leaving behind a purer, stronger steel. The intricate design of the runes ensures a controlled and efficient flow of oxygen, maximizing its effect on the metal.

Not only does this method drastically reduce production time, but it also enhances the overall quality of the steel. The combination of science and magic allows for precise control over the refining process, resulting in a steel that is not only stronger but also more resistant to corrosion.

However, it is not just the speed and quality that make this innovation remarkable. The fusion of science and magic has also made the refining process more sustainable. By utilizing the inherent properties of the magical runes, we have minimized energy consumption and waste production.

With Sybelle's understanding of magical runes, we have pushed the boundaries of what was deemed possible even further. The charges of a basic oxygen furnace have now grown to an astonishing 400 tons, doubling the previous capacity. The new blowing times reduced to a mere 15 to 20 minutes, a fraction of what it used to be. Cheers to Sybelle and her incredible mastery of magical runes, enabling us to shape a future filled with wonder and prosperity.

The steel plated armors worn by the warriors who serve House Stark. These armors are unlike anything you've ever seen before, well, the secret lies in the infusion of pure magic during the crafting process! It's truly fascinating how this enchantment grants these armors incredible strength while keeping them light as a feather.

You see, the artisans who create these armors possess a deep understanding of the mystical arts. They carefully weave magic into every piece, imbuing it with a powerful energy that can absorb heavy blows without the wearer feeling the impact. It's as if these armors possess a shield of their own, protecting the warriors from harm.

The infusion of magic not only enhances the amours' defensive capabilities but also ensures their durability. They can withstand the harshest of battles, enduring the relentless onslaught of enemy attacks while remaining intact. It's this remarkable combination of strength and resilience that makes Stark warriors seem invincible on the battlefield.

Not only are the armors a force to be reckoned with, but the shields used by the Stark warriors are reinforced with steel as well. This additional layer of defense creates an impenetrable barrier against any foe they may encounter. It's like having a formidable fortress surrounding them, making them practically invincible.

Our hardworking farmers, who were once struggling with weak tools, now have the power of steel in their hands. With these strong plows, they effortlessly cut through the earth, making the soil separate like butter under their mighty force. The skilled leather makers and weavers have also embraced the sharpness of steel scissors and tools, allowing them to shape their materials with great accuracy and efficiency. Even the carpenters and masons, the builders of our world, enhance their creations with the durability of steel, constructing structures that stand the test of time.

It's incredible how steel transformed our humble carts and wagons into mighty chariots of progress! The introduction of this remarkable material revolutionized the way we move from one place to another. With steel, our wheels turned effortlessly, gliding over rough terrain with ease. The frames of our vehicles stood firm, providing a sturdy foundation for our journeys.

But that's not all! With the advent of steel, we were able to create intricate gears and springs, making our rides smoother than ever before. No longer did we have to endure jolts and bumps along the way. Instead, we could enjoy the comfort of a well-crafted, steel-enhanced transportation experience.


Doran Martell, the Prince of Dorne understands why his ancestors decided to join the Seven Kingdoms. They saw their freshwater sources disappearing and their land becoming less fertile. It was a dire situation, and they hoped that by aligning themselves with the Seven Kingdoms, they would have access to shared resources and be able to grow abundant crops.

Over the past 150 years, Dorne has faced a growing problem. Wells have been drying up, and the desert has been slowly taking over the limited amount of land suitable for farming. This harsh reality, filled with the undeniable truth of survival, has prevented Doran from rebelling against the Iron Throne. He knows that challenging their rule would be risky when his people's basic needs are at stake.

Doran, was sitting in the beautiful water garden. He couldn't take his eyes off the peaceful ripples on the surface of the pond. His mind was occupied by all the recent happenings in the realm - events that had brought chaos and destruction to others, but had left Dorne unscathed. Deep down, he couldn't help but find it amusing.

The rebellion of the Ironborn, a storm that had shaken the shores of the Seven Kingdoms. As Doran reminisced about the Ironborn's unsuccessful attempt to conquer, a smile couldn't help but appear on his face. His eyes shone with a fiery gleam. The Lannisters, those proud lions who had always thought they were unbeatable, had suffered a crushing defeat. Their mighty fleet, a symbol of their power, had been completely destroyed and now lay in ruins under the sea. The flames had not only devoured their warships but also a portion of their own city, Lannisport.

Doran Martell had a deep scowl on his face as he thought about the Starks. He held a small amount of gratitude towards Prince Leon Stark, the man who had returned his dear sister. However, deep down in his heart, he still felt some resentment towards everyone involved in the rebellion. Although he admitted that Leon Stark was probably the least to blame in this complicated mess of treachery, as he was only seeking revenge for the killings of his grandfather and father.

