

Story Discription: We are no longer ignorant about the existence of the other creatures like, Sorcerer Witches Fairy Ogres Elves Dwarf, and etc. They have a unique strength and power, that human don't have. A creatures that we see in a movie and we read in a book. In this story we can see their strange and unique adventures and lives of this creatures. Let's look and learn about their lives here in.... "THE SORCERERS ADVENTURE" XARNIANA ACADEMY _____________________________________ Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Any similarities with the names, places or events are just coincidence. #PlagiarismIsACrime

Ladyrosesofblack · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs


"Third person point of view"

The king sent a message to the council that they have an important meeting to discuss about the new prophecy. A prophecy that can change the Xarnia into chaos.




The Council is made up of 12 stronger and powerful Xarnians. Headmaster Ace Xavier Montefalcon is the headmaster of Xarniana Academy, Master Cloud Reyes, Madam Elise Hope Carpio Santos, Master Jacob, Queen Serine of Sea Kingdom, Master Ariel of Winger, Master Leonard Zard, Madam Celine Berdin, Master Kian of Macedon, Madam Raven Montenegro, Master DravenIñigo and Madam Liza of Moon City. And it was ruled by King Alexander Celestial.









The king arrived in the hall where the meeting will be held.

"The king has arrived"- the knight told to that the king has arrived.

Everyone stood and pay respect to the present of the king. The king went to his seat.

" You can now sit down"- the king told to the council and they went to their respective chair.

I called you because a new prophecy came out and it had a bad and good news for whole xarnian."- the king started and informed the council about the message

The council get alarmed about the news that the king just said.

"What bad news does it bring, Your Majesty?"- Headmaster Ace asked His Majesty.

"The return of the dark sorcerer is about to come. And I want you to train every Xarnian so that they can defend themselves.- the king order to them.

"We will obey what you said, Your Majesty"- the council said to the king.

"And what is the good news it brings your majesty- Madam Elise asks the king, so that they know the good news it brings.

"One of the message of the prophecy is, when the dark sorcerer return, a child will be born who possessed the power like the goddess Luna have."- the king say about the another message of the new prophecy with a smile on his face.

"So that child is the one who can fight the dark sorcerer?"- Master Ariel asked, he's the leader of there clan the winger. The winger is like an angel in our world, the difference is there names.

"You're right, she will fight the dark sorcerer with the help of the four powerful Xarnian."- the king said to them.

But how can we recognize them?- Madam Elise asked with a confusion to the king.

She's right your highness, how can we recognize them if we don't know their wherebeings or what they look, specially the chosen one. And Yet we don't have a sign or symbol that can we can use in searching them. - Headmaster ace's confused response to the King.

You'll see in the look of the council the concerned about headmaster say because they can take too long in finding or searching the Chosen Xarnian.

Don't worry about that because the Oracle gave me a sign or symbol that we can use in searching them.- the king said to them.

The Councils were confused as to what sign or symbol l the king was saying, that they can use in searching or finding the Chosen Xarnian.

What sign or symbol that you're talking about, Your Highness.- Master Leonard asked with a confusion on his tone.

The Oracle say to me that the Chosen as a mark that represent their power and they are Unique Mark. Because they have different marks to what we have.- the king said to them.

The Xarnian have a mark that symbolizing their clan and their power. They are located in the different part of their body.

"A different mark?"- Queen Serine asked to the king with a confusion on her tone.

"What kind of mark are you talking about, Your Highness"- Master Ariel asked. The other Council are waiting for the king responde.

"The oracle say to me that the mark of the chosen are located in their forehead and the mark is a diamond that have a symbol in the inside that represent their power." The king stated. You will see in the face of the council the joy. Because they have now a symbol that they can use in searching them.

"And it's not just that, i know who's that four chosen xarnian that will accompany that girl."- the king stated. You will the suprised look in the council face except to the 3 council. Because they know who's the king talking about.

"Then who are they, your Majesty?"- Master Leonard asked to the king. You will see the joy in their face, because of that news.

"No other than that my son, who have that symbol and he possess the element of fire. And the other one is the son of Ace that possess the power of nature, then the daughter of Elise who possess the power of Air, and the last one is the daughter of Cloud who possess the power of water."- The king stated, you see the suprised on the face of the other council. But it was replaced by joy, because they know now the chosen.

"But what is the mark of the girl on the prophecy, did the oracle say it's mark?"- Master Jacob asked. It had a long silence until the king spoke.

"About that the oracle says that he see nothing about the mark of that girl, because its undefined.


This is the time when the king talking to the oracle.

"And what is the mark of that girl on the prophecy." Asked the king to the Oracle.

"She as a mark of the half moon sorrounded by 3 star, which is the symbol of our goddess. But you have to keep it a secret, because i see that some of the council is traitor and the life of the girl will be in danger, so beware."- the oracle warned the king.

"Then I can not let others know the mark of the girl in the prophecy? How can I we find her if I am the only one who knows about that mark."- The king asked with confusion in his face.

You can tell this to trusted friend of yours. And secretly find that girl. But i'm warning you not all your allies are your allies because they can be your greatest enemy and not all your enemies is your enemy you don't know that one day he/she will save you. You can't tell what will happen next. So be aware on your sorrounding."- the oracle warned the king.

If thats what it makes that girl to be safe. And don't worry i will be aware to my sorrounding i will keep that in my mind."- the king respond to the oracle say.


"He doesn't know about that girl mark, but he say that we will be able to see her in the right time."- the king didn't told them about the truth.

