
The Skeleton Mage with a Randomizing Skill

Callum : -" Is this it?, 3 years of endless unceasing war all for the inevitable fate of death?" It all started with a catastrophe, a horde of invaders that want to conquer the earth. A multitude of species from the likes of orcs to elves, each causing destruction in their path. With his dying breath, Callum wished to be a monster, not wanting to follow the path of destiny he was fated to tread on and die as someone worthless. Now reincarnated as an undead skeleton blessed by the newly born constellation Sylva, watch as our somewhat average protagonist seeks revenge against the gods with the use of his skill, Pandora's box.

Masked_Narcissist · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Heaven's wrath

As soon as she completed whatever she was whispering, her eyes fell shut and she dropped to the floor, barely saved by Callum who caught his little girl before she fell down. but right after he caught his baby girl, a huge presence filled a monstrous amount of pressure pressed onto Callum, whose bones squeaked as the pressure overwhelmed the boy flat onto the ground.

Right after he had touched the floor the pressure had stopped.[Your constellation has requested that you are to be provided with the power of the will of the world at the sacrifice of her mana reserves. However, her mana isn't sufficient enough for the will to provide connection to the system, so the opportunity of tasks have been replaced with the power of your constellation, namely the skill, Pandora's box.]

"Pandora's box?" Callum asked. Isn't Pandora the lady from Greek myth who nearly killed humanity once?, And didn't she open a vase instead of a box?.(Feel free to correct me)

[The Pandora's box is a custom skill belonging to the constellation Katherina Illius Von etheir. The skill was originally supposed to be the (heaven's box), later turned into (the misfortune), but the temporary presence of the celestial Gaia allowed the constellation Katherina to achieve permanent balance and produce the box of luck.]

Callum couldn't close his mouth as he felt muddle headed. Why is this child so blessed?.

(Info Dump: - Each constellation has their own unique skill, which can be provided to their contractee at the price of sharing the stats of the contractee, and is rarely done by the constellations.)

[Answer not given, powers are automatically granted] The mechanical voice spoke, as a bunch of sounds clicked together.

[Administrator World's will allowed Contractee skeleton Callum hunt access to system abilities (restricted)]

[System restricts exp gain by 30%, reduced item bonuses]

[System noticed the host is the first undead host, granting special title]

[System notices the constellation's love for host, granting new title]

[System page is being formed... Loading]

[System notices errors, fixing them]







Soon a bunch of failed prompts entered and finally after a lot, and he means a lot of time, he finally moved.

"Hauuughh" he yawned, as a sudden blue prompt burst into his vision.


Name: Callum Hunt

Age: 18 Years Old

Level: 8 (Avg level is about 15 - 20)

Race: Skeleton


Defense: 21 (Avg human is 25-30, other species have a different stat rate)

Attack: 35

Intelligence: 56 (15 +Stat boost)

Wisdom: 103 (55 +Stat boost)

Mana: 12333/123000 (Avg for his level is about 800) (Note, mana change is different, it will be explained)

Constellation contractor: Katherina Illius Von etheir

Exclusive attributes: Balance(Mage talent)

Exclusive skills: [Gaia's love Level 9] [Mana Circuit Rank 3] [The Warmth level 12] [Father's love Level max] [Protagonist's aura Level 2]

"Wh- what ???" Callum couldn't help but be shocked.

[Pending loading, title and status effects are to be shown, does host want to wait for a minute for upload?]





[Cancelled, update needed, is it granted?]

"Yes" Callum spoke before sighing. What is wrong with his system?.

[Energy insufficient, developing system matrix with sufficient energy...]




[Congrats to host for receiving the great me!!] A voice spoke, acting all high and mighty.

"Who are u?" Callum asked, hoping to gain more information. The system was a dead ass before gaining proper sentience.

[I can hear you, you know that right?] The system spoke, it's voice way similar to that of a child throwing a tantrum.

"You fu## tard Mother Ff###i## Bas#### Su#k ya Mum"




[SUCKS TO BE YOU!!! I can't hear you bitch boy]

"Why in the name of heavens can you curse?" Callum spoke at the bias he was receiving.

[<The heavens warn you to not use it's name before or after the word curse. Heaven doesn't associate to such words>] The voice of the world spoke, spooking him to no end.

[Lol] The system spoke, as his face turned char-grim and turned black.

"Ohh fuck off" Wait a second, it- it worked. Fuck yeah it worked. He could speak a bad word as long as he thought of something else while speaking about it.

"Heaven, suck deez nut"

Soon a huge rumble broke out as a tidal wave of lightning washed right in from of him, about to hit Callum. All of a sudden, the world froze as a huge box found itself in front of him. "'Pandora's box?" He whispered, confused by the sudden appearance of the purple-black box.

{Box opened, granted the skill lightning resistance max. Cost is 20 minutes of mana circuit overload}

A sudden flash blinded his vision as time resumed. Unknowing to our skeletal protagonist, an entity in the void stared at our hero, looking curiously at their (No gender reveal. that's a big NO NO) new experiment.

Callum suddenly felt a coating applied onto him as he felt as if a thousand rams battered into him, breaking his bones and crushing them into dust, but it was but his imagination as he walked out unscathed.

System was shocked by the sudden turn out. The holy lightning of heaven actually allowed a skeleton to live? no wait?. Since when did the skeleton have the legendary lightning resistance. And why is it maxed!!. Wait, it's gone. What is going on?.

While the system was contemplating his life decisions, Callum suddenly felt hot as his entire body heated up. His body gave out flames as his Mana drilled it's way into his body, burning him inside and out.

"PAPA" Suddenly a voice broke out.