

Story Discription: We are no longer ignorant about the existence of the other creatures like, Sorcerer Witches Fairy Ogres Elves Dwarf, and etc. They have a unique strength and power, that human don't have. A creatures that we see in a movie and we read in a book. In this story we can see their strange and unique adventures and lives of this creatures. Let's look and learn about their lives here in.... "THE SORCERERS ADVENTURE" XARNIANA ACADEMY _____________________________________ Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Any similarities with the names, places or events are just coincidence. #PlagiarismIsACrime

Ladyrosesofblack · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs


Chapter 2: The Resurrection and The Birth

In the start of the day you will see the joy in the faces of xarnian. This is the day where everyone celebrates.

The day that they celebrating about the full moon ( the full moon in Xarnia is annually in every December 22 and May 01), 'cause they believe that Goddess Luna visit the Xarnia and wondered around the world to see if there is a problem that need to be fix.

But this day is different, they didn't know that war is about to happen.

Their greateat fear is about to happen. The gladness and joy are replaced by sorrow and sadness.

*King Alexander Point of View*

I was on the porch of my hall, watching every xarnian celebrate. I can see the joy and happiness on their faces. Something good to keep an eye on.

But I knew that danger lay ahead. But I do not know when the war will begin to come across Xarnia.

Can I still see their smile on the lips when the time comes, when the dark sorcerer come. But I promise I will do everything to defend my constituency.

"Your Majesty"- suddenly my right hand came and paid tribute. I just looked at it.

"The Queen is here."- he said to me. I smiled at what he said..

Let him in and let him come here- I command here. My Queen and our son give me strength. They're my weakness as well.

"My dearest king "- suddenly my queen said. I turned to her and imitated her in the chair here on the balcony.

She sat on the chair and I went over to the other one and sat down.

"Why did you come here, My dear Queen. Shouldn't you be resting with our child." - I asked here. Because at this time, he is resting with our son.

"I just want to join you here. And I also want to keep an eye on the xarnians in what they do, with you.- my dearest Queen replied. She's so lovely i love her very much.

She stood up from her seat and looked at the xarnians who were happily preparing for the celebration to night. I also got up and went to her side.

"Isn't it very nice to watch every xarnian. It's great to watch their smiles. It overwhelm"

"You are right they are very beautiful to look at. I hope I can see their smile on the lips the next day." - I replied to him as we watched our subjects.

She's already aware on what would happen the next day and about the prophecy. Because our son is one of the chosen ones to defend this world to the dark sorcerer.

"Don't worry because we can see and we can still see their smile. We will not allow evil to prevail. We will fight as much as we can."- My Queen say to me. I smiled at what she said. Because she is right we will not let evil win. We will do everything just to defend this world to the evil ones.

I hope that the xarnians can cope with what happen in the next few days.

* Third Person Point of View*

In the other side

While the xarnians are having fun and preparing for the celebration. Some of the evil xarnians are preparing for the chaos they will do in every part of Xarnia . Because this is the day their leader or the dark sorcerer will live and in this day the prophecy will start.

The good xarnians have no idea what might happen later in their celebration. They didn't know that there would be a choas in there celebration.

While the evil ones in xarnian are watching the preparation in the celebeation and scattered all over Xarnia. And they're preparing for their fight at midnight.

In a secluded spot in xarnia there is a group preparing for the return of the dark sorcerer. Preparing for the ritual that will keep their leader alive. And waiting for the dark sorcerer to live.

*Someone Point of View*

Here I am in the main hall of our home where our leader is, lying peacefully. But the time is near when he will wake up in a little while, and we will be with him. We will make sure that this time we will win. We have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

"You are here."- said the friend who had just arrived.

He leaned over me so we could watch our leader lying peacefully.

"Is everything ready?" - I asked him.

"Yes, it's all ready. Our opponents have no idea what will happen today. Our staff is already scattered all over Xarnia. But it is right thing to do it as this time?"- he said and asked, I smiled at his news. They really have no idea what is going to happen. It would be nice if our leader woke up again. Because of this news.

"This is the perfect timing to start it isn't?"- i saud to him.

"Is there a news about the girl on the prophecy am I looking for?" - I asked him. We need to find that girl immediately and kill her. Whatever is stated on the prophecy cannot happen. She will ruin my plans so as soon as i see her, i will kill her.

"So far no one was able to see the girl and i will make sure that the other side wouldn't see her." - he stated.

We need to find the girl as soon as possible, we will not allow them to beat us again.

Is everything ready to be done. - I asked him.

"Yes, everything is ready. Your command are the only one we waiting for"he answer to my question.

Call them, for we are about to begin the ritual.- I command here.

*End of Someone's Pov*





*Third Person Pov*

All over Xarnia you can see colorful lights, including the stars shining in the sky and the moon that illuminates the night. You can see the joy and happiness on their faces. You will see various games and tournaments.

But every xarnian has no idea what might happen that night. They do not know the intention of the evil xarnians

On the other hand, the Montefalcons' mansion is in turmoil, as their leader's wife is about to give birth. But Headmaster Ace is not at home because he is attending a palace celebration.

"Chief watchman, summon the Master. And say that the Mistress is giving birth there child."- the butler orders the chief guard.

"Ok, Ms. Lisa"- it answers. And he called a watchman to tell the Master what was happening.

The Mistress is in her room, along with thhe midwives and continues to give birth to the baby.

"Uwahhh, uwahhh"- the baby cry after being born by his mother

And at that time was the awakening of the dark sorcerer. The dark sorcerer's allies rejoiced in his resurrection. They have already given a signal to their ally. To start the chaos, on different sides of Xarnia.