
The Split Of Reality

What if you had the power to traverse between two parallel worlds, solving mysteries that stumped others and preventing tragedies before they occurred? Meet Kazuki Saito, a Tokyo detective with an uncanny ability to access a doppelganger universe called Kage. In Kage, familiar faces lead unfamiliar lives, and Kazuki uses this mystifying realm to resolve real-world cases. But what happens when someone else discovers this secret world and uses it for darker purposes? Set in the vibrant heart of Tokyo and the enigmatic depths of Kage, "The Split of Realities" takes you on a heart-stopping journey where the line between saviour and saboteur is perilously thin. When your actions echo in two realities, one false move could cause irreparable damage—or worse, endanger lives in both worlds. Delve into this electrifying psychological thriller and join Kazuki as he confronts ethical dilemmas, navigates complex relationships, and races against time to restore balance to two colliding realities.

SimpleRunningFIsh · สมัยใหม่
14 Chs

Chapter 13: Preparations and Unearthed Secrets

The precinct buzzed with activity as Kazuki and Yumi poured over maps of Kage. Each section detailed different terrains, some familiar and some entirely alien. This map was a relic, passed down in Yumi's family for generations, a treasure she never thought she'd use.

"Look here," Yumi pointed. "This is the Pathway of Souls. Legend has it that it's a gateway connecting our world to Kage."

Kazuki looked closely. "And if we trace it back...it leads to the temple where we activated the Reversal Seal."

Both detectives exchanged a look of realization. The Pathway of Souls wasn't just a legend; it was their entry point to confront Tanaka.

A week of intensive preparations followed. Every evening, after the precinct's lights dimmed, the two detectives trained, read up on ancient combat techniques, and discussed strategies.

Officer Tanaka, though initially skeptical, had become one of their staunchest supporters. He helped gather intel, often providing them with snippets of information that gave more clarity to their mission.

One evening, as Kazuki practiced a particularly challenging move, Officer Tanaka approached him with a small box. "I found this in our archives," he said. "Thought it might be useful."

Kazuki opened the box to find an intricately carved talisman. It pulsed with a warmth he had never felt before. "It's ancient, older than the precinct itself," Officer Tanaka explained. "Legend says it has protective powers."

Yumi, joining them, recognized it immediately. "It's the Talisman of Shadows. It can deflect dark energies. We definitely need this."

Days turned into nights, and the precinct became a hub of action and planning. Chief Hirano, seeing their dedication, even allocated a special task force to assist them.

On the night before their mission, Kazuki and Yumi sat on the precinct's rooftop, looking out at the sprawling city. The weight of their responsibility pressed heavily on them, but there was also a calm determination.

"Do you ever wonder," Yumi began, "how we got involved in something so... otherworldly?"

Kazuki chuckled. "Every day. But maybe it's destiny. Maybe we were chosen for this."

Yumi nodded. "I hope we're making the right choices."

Kazuki turned to her, sincerity in his eyes. "I believe we are."

A comfortable silence settled between them, each lost in their thoughts, mentally preparing for the battle ahead.

The next day, armed with their new knowledge, talismans, and the support of their department, Kazuki and Yumi stood before the ancient temple, the starting point of the Pathway of Souls.

With a deep breath, Kazuki stepped forward, placing his hand on the entrance. The stone door, covered in moss and aged by time, vibrated slightly under his touch. A series of symbols illuminated, creating a pathway of light.

"It's now or never," Yumi whispered, holding her talisman close.

Kazuki nodded, and together, they walked into the light, leaving the familiar world behind and stepping into the unknown realm of Kage.

Little did they know that Kage was not just a reflection of their world. It was a land of secrets, and some of those secrets were about to change everything they knew about their mission, Tanaka, and themselves.

As they stepped into Kage, the scenery that unfolded before them was unlike anything they'd seen. Towering trees with leaves that shimmered like gems, rivers that flowed with iridescent waters, and creatures that looked both fascinating and menacing. It was a world that belonged in a fairytale, but they knew better than to let their guard down.

"Remember, according to the texts, time flows differently here," Kazuki warned as they started walking. "We could be here for what feels like a few hours, but days could pass in our world."

Yumi nodded. "That's why we need to act fast. We can't afford to lose any more time."

After walking for what seemed like an eternity, they reached a clearing. The center of the clearing held an ancient pedestal, upon which rested a sphere that pulsed with dark energy.

"This must be it, the Sphere of Essence," Yumi said, examining it closely. "It's said to hold the energy that balances both worlds. Tampering with it could disrupt that balance."

Kazuki touched the sphere hesitantly. The moment he did, images flooded his mind—flashes of past, present, and possible futures. He saw himself and Yumi, standing together in different scenarios—some good, some bad, and some downright horrifying.

Just then, the sphere dimmed, its pulse weakening. Both detectives felt it—a shift in the balance.

"Something's wrong," Kazuki exclaimed. "We need to get back, now!"

They retraced their steps, but found their path obstructed by shadowy figures—warped versions of people they knew, people they had investigated, even victims of the crimes they had tried to solve.

"Leave," one of the figures growled. "You do not belong here."

"We can't," Yumi shot back, raising her talisman. "The balance is shifting. If we don't act now, both worlds will be in danger."

The figures hesitated, looking at each other as if contemplating a decision. Finally, they dispersed, opening a path for the detectives.

As they exited Kage, a wave of exhaustion hit them. They had been in that world for what felt like a few hours, but the sun was setting in their world.

"We need to hurry," Kazuki said, his voice tinged with desperation.

Rushing back to the precinct, they found it in chaos. Chief Hirano was pacing her office, phone pressed to her ear. When she saw them, she ended the call abruptly.

"Where have you been? Another murder has occurred, and this one's high-profile. The Mayor's nephew!"

Yumi and Kazuki exchanged a worried glance.

"It's escalating," Yumi stated.

"And we're running out of time," Kazuki added.

"We need to find a way to permanently seal the portal between the worlds and stop Tanaka once and for all," Yumi suggested.

Kazuki nodded, his face hardening. "Agreed. This ends now."

As they geared up for what they knew would be their toughest confrontation yet, they couldn't shake off the feeling that they were walking into a storm, one that would either cleanse both worlds or devastate them entirely.