
The Soul King of Infinity

When Ragnar, a man with a life filled with misfortune, solves a mysterious puzzle rumored to be magical, he is suddenly thrust into a world unlike any he's ever known. Stripped of his old life and with no memory of how he got here, he must navigate a perilous world filled with lurking dangers. The only guide he has is a system granted to him by a divine being known as "The Banished One." A/N: Hello, everyone! This is my first novel, and I'm excited to share it with you. I hope you enjoy the story and support my work. I'm doing this for fun, so the release schedule might be a bit irregular. Also, the beginning might seem a little slow, but I promise it will pick up in later chapters. I appreciate your understanding and thank you.

MrRyzen · แฟนตาซี
36 Chs

Entrance exams

After finishing their meal, Ragnar and Julius bid farewell to the owner of the small diner, expressing their gratitude for the delicious food, and set off on their journey home. Their stomachs were pleasantly full from the generous portions they had enjoyed. While Julius relished the sensation of contentment, Ragnar's mind was preoccupied with the rumors he had heard from the diner owner's son.


"Hey, could you elaborate on the various faiths practiced around here?" Ragnar inquired suddenly, breaking the silence of their stroll.


"Uh, as far as I know, there are only two prominent churches in this area," Julius replied. "The first is the Fyterian faith, devoted to the worship of the God Malfyte. The other is the Zestral Faith, venerating God Zestra. But honestly, I'm not the most religious person to ask about this. If you're interested, you should visit their respective churches for more information. Personally, I find the pursuit of godhood somewhat irrelevant when one can ascend to greatness through their own efforts in this world."


Ragnar regarded him with a mixture of incredulity and amusement. "You make it sound as though achieving mastery as a warrior or mage in this realm is a simple feat."


"Well, I never claimed it was easy," Julius admitted. "But I'm determined to pursue it, even if it means risking my life in the process."


Ragnar sighed, shaking his head. 'This fellow must have a few screws loose,' he thought to himself.


As they returned to the city, the sun had already dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the streets. They had spent the day exploring various locales, from the bustling city center to the tranquil outskirts.


"Good luck on the exam tomorrow, buddy," Julius said, parting ways with a friendly pat on Ragnar's shoulder. "I have faith in you."


Ragnar chuckled softly, grateful for his friend's encouragement. "Thanks, Julius. I'll do my best. See you tomorrow."

Ragnar acknowledged Julius's departure with a nod before making his way back to the inn where he was staying. Upon reaching his room, he closed the door behind him and collapsed onto the bed with a heavy sigh.


"The faith of this world is more complex than I imagined," he mused to himself, his mind still lingering on the conversation from earlier. "Two known gods... but what about the 'Banished One'? And what of the divine entity that seems to be guiding me? Is it benevolent or malevolent? I must tread carefully and gather more information before drawing any conclusions."


With these thoughts swirling in his mind, Ragnar drifted into a restless sleep.


The following morning, Ragnar awoke early and headed to the diner for breakfast. To his surprise, the establishment was bustling with activity, filled with locals eager to start their day. Ignoring the crowd, Ragnar secured a quiet corner for himself and enjoyed his meal in peace. He scanned the room for Julius but couldn't spot him among the diners, assuming his friend was likely already at the academy, awaiting the opening of its gates.


After eating a modest breakfast to avoid feeling sluggish, Ragnar set off towards the academy. Along the way, he noticed a homeless man seated by the roadside. Despite his unkempt appearance, the man's face seemed oddly familiar. Drawing closer, Ragnar realized with a jolt that it was Julius, his friend from the diner.


"Please don't tell me you stayed out here all night," Ragnar exclaimed incredulously as he approached Julius.


Julius grinned mischievously. "Hey, pal. Did you know that sitting outside for a long period of time makes your ass numb?"


Ragnar rolled his eyes, finding Julius's antics both amusing and exasperating. He sat down beside his friend, shaking his head in bemusement. "Let's hope I won't be here long enough to find out."


As they waited, the academy gates eventually creaked open, prompting a surge of activity among the hopeful applicants. Despite the early hour, there weren't many people gathered; after all, the odds of being chosen for Awakening were slim. Most who attempted to gain entry to the academy would ultimately be rejected, with only those displaying exceptional potential having a chance at success.


Ragnar approached the counter and presented his ticket, receiving a nod from the attendant as he was directed towards the entrance of the academy. Upon entering, he found himself amidst a bustling crowd of applicants and spectators alike. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation and nervous energy.


Inside, the academy sprawled out before him, its corridors bustling with activity. Ragnar observed the two distinct pathways leading to different testing areas: one for the applicants and another for the observers. The examination was structured into three segments: the mana sensitivity test, the physique test, and the fighting arena, where candidates' combat instincts would be evaluated.


Navigating through the throng of people, Ragnar eventually found himself in a testing room where the first segment was underway. Julius joined him shortly after, taking a seat beside him. To Ragnar's surprise, Julius remained unusually quiet, a stark contrast to his usual talkative nature.


'I suppose I'll have to rely on the later tests,' Ragnar mused to himself, resigned to the likelihood of failing the mana sensitivity test due to his lack of mana attribute.


One by one, students were called forward to undertake the test, each facing their own moment of reckoning.


As the students were called forward one by one, Ragnar observed the proceedings with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. Most participants registered as colorless upon touching the crystal, with only a handful displaying traces of blue mana, and a mere two individuals exhibiting a green hue among the sea of applicants. The next student to approach caught Ragnar's attention—a silver-haired girl with an unassuming appearance.


"Hey look. Its the girl I was talking about" Ragnar nudged Julius, who was intently focused on the examinations.


Julius furrowed his brow in confusion before recalling Ragnar's earlier tale of a girl who had summoned fire prior to Awakening. He nodded, intrigued, and turned his attention back to the ongoing tests.


Erica, the silver-haired girl, approached the crystal with trepidation, her nerves palpable as she hesitantly placed her hand upon it. With a deep breath, she closed her eyes and concentrated, channeling her inner mana with determination. The crystal's glow flickered, transitioning from colorless to blue, then to green, eliciting murmurs of surprise from the onlookers. However, their amazement reached new heights as the crystal underwent another transformation, settling on a vibrant orange hue.


The examiners' eyes widened in astonishment, their excitement palpable at the prospect of such a rare talent joining their ranks. "Thank you. You may proceed forward," the examiner remarked, his tone tinged with admiration.


"Holy shit, she's orange!" Julius exclaimed under his breath. "No wonder she can conjure fire."


Ragnar remained silent as he was expecting it, his gaze fixed ahead as he contemplated his own upcoming test. When his turn finally arrived, he stepped forward with a mixture of hope and resignation, placing his hand upon the crystal. Yet, to his disappointment, nothing happened—no flicker of light, no change in color. With a heavy sigh, he resigned himself to the reality of his own power.

Sorry for late upload. I'm currently in the middle of exams. I will try my best. Please vote for it.

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