
The Sovereign's Awakening: Shaping a New Realm"

In the epic tale of "Monarch: Creator of a New World," follow the extraordinary journey of Evan, the central protagonist, as he embarks on a quest for redemption, power, and the chance to reshape the very fabric of existence. Evan, a once ordinary young man with a tragic past, discovers an ancient artifact that grants him unimaginable abilities—the power to manipulate time itself. With this newfound gift, he sets out on a path of vengeance against those who have wronged him

demansalv · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 2 : Intro of realms

In this vast and intricate world, realms interwoven with magic and mystery lay beyond the reaches of mortal comprehension. The boundaries that separated these realms were as distinct as the forces that dwelled within them.

At the heart of the infernal realms, where fire and brimstone scorched the land, the demons ruled with malicious intent. These malevolent creatures, born from the depths of darkness, were an embodiment of chaos and destruction. Their presence cast a suffocating aura that permeated the realm, their power derived from the twisted energies that pulsed through their veins.

Within the demon realm, grotesque landscapes stretched as far as the eye could see. Jagged mountains pierced the crimson sky, and rivers of molten lava flowed, reflecting the infernal glow that bathed the land. It was a place of perpetual torment, where the denizens reveled in the suffering of others and schemed to spread their influence into the mortal realm.

But just as darkness held its dominion in the demon realm, other realms existed as sanctuaries for the forces of light and harmony. In one such realm, known simply as the Mortal Realm, humans and magical beings coexisted, each contributing to the delicate balance of existence.

Here, the majestic dragons soared through cerulean skies, their wings spanning vast expanses as they guarded ancient treasures hidden within mountains and caverns. Their scales shimmered under the golden rays of sunlight, a testament to their majestic power and untamed spirit.

Across sprawling plains and verdant forests, centaurs galloped with grace and strength. Their half-human, half-equine forms exemplified the harmonious bond between nature and civilization, while their skilled archery ensured the protection of their realms.

In the heart of enchanted forests, sentient trees known as the Guardians of the Grove stood tall and wise. These ancient beings possessed an innate connection to the earth and its rhythms, whispering secrets and prophecies to those who were attuned to the harmony of nature. Their branches swayed gently with the breeze, carrying the wisdom of the ages to those who sought their counsel.

Within the Mortal Realm, sorcerers and witches harnessed the raw power of mana, the very life force that permeated their world. Through intricate incantations and rituals, they summoned elemental forces to their bidding. Fire danced in their hands, water obeyed their command, earth shifted beneath their feet, and air swirled with their intentions. Their mastery over the elements echoed through the astral planes, their voices blending with the very fabric of creation.

However, not all beings within the Mortal Realm were aligned with righteousness. The darkness that lurked in the shadows birthed creatures that reveled in the macabre. Vampires, cursed to forsake the warmth of the sun, prowled the night, their fangs thirsting for the lifeblood of the living. Shapeshifters, capable of assuming the forms of both man and beast, became adept at traversing the twilight realm between deceit and truth, their intentions shrouded in ambiguity.

As these diverse realms coexisted, their boundaries remained intact, ensuring the delicate equilibrium of their existence. Each realm harbored its own wonders, dangers, and conflicts. Yet, it was the interactions and clashes between these realms that would ultimately shape the destiny of the world.

And so, the stage was set, with demons plotting in the abyss, dragons guarding their hoarded wealth, sorcerers delving into ancient magic, and darkness lurking in the shadows. The realm's fate hung in the balance, teetering on the choices and actions of those who ventured forth into the unknown, guided by courage, magic, and the longing for a world

Mana and magic

In the intricate tapestry of this fantastical world, magic flowed through the veins of its inhabitants, each individual attuned to a specific magical attribute. From the flickering flames of fire to the ethereal radiance of light, the magic within them resonated with a single element, granting them unique powers and abilities.

The Magicians, the bearers of arcane knowledge, were revered for their mastery over their chosen magical attribute. Each magician delved deep into the mysteries of their element, honing their skills to harness its potential and shape reality itself. Within their hearts burned the essence of fire, the whispers of darkness, the crackling energy of thunder, the swirling winds, the radiant glow of light, the healing touch of holy knights, the soothing flow of water, the biting chill of ice, the summoning arts, the steadfastness of earth, the vitality of wood, and the elusive, rarest attribute of them all, space.

In the realm of fire, flames danced to the whims of pyromancers. They commanded infernos that consumed their enemies, wielding their power with an intensity that could scorch the very earth. With a mere flick of their fingers, they conjured fireballs that erupted in dazzling displays of destructive beauty.

The practitioners of darkness, the Shadowmancers, embraced the abyssal depths within themselves. Cloaked in shadows, they moved silently through the night, their powers manipulating darkness to obscure their presence and ensnare their foes. In their hands, darkness became a weapon, striking fear into the hearts of those who stood against them.

Thunder crackled in the palms of Stormweavers, summoning the power of the tempest. They sent bolts of lightning streaking across the sky, their rumbling fury echoing in the hearts of all who beheld their electrifying might. With their mastery over thunder, they could reshape the very air, unleashing storms that rent the heavens.

Wind dancers, with their ethereal grace, wove currents of air around them, their steps light as feathers. They could summon gales that swept across the land, their power buffeting enemies off balance. Their control over the winds allowed them to soar through the sky, borne on invisible currents, and strike from unexpected angles.

The luminous glow of Lightweavers illuminated the darkness, banishing shadows and revealing hidden truths. They channeled radiant energy to heal the wounded and imbued their allies' weapons with a celestial radiance that smote evil. Their presence brought hope in the bleakest of moments, guiding others towards the path of righteousness.

Holy knights, imbued with the sacred essence of light, were guardians of justice and protectors of the weak. Clad in gleaming armor and wielding swords infused with holy energy, they stood firm against the encroaching darkness, their divine powers bolstering their allies and striking down evil with righteous fury.

Waterbenders commanded the ebb and flow of water, shaping it to their will. They could summon powerful waves that crashed upon their foes, drown enemies in swirling vortexes, and heal the wounded with the gentle touch of rejuvenating waters. Their control over water granted them mastery over the life-giving element.they can froze the very air around them. They wielded icy shards as deadly projectiles and encased their enemies in frozen prisons. With a touch, they could chill the hearts of their foes, draining warmth and sapping their strength.

Summoners, attuned to the ancient arts of conjuration, called forth creatures from other realms to aid them in battle. Through intricate rituals and incantations, they formed pacts with elemental spirits and mystical beasts, binding them to their will and unleashing their power upon their

And last The rarest and most enigmatic of all magical attributes, Space.

No one no about, no one have ever seen s

pace attribute magician. ( it is only legend)