
The Star Actor and The Secret Idol

PotatoMaster69 · LGBT+
24 Chs


<p>Austin chuckles as he still holds me to his chest. "We should get up and get ready for school.", I tell him almost whiningly. "Hmm, how about a sick day and we can stay laying down?", he asked jokingly. I look up at him and see he a large goofy grin on his face. I try to wiggle out of his arms but he just holds me tighter. I looked back up at his face. "Don't pout Noah, I'll let you go just a few more minutes.", he told me. I stopped trying to get free, and he loosened his grip on me. I just kept staring at his face, and eventually he pinched my cheek gently and let go of me.<br/><br/>"I washed your uniform before bed last night.", he said while handing me a folded stack of clothing. I thanked him and got dressed in the bathroom. Once I was dressed I laid in his bed, and waited for him to finish getting ready. As I laid there I felt myself almost drifting off to sleep again. I feel the bed beside me sink in, and I open my eyes. Austin is looking down at me with a smile, I tilt my head and smile back at him. He leans close to my face, and I gently close my eyes. I feel him gently kiss me on the lips, and I kiss him back. I wrap my arms around his back and pull him closer. He climbs on top of me, and kisses me deeper. I open my eyes and continue kissing him, we are full on making out at this point. When we stop to catch our breath, I bury my face in his shirt. I hear him laugh and he starts patting the back of my head. "Let's not go to school today, okay baby?", he asked. I just nodded my head against his chest, I was to embarrassed to speak at the moment.<br/><br/>We both called the school pretending to be sick, and I changed into more of Austin's comfortable clothes.<br/></p>