

Romeo Cayden was just six when his parents adopted Pearl who was four years old. They did that for two reasons, Mrs Cayden went through a lot while giving birth to Romeo that it really affected her. The Doctor placed a warning that it will be better to stay away from pregnancy for few years because it's going to be too dangerous for her. And the second reason is because Mrs Cayden wanted a girl badly,but since she's not strong enough to get pregnant,they decided to adopt a cute little girl who they named Pearl. Romeo loved her the moment he set his eyes on her which made his parents happy that they will make such a cute and lovely siblings. As they grow up,their parents see the type of protective brother little Romeo is going to become. He will rather get hurt than seeing his little sister in pain,he love her so much,even more than himself. The feelings is just mutual,Pearl respects and love her brother alot,though she's not aware that she was adopted because she was very young,she will even cry whenever she sees her lovely brother in pain. This went on years after years, and still the love for each other never dies,rather it's growing. If anyone dare try to hurt Pearl in school,then the person is going to hear from Romeo,he doesn't joke with his sister at all. But then,the story began as they became teenagers who can fend for themselves. Pearl grow up into a very beautiful girl,looking at her once,you will really want to turn back and see her again. She's got the face and sexy body every guy wants but nobody would dare talk to her,they wouldn't want to mess with Romeo her brother. Permit me to stop here

Daoist4X6KSE · วัยรุ่น
3 Chs




Pearl stared at Romeo silently as he said those words

Romeo suddenly cleared his throat and moved away from her

"What I'm trying to say is that,you should focus on your studies now and leave guys out of it. I heard you took the fifth position in the test,study harder" he gave her a knock on her forehead

"Ouch!! Chérie!" Pearl screamed and rubbed her head

"That will make you remember everything I said" Romeo said and Pearl pouted

"Knocking isn't necessary" She muttered

Romeo smiled and kissed her head

"I'm sure the pain is gone now" he said and Pearl nodded

"I'm leaving" She said and ran out of the room

Romeo sighed and rough his hair before walking into the dressing room.



Betsy entered April's room and met her pacing around

"What is it this time?" Betsy asked

"Thinking of the best way to deal with someone I hate so much" April said

"And who is that?" Betsy asked

"You should know already,I'm talking about Pearl. And it's even annoying that you're crushing on her brother,can't you just like someone else? I hate his sister with passion,gosh!!" April fell on the bed

"Think about your life first,you're the last In your class girl!" Betsy snapped at her before going out of the room

"Who care?! I'm going to deal with her! She will regret ever messing with me!" April shouted,throwing her legs in the air



Pearl walked out of the bathroom after taking her bath,she entered the dressing room.

She put on a jogger and tank top,she wore the bedroom slippers and walked out of her room.

She went downstairs and entered the kitchen,she opened the fridge and brought out a chocolate cake. She dropped it on the table and went for a glass of milk. She turned back and met Romeo eating the cake already

"No!!" She screamed and Romeo coughed out,almost falling from the chair

She immediately rushed to him and rub his back

"Are you okay?" Pearl asked

"Seriously? After I almost died??" Romeo scoffed

"Why would you eat that? It's mine" Pearl replied

"Can you even finish everything?? You will become fat" Romeo said

"Why? You don't like fat girls?" Pearl grinned

"No I don't,I love you this way. You look perfect" Romeo said and Pearl smiled

"I really look perfect?" She asked and Romeo turned away

"No you don't" he said,and brought out a bottle of water from the fridge.

He turned and found Pearl trying to get on the counter but wasn't tall enough.

He dropped the bottle in his hand and moved to her front

"Do you need my help?" He asked

Pearl immediately nodded and raised her arms up,but instead Romeo carried her by the waist. A lights gasp escape Pearl's lips as he placed her on the counter.

"Thank you" She smiled and took a bite from the cake

The cream stained her bottom lip

"Now see what I meant when I said you're a kid" Romeo teased

Pearl chuckled and tried wiping it off,but Romeo was faster. He wiped the cream off her lip with his thumb and lick his thumb

"Are you that hungry?" Pearl laughed

Romeo gave her a knock

"Ouch!" She screamed

"Don't call me to put you down" Romeo scoffed and moved away from her,he started going out of the kitchen

"No,Chérie please don't leave me,I'm going to cry" Pearl called

Romeo turned back

"Must you always bribe me with that?? Why did I even tell you I hate seeing you cry?" He groaned

Pearl laughed

"You're stuck with me brother,finish what you started" She said

Romeo stared at her for a while before looking away and bite his lips

"Hurry up,I'm leaving" He muttered

"Are you going to study? Put me down,I'm done. But are you not going to eat something?" Pearl asked

"Watching you eat,I am filled already" Romeo said

"Wow,why does that sound romantic? You should use it for your girlfriend not me" Pearl teased

"I already did" Romeo replied and Pearl's eyes widened

"You have a girlfriend? You didn't tell me!!" she shouted

"That's because I don't have a girlfriend" Romeo said and Pearl laughed

Romeo carried her and dropped her

"Thank you" She said

Romeo walked out of the kitchen

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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