
7. Meeting Eleven

Steve walked her home after that, which shocked her, since her apartment was quite far away. All the time they walked she couldn't stop thinking about the blonde girl that ran past. What would a kid be doing out there all on her own?

"Oh, this is me" Karmen announced, when they neared a block of apartments.

"…This is where you live?" Steve gaped.

"Hey, it might not be five stars but…it's affordable" Karmen shrugged.

"Are your parents in?" Steve queried.

"Uh…they're probably out" She mumbled.

"Alright, well I said I'll walk you to your door…and this only your building so…" Steve trailed off, with a stupid grin.

"Well I hope you like mould" Karmen replied, opening the door with her keys.

She lived on the fourth floor, which was right at the top of the building, leaving them both a little out of breath.

"Thanks for today" Karmen smiled at him.

"Sure thing" He responded, a little awkwardly.

"I'll…uh, see you later" Steve stuttered, as Karmen nodded, letting herself into her apartment.

With a shake of her head she looked around the room, which consisted of one single bed, an armchair, and a cooker. There was a tiny bathroom to the right which had an even smaller shower inside. It wasn't much but it was hers. She knew she couldn't let anyone see where she lived as it would soon become apparent that she was living on her own, and that would cause too many questions.

It was the next day, and as she walking around town to get some food, she spotted her friends name up on the movie theatre. 'All the Right Moves – Staring Nancy the Slut Wheeler' it read, clearly being sprayed on recently. Karmen quickly rushed inside offering to clean it up, which the manager was more than happy to let her do. When she went back outside with a bucket of soapy water and a sponge, she spotted Nancy and cringed. Her face then morphed into a frown when she spotted Jonathan running after her.

"Hey…I'll have this off soon enough, don't worry" Karmen assured her.

"Who…do you know who did this?" Nancy asked, as Karmen shook her head.

"I got here like ten minutes ago…" She trailed off, as they all heard laughing down a nearby alleyway.

Nancy quickly ran off in that direction, as Karmen put the supplies on the ground. Jonathan noticed the cold look she had given him when she walked past and wondered what he had done. Karmen wasn't that surprised when she spotted Tommy, Carol, Steve and some other girl with them.

"Aw, hey there Princess!" Carol called out, as Nancy approached them.

"Hey, Nance-" Karmen was cut off, when Nancy slapped Steve, hard.

Karmen's eyes widened as everyone around them gasped in shock, surprised that Nancy was so bold.

"What is wrong with you?" Nancy spat out.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? I was worried about you. I can't believe I was actually worried about you" Steve scoffed.

"What are you talking about?" Nancy questioned.

"I wouldn't lie if I were you. You don't want to be known as the lying slut, do you?" Carol mocked.

"Do you want to be known as the girl with a scar on her face because she didn't know when to shut up?" Karmen threatened, standing in front of Nancy.

"Speak of the devil" Tommy grinned, as Jonathan approached them.

"You came by last night" Nancy realised.

"Ding, ding ding. Does she get a prize?" Carol queried, as Karmen glared at her.

"Look, I don't know what you think you saw but it wasn't like that" Nancy insisted.

"What, you just let him into your room to…study?" Steve suggested.

"Wait…what is going on here?" Karmen inquired, confused.

"Jonathan and Nancy were involved in another pervy photo session" Tommy told her.

"Seriously?" Karmen queried, turning around to Nancy and Steve.

"No. We were just…" Nancy trailed off.

"You were just what? Finish that sentence" Steve went on, as Nancy didn't reply.

Karmen scoffed at this and turned around angrily. Nancy knew that she had some sort of feelings for Jonathan, she couldn't believe her friend would have gone there with him.

"Go to hell Nancy" Steve spat out.

"Karmen…look, we can talk about this later" Jonathan exclaimed, as he raised his arm towards her.

"Don't!" Karmen yelled at him.

"Please, just come with us" Jonathan insisted, but she backed away.

"Hey, she said don't touch her!" Steve shouted, getting into Jonathan's personal space.