Then his mind shifted towards Lyanna. That Stark bitch. Remembering the arguments, he had with Elia. Doran Martell seethed with anger, his blood boiling at the audacity of her request. How could she even dare to ask him, to support Rhaegar's bastard child? The very idea was an insult to their family. How could she expect him to entertain the notion of supporting a child that was conceived in betrayal and deceit?

Taking a deep breath, Doran attempted to calm himself, but the fury within him continued to burn like wildfire. He couldn't understand Elia's reasoning, her willingness to support the very woman who had ignited the flames of this war. A war that had cost her more than anyone else, a war that had robbed her of her beloved children.

Doran Martell leaned back, relishing the taste of the exquisite Dornish Red as it danced across his palate. Its deep, red color mirrored the fire of his emotions, yet he understood the importance of remaining composed. In an effort to distract himself from the heated disagreement he had with Elia, Doran shifted his focus to the events that had unfolded recently.

Doran Martell found amusement in Arryn's feeble narration about the Ironborn event. To anyone with even a little bit of insight, it is clear that Robert Baratheon did not achieve a resounding victory over the Greyjoy, despite what Arryn wants us to believe. The truth is much more fascinating and revolves around the fear that Balon Greyjoy held toward Leon Stark. Arryn's idea that Balon surrendered out of fear that the Baratheon forces would easily defeat the Greyjoy is nothing but a false notion.

It is common knowledge that Balon Greyjoy, that arrogant ruler of the Iron Islands, trembled at the mere thought of Leon Stark's wrath. Balon Greyjoy's surrender was not a triumph for Robert Baratheon, but a mere ploy to evade the wrath of a Stark wolf that loomed over them like an impending storm

Doran couldn't believe his ears when he heard about the shocking brutality that Leon Stark had unleashed upon the Iron Islands. The news had spread like wildfire, and the tales of Leon's ruthlessness had tripled in intensity. The Ironborn priest, had been subjected to unimaginable horrors that had driven them to insanity. What shocked Doran even more was the fact that Leon had allowed the thralls, the former slaves of the Ironborn, to exact their vengeance upon their former oppressors. The consequences were dire, with only one-third of the population remaining alive.

There's something that has been bothering Doran lately. The Stark family's massive canal has become a source of concern for him. You see, this project has had some noticeable consequences, such as a significant decrease in the number of ships visiting Doran's ports over the past year. What's even more surprising is that nobody had any knowledge of the construction of this canal until it was completely finished. It's difficult to believe that such a massive undertaking, which required a large labor force and abundant resources, could be carried out without anyone being aware of it.

Doran, who fancies himself as the master of secrets, is absolutely amazed by the unwavering loyalty of the Northerners. He can't wrap his head around how they were able to keep such a massive construction project hidden. It's mind-boggling that not even a tiny rumor or whisper about it ever reached his ears. Even the small folks were tight-lipped about it, and none of the Lords had mention the ongoing work on this project. Prince Leon Stark must have an incredible level of control and loyalty in his domain for no one to breathe a word about this project.


After our resounding victory in the Greyjoy rebellion, it was imperative that we solidify our strength and reinforce the security of our lands. I called upon all the noble houses to gather in Winterfell. Through the use of magical contracts, which bore no ill intent but rather aimed to ensure the safety and prosperity of our realm, I compelled the larger houses to establish a dedicated force of 500 well-trained men, entrusted with the defense of their respective castles and the territories surrounding them. As for the smaller houses, a more modest requirement of at least 50 men at arms was set.

In the next eight years, I had the vision of ensuring that every child in the north, regardless of gender, will have the opportunity to access a bow at the age of 10. It was my belief that this ancient skill would not only foster discipline but also instill a sense of pride and self-reliance in our young ones. To make this a reality, I implemented a rule that mandated each child to dedicate at least two hours a week to practice with their bows.

At the meeting, I enthusiastically proposed a new initiative to the gathered leaders of the other houses. I urged them to consider training the smallfolk in the art of spear combat. I stressed the importance of this endeavor, explaining that by dedicating just one hour a week to honing their skills, the smallfolk would become much more capable and prepared in the event of war. Not only would this training empower them to defend their homes and territories, but it would also foster a sense of unity and cohesion among them.

During this meeting, I presented my proposal for the establishment of the northern Legion, which would consist of two branches: naval and army, each comprising three divisions - engineer, medical, and combat.

