
The Skeleton Mage with a Randomizing Skill

Callum : -" Is this it?, 3 years of endless unceasing war all for the inevitable fate of death?" It all started with a catastrophe, a horde of invaders that want to conquer the earth. A multitude of species from the likes of orcs to elves, each causing destruction in their path. With his dying breath, Callum wished to be a monster, not wanting to follow the path of destiny he was fated to tread on and die as someone worthless. Now reincarnated as an undead skeleton blessed by the newly born constellation Sylva, watch as our somewhat average protagonist seeks revenge against the gods with the use of his skill, Pandora's box.

Masked_Narcissist · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Ch-1, I'm a SKELETON!

Callum woke up on a fresh patch of grass, the moisture on the grass gently rubbing against his scarred face and bruised skin. He gasped in pain as clotted blood from the hole in chest pressed against the ground. HE was dying and he wanted to die in peace.

"This is it huh" He told himself, Call knew that reincarnation might be possible, but looking at the blazing fire from the place he once called home, he couldn't help but cry tears of loneliness and sadness. His home had been brutally mutilated, the women raped and the children forced to become toys for entertainment.

With his dying breath, Call wished to be a monster, not wanting to follow the path of destiny he was fated to tread on and die as someone worthless. He wanted to have the chance of changing his future, if he was worthy of one.

Right after his last breath he stopped breathing. A wisp of light rose from his body and ascended above, but soon after his ascendance towards to the heavens, a huge black entity grabbed his soul within it's fingernails.

"It's a deal. Entertain me now, will you?" The entity spoke, it's voice threatening to break the void that they were in. Suddenly nausea came over Call as the entity threw Callum straight through the matt black floor, and after what seemed like forever, he felt the familiar grass, however it was dry. Call opened his eyes and looked around, before turning back.

In front of him was the biggest tree that he had ever seen. With leave nearly thrice his size and a bark so monstrously thick that it straight up terrified him. Where was he?

Callum noticed white stuff on his body. He was quick to try and wipe it off but nothing worked. And then he noticed that his hand was see through. The hole in his chest had also disap... Where his chest?, where are his abs and where are all his hard earned muscles. He couldn't even see his little dragon!!!


He closely analyzed his new body. He was just a skeleton. How is he alive?, Is he like one of those skeleton mobs?.

After nearly 3 hours of existential panic and believing those controversies that they lived an simulation, he finally settled down and cleared his head. He stared at his hand still baffled by the fact he was a skeleton

Trying to get his thoughts of his mind, he walked around the tree and noticed huge cracks on the tree. He also noticed that some of the roots were uprooted and that the leaves he had seen before were actually moving and falling slowly. The tree was dying.

Suddenly a piece of information went into his mind. His brain wasn't in his head, so why is he capable of thought?. Eitherway, this tree seems very familiar to a creature he had once so desperately loved.

It's the world tree.

Callum stared at the world tree and gasped deeply. Which monster could possibly dare try and even succeed in uprooting the sacred world tree?. Callum sighed just imagining the battle based on all the markings on the world tree.

Callum slowly walked, taking in the beauty of the nature, although not the same as it was in it's former pristine, it was breath taking none the less.

Callum held the wooden railing as he walked into hall way larger than he had expected. With high hanging crystal chandeliers and pristine marble flooring, it seemed more like a mansion than an assembly.

Callum explored for the entirety of 2 days, and was quick to notice a few things. He had walked the entirety of 2 days and there was still more to explore, so it is entirely plausible that there is a space extension charm of some sort within the Elven home.

Callum had already found a bunch of elven bows, enchanted arrows and a scroll. He had only seen of these before. Based on the marking it had, it was teleportation scroll, most probably to be used in the case of an emergency. There was also elven lingerie and rather large bras. (My mind is gone, I'm too young for this...)

He was going to keep this for 'research'. Callum soon noticed a button right under the king's table. He quickly clicked the button and watched on as a dark and eerie mist layer floated up. Callum walked in to witness wilted flowers and the pelt of a few animals fitted into a robe. Callum seemed to have came into an altar of some sort, and at the center of the altar was a shining almost corrupted orb with a lot of wilted flowers.

As much as Callum wanted to avoid mysterious things, he couldn't help but reach forward and touch the orb. It called to him, begging him to hold it in his bony, cold arms. Callum obliged and held it like a baby. It seemed to communicate through contact, directly sending brain signals instead of proper responses.

Over the course of the next two days, he had visited the entire castle once again, this time finding another 2 enchanted scrolls used for teleportation, and a learning scroll for a spell named Gaia's love, which seemed to release tendrils of earth and debris to hit an opponent while providing a 40% movement speed increase and a 70% power buff if the caster and subordinates .

He released the skill right upon learning it. It seemed to be a magic scroll that could teach you the skill instantly. Right after using the scroll, a faint sense of weakness and power overwhelmed him, and as soon as the buff ran out, Callum was knocked by mana over-usage. But at the same time, the orb that Callum took started spinning, moving faster and faster as the orb no longer only oozed darkness like it had done initially, but gave away light, a light so bright it illuminated the entire twilight forest.

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