
the spread of Nightfall

cold and calculated badass mc follow the mc while he fights his way to true strength ensuring he is never at the whims of another again. builds a name for himself and vows to protect his loved ones. While also trying to understand the world he starts living in. fast pace action, adventure, kingdom building, romance, tasteful and very spread out r-18, dark, magic, *no ntr no yuri no female lead cheating* hey guys as you can probably tell I am a brand new writer! just doing this as a hobby as I’ve had the idea for this novel and premise for so long and no novel out there has really been able to itch that scratch if that makes sense. ** I hope a few take the time to read and please let me know your thoughts as I want to improve and be able to create the novel I envisioned while doing it justice. ** while of course there will be some clichés, I want this to be more original and I promise in the later chapters you won’t be able to predict what will happen! thanks again! artwork made from AI

Xavier_Nightfall · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

chapter 11: Caught

Nearing the edge of the forest I felt a chill run down my spine. Looking at the treeline I couldn't help but have a strange sensation.

Shaking my head I walked out of the forest and into the city once again. Sneaking back into the manor i stop underneath my window, willing my ice to create a pillar beneath my feet I jump the remaining distance towards the window and into my room.

Standing up from my crouched position I breath a sigh of relief putting my weapsons and clothes back into my ring leaving myself only in my black boxers and turn toward my bed, feeling the exhaustion hitting me from a long night.

"…son…oh where have you been all this time hmm?" My mother who was sitting on the edge of my bed acting like a predator waiting for its prey spoke to me with a smile that wasn't a smile.


Feeling like a deer in headlights I try to come up with something to say.

"..I.. uh.. went out for a bit to explore" I said stumbling over my words.

Narrowing her eyes my mother stood up and walked toward me.

"Oh really?" She said wiping the smile off her face has she extended her hand placing it on my shoulder and picking a piece of burnt flesh still remaining on my body. Her red eyes glowed with fierce anger "who..who did this to you!?"

"….it's okay mom.. I won, its dead.."

"…it…? Y-you went into the forest!!" My mother erupted while hugging me, having a stream of tearing running down her face.

"NO SNEAKING OUT! And your staying in my room with me from now on!" She ordered while tightening her grip on me.

"…yes mom…" I answered but couldn't help think she's secretly taking advantage of the situation as I turn my head slightly seeing her tears stop and a smile on her face.

"Good now go wash up and come to bed we'll talk more about this tomorrow"

"Ok.. how'd you know I went out anyway?"

" ..you really think you can use mana that close inside a manor of a count at this time of night and no one will notice ..?"


I chose to remain silent as I headed to the bath to wash up so I can finally go to sleep.

*next morning*

While sleeping in my mothers room now alone in bed as she already started her day, i got woken up to Ella's familiar voice.

"Young master time to wake up"

"Ella Im still tired. let me rest"

"Oh! How could it be that young master is still tired when he told me he went to bed early last night?"

Feeling a intense glare I opened my eyes and looked at Ella and saw a smile that wasn't a smile.

'Why are all of them so similar and scary' I thought as cold sweat went down my back instantly waking me up.

*Clearing throat sound " ..uh yes, well.. it seems you are right and I shall start my day now, thank you Ella. You are dismissed" I said not daring to look at her in the eyes.

"Unfortunately young master, Madam has advised us all that at least one maid needs to be with you at all times."

"Isn't that a bit overkill.."



Knowing I'm not going to win this battle I decide to do a tatical retreat and start my morning routine. After which I headed to the training area with Ella and Bella in toe.

Since last night I've felt my bottleneck losen to breakthrough to the next minor realm. Knowing I need to focus most on my versitality using mana I spent the majority of my day sparring with both of them at the same time solely using mana.

Although either of them could easily beat me alone if they went full out I needed experience with multiple targets dividing my attention. Thinking this will help me be more creative with my element. Bella has earth element while Ella has air so fighting against different elements at the same time also helps. They also use their weapons whenever they choose to make sure I don't get use to just fighting against mana, while I am still only fighting using my mana. Ella uses her air element with a bow in hand and short sword on her hip while Bella uses a shield and sword.

Months past and the other maids Katherine. Ann, and Quinn also came to spar with me giving me pointers. They all also have different elements and fighting styles then each other.

Katherine has the lightning element so her fighting style is focused more on speed using daggers. Ann has the magma element her fighting is more balanced while she just like her daughter uses a shield and sword. And finally Quinn with the element of water using more of a support fighting style. Although she has trained using the short sword that decorates her hip she mainly uses her mana for AOE, ranged and support tactics as water is one of the most versatile elements.

Mother has also visited a few times but as she not only is a high mage, has fire and air element but also uses a rapier she completely overwhelms me even while she holds back.

"Okay son, that's enough for today let's go freshen up and get dinner."

"Yes mother. Thank you."

"No problem ❤️, you have gotten very good with your elements and utilize it well. Next we should lift your restrictions on using your weapons so you can fight at full strength going forward. However, you need to make sure not to go back and rely on your weapsons so much."

"Okay! Thanks, I'm also eager to use my weapons again in sparring. Since I've broken through to senior stage 2 my body feels much stronger!"

"I'm glad, your body should continue to get stronger the older you get and the more realms you break through."

Once my mother, our maids and I freshened up and sat down at the dinner table to eat I decided to say what has been on my mind.

"Mother, during the last few months I've only been training and studying at the library being taught by all of you. Although I like it and understand the importance I would like you to allow me to go back into the forest to gain real battle experience by fighting the beasts inside."

"Hmmm, i understand. Although you will still be going through your same daily schedule and the rule that at least one of us being with you at all times will still be in affect, if you perform well this next month while using your weapons and mana fluently. I will allow you to hunt in the forest again, BUT! It will be in the day after all of your training and studies are completed. Also Quinn will need to accompany you at all times during your time hunting."

"Okay deal! Are you okay with that Quinn?" I asked with a smile looking towards Quinn.

"Of course young master, it would be my pleasure." She replied back with a sly smile.

"Well, looks like it's all settled then, now finish your food"