My vision for the Legion was to ensure that every soldier receives basic combat training in using spears, shields, and swords. However, I also emphasized the importance of specialized abilities, which would vary depending on the division they are trained in.

When recruits first arrive for training, they are immediately given the weighty burden of heavy iron armor. This serves as a stark reminder of the challenges they will face and the strength they must cultivate. The weapons provided are intentionally crafted to be even heavier than what they will eventually wield, intended to build their endurance and resilience. In this initial phase, recruits focus on honing their spear skills, building upon the foundation of basic knowledge they should already possess. They also learn the art of shooting arrows swiftly and accurately while holding at least 10 arrows, a feat that demands both dexterity and precision. This rigorous training regimen persists for approximately four months, during which recruits undergo a transformation both physically and mentally.

After this initial period, everyone is issued chain mail armor complemented with Gambeson, providing a higher level of protection. Their training then transitions to different environments, exposing them to a variety of challenging scenarios. For an additional two months, they adapt to these changing conditions, learning to navigate unfamiliar terrain and adapt their tactics accordingly. Finally, in the last month of training, recruits are bestowed with their plated steel armor, which bears a unique number carved into each piece, signifying their identity as a soldier. Alongside this upgrade, they are also issued a steel sword and spear. In these final weeks, they train rigorously, not only mastering the art of combat but also learning to perform field repairs on their gear, ensuring their readiness for the battlefield.

In the naval branch the engineer division would be responsible for the maintenance and repair of ships, as well as operate war equipment. The medical division would consist of skilled healers, many of whom would receive training from the Ayas, attending to wounded soldiers on the battlefield before they could be transported to the encampment where the Ayas could provide further treatment. The combat division would specialize in handling heavy weaponry. During naval battles, their primary role would be to defend our ships and engage in boarding enemy vessels. In invasion scenarios, they would be tasked with securing landing areas.

In the army branch, the engineers play a crucial role in constructing siege equipment, bridges, and fortifications. They are highly skilled in their craft, with field smiths and crafters assigned to their branch. The healers, on the other hand, are responsible for managing supplies and logistics during a campaign. They ensure the well-being of the troops by providing healing support and maintaining sanitary conditions, including water supply. Lastly, the combat branch is where specialized cavalry, scouts, bowmen, and pikemen excel. These brave soldiers undergo an extra month of rigorous training and are equipped with some of the heaviest armors.

I was well aware that the Lord of the Norths wouldn't be too pleased with the new decrease in power, as it meant they would be relinquishing a significant amount of control to me. I resorted to using compulsion charms discreetly hidden within the meeting papers, gently nudging them towards agreement. However, I wanted to ensure that this transition was not only beneficial for me but also for them. I started sharing my farming and manufacturing techniques, knowing that these insights would enable them to generate more income for their families. It was my way of sweetening the pot and fostering a sense of camaraderie amidst the changes.

I made sure that water mills, textile factories, and forges were spread all over the northern regions. I provided them with all the raw materials they needed to make their products, and then I even helped them sell those goods in both Westeros and Essos. I was really keen on sharing farming knowledge within my realm, but I made it clear that it shouldn't be passed on to anyone outside of the North. However, I kept the secret of steel-making to myself.


Before we dive into the meetings, I made sure to send servants to each Lord with special wooden boxes. Inside these boxes, I included ideas on how each house can boost their income. I included detailed plans for various sectors that I had assigned to each house. It was truly heartwarming to witness the eagerness of each house. Each will house offered their expertise in producing raw materials and manufacturing goods that can be sold not only within our borders but also across the world.

I approached Lord Hornwood of House Hornwood, speaking with a warm and confident voice, and expressed, "Considering your extensive expertise in agriculture, I am certain that your guidance will result in plentiful harvests and sustainable farming methods. As for House Cerwyn, your commitment to animal husbandry will guarantee healthy livestock and top-notch produce."

As I gazed at Lord Glover of House Glover, a smile spread across my face. "Your manufacturing and craftsmanship abilities are truly remarkable," I complimented him. "I have no doubt that the goods produced by your house will leave a lasting impression on customers from all over." Turning to House Reed, I expressed my appreciation for their expertise in utilizing our land's resources. "Your contributions will greatly contribute to our economic growth," I acknowledged warmly. As I beamed at Lord Tallhart of House Tallhart, I couldn't help but express my delight, saying, "I must commend you on your dedication to both preserving our environment and creating raw materials sustainably. House Karstark, your ingenuity in manufacturing is sure to establish groundbreaking industry standards."

