
Part 9 - I'm Sorry, Aurora.

"Thank you, Berlin. Come again whenever you need a high grade meat."

"Your welcome, i'll come again next time."

Berlin said then turned to Woozy who was busy buying a fish from the stall next to him. He felt like something was wrong, and remembered something while looking around.

"Hey, where's Zalora?"

"She's here -... wait, I guess I just saw her here, where did she go?"

"Haish, where did she go? Wasn't she behind you just now?"

"Zalora! Where are you ?!"

Woozy screamed calling her name as he looked around, looking for a glimpse of Zalora. However, he didn't see the girl anywhere and that made him restless, remembering Aurora's order before they split up.

"Aish... we must find her!"

"Aurora would definitely take my life if she found out."

Woozy said while pulling his hair depressed.

"How about now? She's in danger if she's alone. Aurora has already ordered us to keep an eye on her."

"I don't know. Let's find her now before Aurora found out about it. We don't want any trouble if a soldier found her."


"Hey boy! Get up! Today is your birthday, right?"

A neatly dressed and tall man threw a pillow at his brother and made him grin at his angry brother.

"Hey, no need to throw a pillows! I can get up on my own!"

Said his brother as he sat on the bed, staring coldly at his brother who was leaning against the door while grinning.

"Tch... You should thanked me I startled you with a pillow, Oliver. What if I use a fire?"

Said his brother as he moved the embers of fire that came out of his palms, trying to scare his brother.

"Aish... shut up, Edwin. Now get out. I want to take a shower."

He said as he pushed his brother to get out of the room.

"Wear the clothes I gave you, we have to look good in front of all the beautiful girls."

"After all I'm really handsome than you, wear whatever i want, I still look charming. Come on, get out!"

He closed the door and began to shower, preparing himself before going downstairs for breakfast.


Edwin took his seat with his four other siblings, as they enjoyed breakfast.

"He's awake?"

"Yes, Eric, he's taking a shower and will be down soon."

Said Edwin as he fed the food into his mouth before sipping a cup of milk quickly, and resumed chewing his food.

"Where's Rafael? He's supposed to join us after we haven't had breakfast like this in so long."

"I don't know, go find him yourself."

"Today is Jungkook's birthday, and an important occasion for us. Don't play around and take care of your attitude."

Luke said while enjoying his meal as well without looking at them.

"Hey... doesn't wait for me?"

A boy walked towards them and sat down.

"Should I wait and starve just because you're slow down? My stomach is more important than you."

"Be polite, Edwin. I'm older than you."

Rafael answered as he walked down the stairs and walked over to the dining table and followed the others to breakfast.

"Brother, have you met them both?"

"No... they just disappeared like that. We've been looking for them all over the Kingdom. But still, there's no news about them."

"Don't worry, brother. I know, we'll find them. And I'll make their lives worse."

Oliver said as he walked towards them after he had just gotten ready.

"Come here, happy birthday to you!"

Rafael said, patting Oliver's head with a smile, and his brother nodded.

"Thank you, brother."

"Where are Alex and Arthur?"

Of course you know how the young twins behave. Their daily routine is a little different from ours. They'll be down soon."

Eric said answering Rafael's question. Soon, a soldier approached them and bowed, giving a sign of respect before they all looked at him.

"Excuse me, Princes... The King called for all of you after you had finished a breakfast."

"Okay... we'll come after this."

Luke said before seeing the soldier walk away.

"What do you think he want to talk about?"

"I don't know. We'll know after this."

Eric replied as he looked at his siblings' faces confused about why they were called.

After breakfast >>

All of them walked to the throne room which was not far from the great hall. Then they saw their father sitting on the throne, looking at them with a happy face.

There must be something going on.

"Dad. We're here. Is there something important?"

Eric said as everyone bowed to Jae Min, giving a sign of respect while looking at the floor for not daring to stare into their father's eyes who were like staring into their spirits.

"I have something to tell you. This morning, the soldiers found the girl you've been looking for, Rafael."

"Really?! Where is she?!"

Rafael said excitedly with his eyes wide, as if not believing what his father was saying.

"Yes, they found her at the farmers market this morning. Did she the one who hit you?"

A soldier pulled the arm of a girl whose hands were tied as she thrashed and screamed for release.

"Let go of me!"

"Prostrate before the king and the princes!"

Said the soldier as he forced the girl to kneel on the floor until she screamed because of the pain that appeared in her knee as she knelt. The girl held back the pain as the tears were already welling up, just waiting for the time for them to fall to her cheeks.

"Rafael... is she the one?"

"No, father, it's the other one. But her hair used to be blue, now it's black. Did you dye your hair so it wouldn't be detected? And where is your other friend?"

Rafael asked while holding Zalora's chin with a cynical smile on his face as he stared at Zalora's almost crying face.

"Get lost!"

Zalora spat into Rafael's face, and he just closed his eyes and got up before wiping the saliva on his cheeks with a handkerchief.

"Wow, she's fierce. I like ..."

Oliver said as he stared at Zalora with a cynical smile.

"Rafael, she's yours."

Said the King with a grin while holding his magic wand. Rafael grinned wickedly as he looked at Zalora from top to bottom before licking her lips. He has something in his brain and it is not a good thing.

In fact, it is very bad.

"Take him to my room."

The brief words from him before he left the room, made his sisters smile cynically, knowing what was about to happen. Then the soldier nodded and pulled Zalora away, following Rafael from behind.

"W..what ?! Release me!"

He just screamed even though he knew it was just a futile effort, because he knew no one could save him because of his stubborn self.

I'm sorry Aurora ...

Aurora's face popped into her mind as she cried, remorseful for not listening to Aurora's advice. She feels very guilty for having to leave Aurora alone in her mission to find her mother.

And she has failed... To be Aurora's guardian.

"I think, she will appeal to Rafael after this."

Said Luke as he looked at his nails that had just been polished yesterday by the paymaster, making his heart happy to see his beautiful nails.

"Boys ... where are Alex and Arthur?"

"Like always, father... You doesn't seem to know them well."

Said Oliver as he shook his head thinking of his brothers.

"Tell them we have 2 hours left before the ceremony. Make sure you're all ready before 12 o'clock. "

They nodded and walked away from the throne room, heading to their respective rooms.

"Brother, that girl is cute."

Said Luke as he looked at Edwin who was walking next to him.

"Yes ... I want to taste him too."

"You, it's Rafael's girl."

Eric said as he brushed aside his twin Edwin, warning them to stay away from having problems with their eldest brother, Rafael.

"Well, I was wondering. What was Rafael going to do to her, since the girl was hurting him. Of course he wouldn't let her go, would he?"

"Maybe... after he's satisfied playing with the girl, he'll throw her everywhere if the girl is lucky. However, if the girl's fate is otherwise, he'll probably... kill her."

It was clear from Luke who was the second prince in the family, that he was indeed familiar with the temperament of the eldest prince.

"Yes for sure... he will do so without thinking long. Alright, let's get ready. Other people have already started filling the ceremony room and waiting for us to get ready."