
The Sovereign's Enigma: Chronicles of the Imperial Odssey~ Part I

In the sprawling expanse of a realm draped in the tapestries of magic and mystery, where empires rise and fall like echoes in time, a singular figure emerges from the annals of history – Emperor Alaric, the enigmatic sovereign whose destiny intertwines with the fate of an entire world. As shadows of intrigue dance upon the gilded halls of power, the Imperial Realm stands at the precipice of unprecedented challenges ~40 years back~ Once, the Imperial Throne bore the weight of another, a wise and formidable ruler whose exploits echoed through time. The previous emperor, a figure of both reverence and mystery, had navigated the intricacies of a world enchanted and treacherous. His legacy, a delicate tapestry of triumphs and enigmas, now shapes the destiny of his progeny. As the realm braces for the challenges of a new era, delve into the enigmatic history of the imperial lineage. Explore the secrets concealed in the halls of power, and witness the indelible mark left by the previous emperor on the very fabric of the Imperial Realm. "The Sovereign's Enigma" unveils a saga where the past casts a long shadow over the present, and the enigma of a father's reign sets the stage for a new emperor's destiny. ~ Inspired by "Reincarnated as an Emperor ~ Will the Emperor at Birth Survive?" by Maseki Katasa~ On Hiatus for next 3 months. Will be back by August 2024. Got into accident....

Gloomy_1306 · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Chapter 11 First Meeting

Rosaline Pov

The Imperial Castle is a marvel. It's incredible to think that mankind could create such an amazing structure. 

When I first arrived in the Empire, I truly believed they could help us in our crisis. However, the aristocracy, the real power behind the throne, ignored our problems even though Eldorion Empire and Belmont Kingdom had a longstanding relationship.

As a royal from the Belmont family, I carry the blood of the founder, Cardinal Von Dracon, the first emperor. Still, that seemed to be of no use.

Finally, my advisor and the main diplomat from Belmont Kingdom managed to get in touch with the Earl of the Palace. Through him, we secured an audience with the Emperor himself. Despite hearing about his selfish nature, I also heard about his kindness, so I hoped that maybe, just maybe, he could help us.

- - - -

As I stepped into the room known as Imperium Paragon Plaza, a designated space within the Imperial Castle for diplomatic affairs, I marveled at the opulence surrounding me. The walls adorned with paintings and portraits of former emperors and influential figures created an ambiance of grandeur.

A central table dominated the room, emphasizing the need to adhere to diplomatic etiquette. Gracefully, I bowed alongside my advisor and his attendants, acknowledging the importance of the gathering.

As my eyes briefly met with the young Emperor, I couldn't help but be captivated by his adorable presence. It may sound unbelievable, but my heart might have skipped a beat. Despite my unintentional rudeness, I found it difficult to look away.

Suddenly, the young Emperor, in a surprising turn of events, declared something while gazing at me. The words caught me off guard as he enthusiastically exclaimed, "You! I like you... Be my wife!"

His proclamation echoed through the room, and I felt a slight blush coloring my cheeks.

No one had ever spoken to me in such a way. Perhaps it was due to my father's intimidating demeanor, deterring those who attempted to get close to me.

Yet, the image of the young Emperor boldly ordering me to be his wife was an unforgettable moment that would forever be etched in my memory.

_ _ _ _

Arthur's PoV

As I take a look at our guest, the glamour of that girl, who looks like of my age outshined others.

Her Shiny black-hair and scarlet eyes can mesmerized anyone watching them. 

Damn that idiot on my right is also getting mesmerized. Don't think I can't see how those heightened emotions of yours. 

'Wait a minute. Let's do this! Hahaha..... This'll probably give Duke Raul and Duke Aquila quiet the headache, while at it let's make that idiot Sigmund pay for looking down on me. ' 

With that in mind I quickly rosed to my feet and gave a resounding order, "You! I like you.... Be my wife! "

Hahaha~ that face made it worth while. Looks like Earl Volfor also didn't expect that from me. I can see a slight hint of confusion from his face. 

And that girl Rosaline. Damn.. Why is their so much redness coming out of her. Is she angry? Is she mad? Yeah maybe she is. I didn't ask for her opinion and just threw my order on her. I am sorry, but you gotta bare with it.

"Your Majesty! " Ahhh.... That idiot Sigmund. 

"You can't just force her hand in marriage! It's not a good thing to do. You can't do something fil...ahem! I mean unsightly thing like this! " He shouted, trying to act like the good guy. And he's making me seem like a villain? Now you've done it. 

"Shut up! Don't tell me what to do or not! You are not Duke Raul! " I shouted at him, with glare. Yes that's the face I like. He must be humiliated that a child he looks down on has ordered him to shut up and don't interfere.


"William! Order guards to throw him out immediately! I don't want him in my Palace anymore. " I ordered William on my left side to throw him out. 

With a small smile, William calmly explained me, "Your Majesty, please calm down.

Sigmund-dono didn't wanted to insult you, it's just a misunderstanding. And besides, you cannot get married before an engagement. How about we decide to have an engagement ceremony? "

Hmm.. He's more smart then expected. Not only now, did the Prime Minister's faction owes him one, but now he managed to gain my favor as well.

He might be too good to be a pawn for me, but he's still pretty talented. Atleast more talented then that damn Sigmund. Yeah let's appear like I hold a grudge against him. 

"Alright engagement ceremony will be held next week and that guy will not be invited. " I said solemnly while glaring at Sigmund. 

