
Zed Miller

How's it goin', I'm Zed, I am 12 years old, I am the kid that everybody thinks is so cool, but I don't want to be cool, I want to be normal. I don't have any siblings, well anymore, but I have a best friend named Brody. Brody is like a brother to me, we enjoy playing video games and chatting about our dreams for the future. He promised me that we would travel the world together, and explore the greatest sights. I don't want to betray my best friend, but I have a deep, dark secret, just in the back of my mind hidden behind memories and more memories of those I hold close, and I can't let them know, or I might let them down... I have the ability to shrink and grow. I used to have a sibling, before I came here. I had a little brother, he was 11, just like my best friend Brody. He died young, because my drunk, alcoholic, douchebag of a father shot my brother for accidentally knocking over his beer glass. I hated my father for that, it traumatized me, and the sound of a gunshot plays over and over in my mind. Every time, I think I my little brother laying out on the floor, crying for help, while in pain. But it was too late, the darn ambulance took too long, and he bled to death. There is no way that I would or even could ever trust or love my father again. The fact that he was an alcoholic was already enough, but when he hurt us, he just went to far, he didn't even really care about our well-being or health. I was the one who had to take responsibility, I was the one who took care of us. Shouldn't a kid's childhood be filled with fun and joy, instead of terror and torture? I believe it is enough talking about that... I don't like talking about my past. I have a weakness, I have a fear of loud noises, like gun shots. I unfortunately have Phonophobia. I am not the only one who has a secret at this orphanage, there is something suspicious about this place...