"You know what, Byers? I'm kind of impressed. I always took you for a queer, but I guess you're just a little screw up like your father. Oh, yes. That house is full of screw ups. You know I guess I shouldn't be surprised. A bunch of screw ups in your family" Steve called out, poking him in the back numerous times.

"Jonathan, leave it" Nancy said, when he came to a stop.

"I mean your mum…I'm not even surprised what happened to your brother" Steve went on.

"Steve, stop it!" Karmen told him, but he wouldn't.

"I'm sorry that I have to tell you, but the Byers, their family it's a disgrace to the entire-" Steve was cut off when Jonathan whipped his body around and smacked him in the face.

Steve then turned around angrily, and lunged at him, throwing them both onto a car, as the girls watched in shock. Steve then pushed Jonathan to the ground and threw himself on top of him.

"Steve, stop it!" Nancy insisted.

"This is ridiculous" Karmen shouted, as they fought on the ground.

Jonathan then kneed Steve, and punched him in the face, causing Steve to fall backwards. Tommy finally intervened, trying to hold Jonathan back.

"Hey, hey! Get out of here!" Steve told Tommy, who backed up.

Jonathan threw a punch Steve's way, who ducked just in time and was able to get a hit on Jonathan's face. However, this had left him open, which Jonathan took advantage of, hitting him twice in the face as Steve fell backwards. He then crawled on top of Steve, ready to cause more damage.

"Stop it! Jonathan, stop it!" Karmen cried.

It was like he wasn't even hearing her, as he continued to punch Steve in the face.

"Stop it!" Karmen screamed, as street lamp above them exploded with energy, as glass fell to the ground beside them.

This caused Jonathan to roll off of him, as he must have thought that there might be more glass to come. Karmen tried to control her breathing, surprised that her powers had gone so crazy suddenly, as she usually had such a good control on them. She looked around to see if anyone see if anyone had suspected her, when they heard a police car coming up from behind them.

"Oh shit!" Karmen exclaimed, as she started to back away, knowing she couldn't be caught by the police as they would ask too many questions.

Without another thought, she went running around the corner, desperate to get away from the scene.

She was surprised when she realised that she had ran almost all the way to the forest, having the irrational fear that they were still following her. She kept walking into the forest, wanting to clear her head a bit, when she heard shouting from far away. She soon spotted a group of boys on the cliff and noticed that two of them seemed to be in a fight. She started to climb up the cliff when she saw one of the boys standing perilously near towards the edge. Before Karmen could say anything, she saw the boy had jumped, as she let out a scream. She looked away from the scene, not wanting to see the boy plunge to his death, when she realised she hadn't heard anything. Karmen gasped when she turned to see the boy was now floating in mid-air, if by magic, when she realised what it meant.

"Eleven!" She cried, as she began running up the cliff as fast as she could.

She could see the boy was now being pulled up the cliff and knew the girl she had been searching for couldn't be too far. She reached the top of the cliff soon enough and spotted a group of kids, all hugging each other. She instantly recognised one of them, knowing there was only one girl she knew who had a buzzcut.

"Eleven" She exclaimed, happily, as she ran up the path.

The two boys with her seemed shocked by this, confused at how she knew their friends name. Eleven looked at her with a frown, as she sensed something familiar about the older girl.

"Eleven…it's me. Six" Karmen explained, as she rolled her sleeve up to show a 006.

"Six…" Eleven trailed off, as if trying to search her memories.

"Well, you used to call me Sparky" Karmen stated, as she kneeled beside them.

Eleven's eyes lit up with this, as she instantly lunged forward, hugging Karmen, who hugged her back just as tightly.

"It's okay. Everything's going to be okay now" Karmen tried to reassure her, rubbing circles on her back.

Author's Notes: I hope you all enjoyed that chapter! Now that Karmen has met Eleven she's going to be included a lot more in the storyline. Please leave a review:)

Micky-Moo: She did feel a connection, as her nose bled when Eleven used her powers not far away, and she also felt faint when Eleven got closer to her. Sorry if that wasn't obvious:)

tazsgirl6969: Thanks for the review. I hope to update more regularly:)