The vassals and advisors of Duke Raul managed to calm him down, but looks like he hates me like I am his mortal enemy. Not that I care, but this will prove to be in my favor. From what I can see, this guy has a tendency to act accordingly to his heightened emotions, perfect sacrificial lamp. 

Now Sigmund's popularity would be in decline, and this incident might even sow discord between, Duke Raul and him, maybe cracking that formidable fortress of Raul to some extend. 

From what I have learned from Garfield, it seems Raul Duchy possess greatest military force in the Empire, and this Sigmund had made a name, by infiltrating the Nadur republic on the North of their duchy. 

But those are only skirmishes on the border, it seems some of Prime Minister's faction are already trying to curry his favor by spreading fake rumors of his heroic deeds among the nobility. Of course Duke Raul must have known about it, but he let it happened it seems like it. 

But now, his popularity would decrease, as the news of him getting humiliated, for trying to be rude to Emperor will spread and giving the initiative to Regent faction would spread, thus doubting his capabilities. 

"How about you show them around the castle and their rooms. " I said to Earl Volfor. 

"While Let me escort her to the view across the Imperial Palace Cardinal. " I said, as I along with others from Regent faction ignore the existence of Sigmund. 

As I left the room along with the entourage, Sigmund's face started to contract. A trail of humiliation and anger can be easily visible on his face. 

Ah, serves that Sigmund right! Now, let's have a bit of fun with Rosaline. She's actually quite cute, but if she turns out not to be another one of those spoiled noble heirs, she might be a better option for me.

We chatted for a bit, and then I took her on a tour of the castle. Well, at least the parts I know. After showing her around, I casually 'ordered' her,

"Hey! Let's play around for a while now," I suggested, grabbing her hand and leading her straight to the garden.


A cute little yelp escaped her as my hand touched hers.


I thought, before taking her hand and whisking her away from our entourage, straight into the enchanting garden.

As we entered my favorite place, I decided to apologize for my impromptu decision. "I am sorry for dragging you here like this."

Her eyes widened in surprise, and with a small but devastating smile, she replied, "It's okay, Your Majesty. I am now all yours."

Oh no, her smile's destructive power is beyond what my heart can handle! Stay calm, Art. You can do it.

"Hehe, then I'll let you meet my friends... Come out now!" I announced, moving to the side to shout for my 'friends' to make their appearance.

As soon as I shouted, various magical herbivores began making their way towards us.

Rosaline was initially surprised, but after witnessing the gentle nature of these creatures, she joined in and started playing with them. The sight of her mingling with the magical beings brought a genuine smile to my face.

The garden, adorned with vibrant flowers and magical creatures, became a realm of enchantment as Rosaline and I continued to enjoy our time together. The air was filled with the fragrance of blooming flowers, creating a serene atmosphere.

I took this opportunity to engage in a more genuine conversation with Rosaline. We discussed our respective lives, experiences, and even shared a few laughs. Despite the complexities of our positions, the conversation flowed naturally.

As we strolled through the garden, I couldn't help but appreciate the genuine warmth and kindness emanating from Rosaline.

Her presence seemed to cast a positive enchantment over the surroundings.

Eventually, we found ourselves in a secluded area surrounded by delicate, luminescent flowers. The magical creatures had formed a playful circle around us, almost as if they were part of our private audience.

Seizing the moment, I decided to express my sincere feelings to Rosaline. "I must admit, I didn't expect today to take such a pleasant turn. You've made this day truly special."

Rosaline blushed, her scarlet eyes shimmering with a mix of emotions. "Your Majesty, the pleasure is mine. I never anticipated such a delightful encounter either."

In that tranquil haven within the garden, a genuine connection blossomed between us.

The weight of our respective titles and positions seemed to fade away, leaving only the essence of two individuals sharing a meaningful moment.

As the sun began its descent, casting a warm glow over the garden, I offered Rosaline my arm. "Shall we return to the castle? The day has been magical, and there's more to explore."

With a graceful nod, Rosaline accepted my arm, and we made our way back to the castle, guided by the gentle illumination of magical creatures. The garden, now bathed in the soft hues of twilight, retained its enchanting allure.

Little did I know that this unexpected encounter would mark the beginning of a tale that would resonate through the corridors of the Imperial Palace Cardinal, a tale of a young emperor finding solace and companionship in the most unforeseen places.

_ _ _ _

In the serene embrace of the garden, the entire afternoon and evening unfolded like a fairy tale for the two young souls.

For Arthur, Rosaline became a precious friend of the same age—a companion with whom he could be entirely himself. The laughter and joy echoed through the enchanted garden, drowning out the weight of his imperial responsibilities.

Meanwhile, Rosaline discovered in Arthur the first person who treated her as an equal. In her homeland, she was the princess, and beyond its borders, merely a princess from a distant realm. Despite countless suitors vying for her attention, their superficial pursuits left her disheartened.

But Arthur was different. His celestial sky-blue eyes pierced through the titles and expectations, seeing her for Rosaline, not the princess. In his gaze, she found a sense of belonging she had never experienced before.

As the two children reveled in the magic of the garden, their worries faded into the background. It was a haven where they could escape the constraints of their roles and just be themselves. The genuine connection between them flourished, nourished by shared laughter and carefree moments.

This meeting, seemingly ordinary in the grand tapestry of events, would weave itself into the annals of history as the inception of a legendary love story.

Little did they know that their bond would pave the way for the birth of the renowned hero among heroes—Alaric the Great. But that tale, rich with adventures and destinies intertwined, is a story for another time.

_ _ _ _


Finally the meeting between the female lead and the protagonist.