Turning to House Umber, I couldn't help but acknowledge their unwavering strength and determination in producing top-notch goods that will undoubtedly bring pride to our region. And House Manderly, your extensive trade networks hold the promise of opening up exciting new opportunities for our products to reach markets far beyond our borders. House Flint, your knowledge of natural resources and their extraction will contribute to the growth of our region's economy. House Dustin, your expertise in manufacturing will surely result in products that are sought after both locally and internationally.

House Knote, your dedication to craftsmanship and attention to detail will set new benchmarks in our region. House Well, your expertise in production processes will ensure efficiency and excellence in the goods we manufacture. House Harclay, your commitment to sustainable practices in manufacturing will contribute to the preservation of our environment for generations to come. House Liddle, your determination to produce goods of the highest quality will make our region stand out among the rest. House Burley, your entrepreneurial spirit and ability to identify market trends will undoubtedly lead to prosperous business ventures. And lastly, House Norrey, your knowledge and expertise in raw material production will be invaluable in ensuring a steady

I took immense pride in announcing a groundbreaking initiative that would revolutionize each house's self-sustainability. introduced innovative shared farming and animal husbandry techniques to every single territory, providing them with something truly unique. Furthermore, I played a pivotal role in establishing state-of-the-art textile facilities. To foster growth and prosperity, I actively encouraged my highly skilled artisans to relocate to their territories, bringing their expertise and craftsmanship.


Sybelle, she has this incredible knack for finding delight in teasing me about my runic skills and my golems. With playful mockery, she insists that I'm putting way too much magical energy while crafting them. It's almost like she can't resist poking fun at the creations that I'm so proud of. But here's the kicker: even before I returned from the war, Sybelle had already begun creating her own golems. And she didn't waste a single moment bragging about how hers were infinitely superior to mine.

I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised by how efficient and effective Sybelle's golems were in building her castle. They made the construction process so easy and it progressed much faster than I expected. I have to admit, Sybelle's golems really impressed me with their incredible efficiency. Not only do they work really fast, but they also move in a way that is unmatched by any other. It's fascinating to watch how precise they are in every task they do. It's like they effortlessly glide through their work, never making a mistake.


It's already been four months since we finished building Sybelle's castle! It's absolutely amazing to see how far it's come. This stunning castle now stands proudly in the very spot where the old Dreadfort used to be. Sybelle really took charge when it came to the design, and with my assistance, we were able to bring her vision to life. The end result is none other than Amber Castle, a truly magnificent structure that exudes a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Ever since the castle was completed, my siblings and I have had the privilege of calling it our home. We've been living here with Sybelle for the past three months, and let me tell you, it has been quite the adventure. We've been exploring the beautiful surroundings and savoring every moment of living in such an extraordinary place. The excitement is palpable and we are constantly amazed by the sheer beauty of our surroundings.

One of the most fascinating things about Amber Castle is that it was actually built on top of massive volcanic vents. Sybelle wasted no time in turning her dream into a reality. She immediately started working on these incredible rune arrays that not only harnessed the immense power of the volcano but also made the castle incredibly safe and protected. I was completely amazed by the level of detail and how everything seamlessly fit together. And Sybelle, she was so thrilled to explain how it all worked.

Once the castle was finally finished, I couldn't contain my excitement as I approached Sybelle. I was eager to discuss the Dragon eggs I had managed to acquire from Dragonstone. Sybelle and I had spent countless hours together, poring over stolen books, searching for any information we could find on how to care for these magnificent creatures. We had discovered several methods for hatching the dragons.

But Sybelle, had this incredible vision of creating special chambers for the dragons to hatch in. Inspired by the volcanic vents in the ancient city of Valyria, she wanted to utilize them in our own chambers. Her plan involved inscribing intricate runes on the walls, which she believed would aid in the hatching process. By tapping into the planet's magic and connecting the dragons to our bloodline, she was confident that our chances of success would greatly increase.

Sybelle, with her amazing magical abilities, had a strong determination to unlock the full potential of the Dragons. She firmly believed that by using her magical creation, she could not only hatch these eggs but also imbue them with the magic of the planets. This infusion would accelerate the Dragons' growth after hatching and fortify their outer scales with energy from the planet's core.

Although this idea was mostly theoretical, I had complete confidence in Sybelle and her abilities. The only small downside was that the eggs needed to stay in the chambers for a long time, allowing them to absorb the magic while still inside their shells.


