Twist turns await this story. Because when you think you know what will happen the void can easily change it. After all hard to predict what you can't see. And that's what Zoles Blackmoon will have to learn after dying at a young age. But rather then going to the afterlife. He found himself in a place he once feared. A place he will have to conquer time and time again as he must return. That is if he wants to survive in his new world. After all power isn't everything. sometimes simply being Nothing and doing Nothing is best. and for the son of Nothingness. That should be what his best at right?
I got up slowly taking it all in. The fort in the distance. Actually things such as trees. Rock hard red ground. The trees made of ash. It was warm. It had a temperature. Something I was realizing that the void really didn't have.
And it was odd after spending so long in darkness and see things again my eyes began to hurt. All these things my eyes had to process. It was almost too much.
Looking around I had to close my eyes for long seconds. In the void there was nothing. It was just endless darkness without any structures. Not even grass or a rock. Yet here there was so much more.
Then my sights saw it. It was a Minataur. It had a massive battle axe and easily stood seven feet tall well built. Lethar armor straps and red eyes. Horns from it's head.
It huffed it's breath. And from where I was I was on a small cliff looking down at him. Something was quickly realizing this place was mostly this place was flat and rocky grounds with cliff sides that were about four to ten feet and repeated making odd holes and the landscape odd.
I quickly moved back as it looked up towards me. I hoped it didn't see me. But I knew it did once it roared. It was so gutteroral and filled with hate. I heard it running as it steps were loud as I looked again and saw it going up along the side the multiple cliffs allowed it to easily scale up.
"F*ck." I said as I raised my two Abyssal Axes. My mage cloak imbued with my mana now as I prepared.
It charged at my swinging it's axe from above. Rotating my body as it slammed a inch away from me. I tossed my Abyssal Axe up and it slammed into it's neck killing it quickly as the monster feels over.
"Guess fear doesn't exist once you saw a literal shadow dragon." I said as I pulled the axe out and began walking jumping down the cliffs and climbing back up.
I found a indent into a large rock wall. It was small cave that only went about ten feet into the wall and came to a stop. I sat down as I began thinking.
I need to find the portal. But this world is massive and unlike the void I can't see it from miles away as a grey dot in darkness. Maybe I need to find something that knows where it is. I need to kill something with a Demonic language so I can learn it. The damn Minataur didn't give me anything. So maybe another might.
Resting my feet down I felt my body starting to relax. And dropp ym tow Abyssal Axes and the shadows warped around me as I fell asleep.
As I woke up I saw four Minataurs standing outside as one bent over a little looking inside at me.
"I seriously can't catch a break." I said feeling even more exhausted from all this constant fighting.
But I noticed their had marks dug into their skin. The marks looks like five sword cross through each other.
I grabbed my Abyssal Axes and launched out slash and hacking at them as one punched me hard from behind knocking me out cold.
When I woke up I found myself in a darkly lit extravagant dinning hall sitting on a chair. My weapons on a table that two of the Minataurs stood by all the way across the room.
The doors opened and a Demon walked in. It's body made of bones but not like a skeleton. As if someone has simple had their skin stretched and bones attached covered them everywhere like weird armor. A tail made of tiny bone with the bottom of it being like a Scorpions.
"So your the human my minions found?" He said as his mouth moved but the words didn't seem to match it creepily. "This is rather odd that you still have your physical body."
"I was in the Void plain and found my way here." I said and he seemed even more confused as he sat across from me.
"So you died and ended up in the void plain. Guess that explains it a little more but your not fully dead." The Bone demon said as he seemed to be thinking.
"I remember almost dying and then I was in the Void." I said bluntly.
"I guess it's always possible your physical body got dragged along when your soul was dead and moved on. Rare but has happened before." He said as he seemed to like that conclusion.
"Well let's get this over with. I can either kill you or you will join me. Understood." He said and it sounded completely clear to me.
"Doesn't seem like I have much choice." I said not liking this but it was better then being killed.
"Glad you realize. You see I have been having some territory disputes with another Demon. It's a Barbed devil. Nasty guys." He said as I chuckled a little at the end.
"So what you want me to do?" I asked.
"I want you and a few other of my minions to take some of his territory. Kill the demons under his command." He said it like it was so simple.
"I'll need my weapons back." I said and I say his tail whip and stop a inch away from my face a drop of poison falling onto the table.
"First the contract. I don't need you betraying me now." He said and slid a paper that glowed red at the edges with everything about our deal.
I didn't have too much choice. Even if I could use my spells to get out I needed help here. And he would have the knowledge that I needed. Butnif I didn't survive this it wouldn't matter.
I signed it and the contract turned to ash and was gone.
"I'm glad your not a fool. You are allowed to grab your weapons now and if you wish find a place to sleep here.* The Bone Demon said and stood up and walk out.
I was felt like a idiot but I was out numbered and they could use magic. They could think. And they were organized it seemed.
Guess I'm working for a Bone Demon for a now.