
The Beginning

As the waves crash along the Land of White the battle between two of the clans rages on. The battle for the Glacier Foxes' territories continues as the Ashen Wolves press their attack. The Commander of the Glacier Foxes plans a decisive counterattack that may win them the battle.

In the command room of Fort Snowfall…

The attack on the Ashen Wolves was successful but we must send a rider to the city to request reinforcements and supplies. Also Commander Shouluo, the Ashen Wolves morale looks pretty grim. Due to this development they may send a rider to their main camp to request more supplies and reinforcement. They may also send the hero Shiakwo so we must request a hero in a few months time.

The battle between the two sides had gone on for several months now. With both sides suffering massive losses.

In a frontline Command Tent of the Ashen Wolves…

Commander Yeyoung there's still no sign of the Glacier Foxes giving up and we are running dangerously low on supplies. Should we send a rider back to the main camp to ask for supplies and reinforcements? Yes, send someone up to ask for supplies and reinforcements. We are going to have the troops form an arrowhead formation. Also Commander, reports show that the troops' morale is getting rather low. Then…tell them to bring some booze for us fighting on the frontlines. Damn it! The offensive is failing due to those damn foxes. We're starving, low on men, and worst of all we're all freezing to death. This was supposed to be a quick and easy war with us being the victors. We all could have been swimming in glory and women if it were not for them ruining it. Their commanders hide behind fortress walls as their troops get ravaged. Only then, they reorganize their troops and decide to fight dirty! No matter, along with the reinforcements and supplies will be one of our finest warriors. We shall win this war!

As the Glacier Foxes' Hero Kangwo appears, so does the Ashen Wolves Hero Shiakwo. They both made it out to the frontier and as the two heroes faced off their allies slaughtered each other. As blood soaked the snow crimson red, the two heroes were on the edge of death. The final blow was done by Kangwo and the Ashen Wolves had lost this blood stained battle and was later named The Battle of Snowfall Fortress. This victory would end the war in the Land of White and breed a whole new conflict across the continent.

Dear Readers, there will be more detailed stories on this short story in the future. Thank for reading

Also made possible with the help of MightyTitan4434 :D