During our stay at the absolutely stunning Amber Castle, something truly amazing happened. We had the most incredible opportunity to explore the mystical world of runes, created by the talented Sybelle. With the help of my siblings, we eagerly delved into the intricate art of her craft. And you won't believe it, but we discovered that she had finally succeeded in creating runes that could actually make us fly through the skies! Sybelle, with her warm and friendly personality, kindly demonstrated the power of these incredible runes using a tiny model. It was truly magical and left us in awe.

Later on, we all decided to venture to Moat Cailin. With great excitement, we gathered at the majestic fortress. Using one of my private longboats stationed at the moat, we carefully carved a magnificent flying runic array onto its sturdy frame.

As we embarked on our extraordinary adventure, we couldn't help but be amazed by the incredible symbols that are engraved on the boat. It filled us with excitement as we watched the vessel gracefully rise into the air, defying the laws of gravity. However, as is the case with any new endeavor, we encountered some obstacles along the way. It took us an additional eight days to resolve some technical issues, but then we were able to navigate the skies with greater accuracy, effortlessly ascending and descending. Just when we thought we had overcome all challenges, an unexpected problem arose. When we ascended above the clouds the ship began to freeze, and layers of ice began to accumulate, causing some damage.

After putting in so much effort and solving all the challenging problems, we decided to test the ship thoroughly. Our goal was to identify any potential issues that may arise in the future. We particularly focused on examining the magical runes, searching for any possible problems.

It's been six months since we arrived at Moat Cailin. When we let my mother know that all the carvings were completed and up and running, she couldn't resist being a part of this incredible achievement. Demanding that we fly to Winterfell to pick her up. When we arrived in the field outside of Wintertown there is a huge gathering of small folk, watching us. Out of the crowd, Maya and Dacey walk with my mother towards the boat. Following close behind her, was my aunt Bethany Dustin with cousin Domeric Dustin who were visiting Winterfell when the news arrived so my mother invited them to join us.

While Sybelle and I were enjoying our time soaring through the sky with our family and friends for several weeks, we also made it our mission to perfect the intricate designs of the runic array. Our main objective was to ensure that there were no flaws or glitches.

After being absolutely certain that everything was in perfect order and there were no issues whatsoever, we excitedly began working on our final project. Our ultimate goal was to give my beloved vessel, N.R.N. The Hungry Wolf, the incredible ability to take flight.

We put in a great deal of effort into meticulously carving the runic array designs onto the strong exterior of the ship. It took us a total of three months of dedicated work to complete this task. Even with the massive workforce of golem.

The time had finally arrived for the world to witness the beauty that gracefully floated through the skies of the north. As we boarded our ship, determined to explore the heavens, we understood deep down that our magical abilities could no longer remain hidden. The only reason our mystical powers had been kept a secret was because we practiced them discreetly.

I couldn't help but feel incredibly confident in our defense. I knew that even if all seven kingdoms were to unite against us, they wouldn't stand a chance against our powerful forces. Our Navy boasts the largest vessels, and while our sailors may lack experience in sailing, they excel in warfare. Our forces are also the largest, second only to the Reach. We are better armed and armored than any other kingdom in the seven kingdoms. Additionally, we have the most skilled healers. With the population boom over the last 14 years, our numbers have skyrocketed. In just six more years, our fighting forces will triple.


During the months while we were taking the ship through its paces, we were also busy training a dedicated crew who would be responsible for operating the vessel. We had placed expansion charms all around the ship, enhancing its capabilities. These magical runes were designed to withstand any damage the ship might encounter.

To take care of the more ordinary tasks on the ship, we had a team of 100 sailors who were skilled in maintaining the ship's various components. We made sure to train them in operating the vessel as well. Additionally, I invited several individuals from the Aya, who possessed knowledge of magic, to join us on this adventure. Among them were 10 healers, 10 potion makers, and 10 herb hunters. To ensure our safety, we had a crew of 500 heavily armored soldiers, and 20 sturdy warhorses.

After flying through the skies, we finally arrived at our destination in the N.R.N. The Hungry Wolf. It was crucial for us to ensure that all the runes on the ship were in perfect working order. I got an urgent call from my brother, asking me to come to Uncle Benjen 's castle.

As we approached Castle Watford, using the spyglass that I had perfected, I couldn't help but notice my uncle Benjen's wide-eyed expression. He stood there, mouth open, as our ship descended closer to the ground. Standing beside him was his wife, Melessa Stark, and their son William. And right next to them, sporting a goofy grin, was my brother, Olly. A little further away, I spotted Robb, whose eyes were as big as saucers. And to the right of Rob stood uncle Ned, accompanied by Sansa and Arya. They all wore expressions of shock and surprise.