
The Souls of Destiny

Dylan is a shy, introverted guy with a troubled past. In 2012 due to the particle accelerator, several faults in the world will open and from them will come out different magical creatures and beasts never seen. Humans will be able to adapt as Dylan struggles to understand his role in this new world, full of new realities and moral laws

MaxRotterdam · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs

The new me.

I hadn't done anything of what I had prescribed for myself, I had been ruled by my anxieties... yet I was still living. I looked at the scoreboard, and calmly the minutes passed, the beast fell asleep, and I moved forward, all those other trials destroyed me. They were all tests regarding my strength and the characteristics described earlier. At the end of the course, only a few of us remained... 5/6 guys, all the others dead... maybe in the first trial, it was normal, I had just been lucky. Among those guys, I noticed differences, one in particular was very serious, with black hair and a vacant look. From there, I became a hunter, and all the emotions and insecurities I once felt had to... disappear.

"From today your lives will change" we all looked up, a sort of door from which light emanated. Clifford was watching us all.

"You have survived, and your tests have been excellent... from today you will be soul hunters, you will work for me, and you will do everything I tell you, is that clear?" All of us, including myself, bowed before the power of that man.

That memory that once made me weak was now a reinforcement, and to prove it to you, you just have to follow me again to the year when I drank coffee in bar 54, in 2016.

My phone rang, I immediately picked it up, at that exact moment the waitress from before arrived and handed me the drink I had ordered.

"Thank you" I said.

"You're welcome" she immediately replied, giving a big smile. My phone rang again, and I had to pick it up.

"What's up?" I asked the caller.

"Clifford has found another one, a wyvern in Central Park, we need to take care of it."

I got up, left the coffee there, and put the money on the counter hoping no one had bad intentions. I immediately ran outside and started running like never before. The cities were particularly overrun, because of new fractures that were being monitored, I decided to take shortcuts.

I ran like lightning, and I noticed various homeless people along my path looking at me almost surprised by my agility, as I jumped over trash and railings.

"Imagine that, a wyvern in Central Park, let's just hope he doesn't want it in his collection" I thought.

I arrived at the designated point, I saw people walking calmly and no one screaming, it seemed strange. Then someone touched my jacket, instantly scaring me.