The council get worried about the king said.

"But it's important to know the mark of that girl, she's our only hope for us to win the battle between the dark sorcerer and his companion. And what if the dark sorcerer learn about that girl and kill her, what will we do?"-Queen Serine said.

"Don't worry about that as i say, she will appear in the right time. And i will do my best to find that girl."- the king respond so the council will not worry.

"So i don't have more to say, this is the end of our meeting. You can now take your leave."- the king stand and left the hall but before that he whisper something to his right hand man. The council started to leave the hall. Until the 3 council left, they're Headmaster Ace, Master Cloud and madam Elise.

"I didn't expect that my daughter will be one of the chosen."- Madam Elise said to the two. The two nod to Madam Elise, because they didn't expect that their children will be chosen.

Headmaster Ace is about to say something but the right hand of the king interrupt them.

"Sorry for the interruption Master and madam. But the king called for your presence in his office."- the right hand man say to the 3 council.

"Why did he called for us."- Headmaster asked to the right hand of the king.

"He say to me that its important and its about the training of the chosen."- the right hand man said.

"It's that so, then lead the way."Headmaster Ace command to the right hand man and then they headed to the office of the King.

But they didn't know that the main reason why the king called them is about the girl on the prophecy.

They are now in front of the office of the king. The right hand of the king knock on the door so the king would now about there presence.

The king is sitting in his chair and he's busy reading some letter that came from the citizens of Xarnia. Those letter is about the problem of each town or about the needs of the citizen. Until the his right hand man knock on his office door.

"Your Majesty, they're are already here."- the right hand man indormed the king. The king spoke and command the right hand man to let them in.

The three of them came in and paid respect to the king . The king stopped what he was doing and faced them. He command them to sit.

"I called the three of you because we talk about an important matter and it is about the girl on the prophecy." - letting them now about reason why he called them. The three of them get confuse because according to the right hand man of the king they will talk about the training of their children.

"But according to your right hand man, we will talk about the training of our children? Buy why did you say that its about the girl on the prophecy, your majesty?"- Headmaster Ace asked with astonishment.

"That's one of the reason, but the true reason why i called the three of you is about the girl on the prophecy."- the king said

"But why didn't you just say it earlier in the meeting?"- Madam Elise asked the king.

"I did not say earlier at the meeting because I knew that there was a traitor in the council."- the king said. The three of them get suprised on what the king say.

"Traitor?!" Master Cloud asked in shock.

"Yes, there are traitors on the council. But i didn't know who are they."- the king said.

"Traitors?? Do you mean that there is more than one traitor in the council?"- headmaster Ace asked.

"Yes, it looks like they are making a way for the dark sorcerer to come to life again. They are the reason why the dark sorcerer will comeback."- the king answered the headmaster Ace's question

"That is disturbing, Your Majesty. Why don't we just arrest them? So that the dark sorcerer not to live again and cause a trouble here in our world."- Madam Elise suggested to the king.

"We cannot change what will happen next . A prophecy is a prophecy, we cannot make or change the prophecy. We just have to wait and be prepared because we don't know whatever may happen in the next day."- the king said.

"Your right, your majesty. All we can do is wait and be prepared for whatever may happen."- headmaster Ace agree to the king.

"But even so, we need to know and find who is the traitor to the councils."- litany of the king.

"By the way, your Majesty. What about the girl on the prophecy. And why do you telling us about that, we are also part of the council." - Madam Elise asked in astonishment.

"I'm telleng this to the three of you, because I know you will not be a traitor. And it is because your children are also one of the chosen ones who will accompany the girl on the prophecy. And I know what could be our sign of the girl on the prophecy." - the king's long litany. You will see the curiosity in the face of the three council.

"If so, what could be the sign of the girl on the prophecy?"- asked master Cloud. You can see the joy on the faces of those in that room, because they have a sign to find the savior.

"According to the oracle the girl on the prophecy as a mark on his forehead. It is a half moon and surrounded by the three star."- the king stated.

"Strange marks, Just like the marks the other have. I will not wonder why that girl mark is like that."- said headmaster Ace.

"You're right, that mark is the symbol of our goddess Luna."- the king stated with a smile on his face.

"And i want you the three of you secrectly search for that girl. While it is not to late, so that we can protect it."- the king command them.

"We will do what you command, your majesty."- the three answered.

"And about to the other chosen, i want you to train them when they reach 6 year's old . And tell them about what their mission in this world. Did you understand me?"- the king asked them.

"Yes, your majesty. Don't worry we will obey your command."- they answered.

"Then thats all you can go home. I hope you keep what we talked about, don't tell anyone. Because when an enemy knows, the girl life may be in danger."-the king said. The king stood up as well as the three.

"You can count on us, your majeaty"- Headmaster Ace said. They paid their respects first and then they left the office of the king. The king back to what his doing .

But what they do not know is that a traitor secretly listening to their conversation and now they know about the girl.

* Someone Point of View*

"What happened at the meeting? - I asked the man

"The Majesty did not say the sign of the girl on the prophecy at the meeting. But I secretly listen to their conversation on his office with the other 3 council. And i know now what is the mark of the girl on the prophecy." - he say to me.

"What is the mark"- i asked him. He whispered to me on what the sign was.

I will make a way for them not to find the girl on the prophecy.

And one more thing, I learn that they know that there is a traitor in the council. And Because otherwise he would have said what the signs were at the meeting.- he added.

I would not be surprised if he found out. Afterall he's the king of this world. And afterall the return of the dark sorcerer is also near.