
The Star in Our Empty Sky (BL)

In a society dominated by Alphas, 2 Omegas and 2 Betas suddenly find themselves caught up in toxic relationships, family, friendship, and society's hierarchy. Rei is one of them and he was born with a curse. A curse that caused people to label him names and be bullied by both Alphas and Betas throughout his life. He's a male omega. But what will happen if he accidentally found one of their campus' dominant Alphas kissing his cousin in the library? Will his luck finally get better? Or will it just keep getting worst? TRIGGER WARNING AS SOME TOPICS MAY BE SENSITIVE TO THE READERS (R18) The information and Japanese terminologies used in this novel are based on the research done by the author as she is someone who has been interested in Japan and its culture for a while. So if there is any misinformation regarding any topic mentioned, please contact the author.

payammee · LGBT+
44 Chs

Highest to Lowest

'Well... This is awkward.' Rei thought to himself as he tapped his fingers on the table. He can't help but mentally groan. He never thought that he will meet him immediately after what happened earlier. He was now sitting on the bench with Yuu's friends. It's really hard if you have mutual friends with the person you hated the most and worst, if the two of you are facing each other.

The seating arrangement of the bench from the right side was an Alpha whom he didn't meet before, another Alpha who is always pestering Shiori, Yuu then Rei. Meanwhile, in front of them were Yasuko, Shiori, and him. The bastard who he didn't even have the guts to say the name. Kyou was quietly seating in front Rei is now deeply glaring at him. Why out of all the people 'he' was in front of him?

He even flinched as he felt Kyou's scent getting stronger but not stronger for the other people to notice. There are two other alphas near them but their scent is calm compared to Kyou which is enough to make his heart race and intimidate him and it irritates the hell out of Rei. Damn, Alphas.

Rei leaned to his chair, arms crossed as he tries to ignore Kyou's scent by glaring at Shiori. "What are you two doing here anyway?"

"This was our seat. It was Sen who started to bother by sitting with us." Shiori shrugged, raising a brow at Kyou when she noticed how Kyou's scent is much stronger when Rei and Yuu appeared.

'Geez. He hates him that much?' Shiori thought to herself as she noticed Kyou quietly glaring at Rei.

Usually, the three races can notice the other's scents. Alphas can determine if other Alphas are inferior and superior to them through their scent which is highly dependent on their genes. They are also sensitive to Omegas but manage to control it. Even though, it is different when they are in heat. Beta can only sense the two's (Alpha and Omega's) scents. Compared to those two, Omegas are the most sensitive to scents. It makes them the most vulnerable. The reason why Shiori even hates that she is an omega but she knew she didn't have it rough like Rei.

"This is nice! I think it is the first time we are all together like this." Yuu asked, forcing a laugh and breaking the silence when he noticed how Rei and Kyou are glaring at each other.

Dai nodded, tilting his head to look at Rei. "And I think we haven't introduced ourselves to Rei yet."

"My name is Dai, Dai Fujimori. It's so nice to actually meet the infamous Rei Nakamura!" the light brown-haired guy smiled before wrapping his arms around the blonde-haired guy beside him. "And this is Sen Yamaji."

Sen cheekily smiled. "You can just call me Sen."

"Nice to meet you, Dai." Rei greeted and smiled back, looking at Dai and then at Sen as he said their name. "And Sen."

"Hey, Rei. How did you meet Shiori?" Sen asked, placing his arms on top of the table to lean forward as he blocked Yuu.

"W-We meet when we were in High--" Rei explained, kind of shocked by the sudden question but were cut off with an additional but unrelated question from Sen.

"Have you met her parents?"

"Yes, I met them when we're--"

"Do you have any siblings?"

"No since my--"

"How about your parents?"

While Sen continues pestering Rei, Shiori can't help but smile as she watched Sen leaning forward to Rei who looks awkward in his seat, and Yuu, who is pushing Sen away. Rei's not used to casual talks with Alphas. It's so nice to watch their friend getting along and just talking with Alphas other than seducing and sleeping with them before dumping them, which he was so used to. They all stopped from what they are doing when they heard something ringing. When they turned to where the sound is coming from, Kyou found Shiori deeply staring at Rei.

"Shi, your phone's ringing," Kyou whispered, nudging her side which she blinked, shocked as she woke up from her daydream.

"O-Oh! Wait a minute."

Shiori pulled her phone from her bag, groaning at the caller ID. From all of the people she can receive a call from, why does it have to be 'her'?! Even she didn't want to continue their talk earlier. She then stood up, excusing herself for the comfort room before grabbing her bag. They just watched her leave before Sen broke the silence.

"So?" Sen raised a brow as he looked at the seats around them and saw some people staring at them, making their seats the center of attention as they whispered to each other. "Can anyone tell me when they start and why exactly are they staring?"

"Because all of you are hanging out with Omegas." Rei sighed, feeling tired and irritated.

"Just because of that?" Sen tilted his head to the side, wondering which irritated Yasuko. How can he be so clueless...

She then closed her book loudly, shocking the people around her before placing the book on the table and glaring at Sen. "It's because you, Alphas, are considered the highest rank of the race. Why do you bother hanging out with people who have a middle and low rank like us?"

The atmosphere around them turned serious and solemn. Sen can't even say something because of what Yasuko just said. After all, it is true. All of them know it is true and it was the society that taught them. Alphas, Betas, and Omegas are different in rank. They will never be equal. But still... It's so stupid! The suffocating silence was again broken by his laughter. Yasuko raised a brow at him, clearly offended. Was he laughing? Laughing at her? At what she said? Is this person really stupid or really insensitive?!

Sen then stopped to wipe the tears in his eyes, catching his breath before smiling at her. "I don't mean to offend you but what's wrong with that? Whether you are in the highest, middle, or low rank, it doesn't matter. We're all human and we're not offending anyone. If anyone is offending someone, it was them for talking behind your backs. It's never your fault."

Yasuko's brown eyes widened at what Sen said as it was the first time someone said that in front of them and her. Sen just continued smiling at her which she found stupid but she still found herself dumbfounded at what he said. If only other people were thinking like him, maybe. Just maybe, other Alphas are not that bad. Still... He looks stupid smiling like that. It irritates her.

Thank you so much for reading my novel! Especially for your reviews. I'm so glad that you are loving this novel so far. I have many plans for this one but it keeps changing hahaha Again, thank you so much! Please leave a review for your comments and reactions! It will be deeply appreciated~


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