
The Six Families of Thersyat

The world has pitted men against demons for several generations. Julius Childhearth, the most famous demon hunter dies at the hands of his nemesis, the evil Duke Drake van Del. Where Julius thought he was finally free, fate caught up with him; he was reincarnated in the body of Oscar Van Del, a demon and moreover the descendant of Drake. However, 600 years had passed and the Van Del family had lost its splendour; the latter being considered from then on as the weakest of the 6 great demonic families. Oscar must then restore the honour of the family of the man who stole his humanity.

Meandres · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Oskar Van Del (1)

Julius, who had become a baby again, learned to speak normally again. That could have sound strange for a child barely two years old; but his parents were no more surprised that he had also started walking very early. Julius's baby life had not been very fruitful, he just spent his time alternating between eating, sleeping and having fun with educational games. The child never left the house, and rarely descended on the ground floor, because he had his playroom and his bedroom upstairs. The former hero got to know his parents, two people in their prime. His mother was called Eve, and his father, Markus. Julius also seemed to be interested in his father's books, which was surprising for his age given that he wasn't supposed to know how to read.

"How gifted is our Oskar." rejoices Eve. She watched her child with a cup of tea in her hand, her long fingernails were painted bright red and she wore several gold rings on her fingers.

"It's normal, it's because I am Julius Childhearth the human hero who slew hundreds of demons." Oskar thought not without pretension.

Markus and Eve were both filled with pride towards their young son, unaware that the latter had retained almost all the memories of his previous life as Julius. Pretty much that he had no memory of his former human acquaintances except for Deus, Ellyn, Maia, and Albert. Not even his other parents. For sure, he still knew who he was.

Now he was reincarnated as Oskar Van Del, a demon; namely the race he hates the most. And the child wasn't just any demon, he was the descendant of Lord Duke Drake, his killer. The former hero looked at the painting that sat above the fireplace. A painting of Duke Drake Van Del showed a serious-looking old gentleman holding a sword in his hand. He seemed older and embittered to Oskar than when he had met him in his previous life. However, the duke was visibly noble and very important for the fame of the family, therefore his image took center stage in the middle of the saloon.

"I really don't like it"

The living room was a large room on the second floor, and although the decoration was aging, one noticed the fortune of the family. There were stacking cube toys for kids in the corner which Oskar didn't care about at all, as he still considered himself an adult. " Do not want!" he had said like a child his own age so as not to sound suspicious with his parents. Oskar had thus trained in his baby role to the maximum during two years.

The young demon approached the mirror and stuck his two chubby hands on not to falling. He had white skin, black hair and dark red eyes; he had the evil look naturally. He stared into each other's eyes as if defiantly, then turned to look at his behind.

"My god, what a horror this tail".

Oskar now had a growth at the bottom of his spine, a very fine little black tail.

Then he remembered that demons didn't have the same teeth as humans. The child grimaced before his reflection, he tugged slightly on his upper lip. Sharp teeth appeared in the mirror.

"I could never be around a human again."

"These are your baby teeth, my angel." laughed Eve "Don't worry, when you grow up, they will be twice more pointed."

This did not reassure Oskar. His mother was a rare beauty, with long red hair fell in a wick on a pale face, which gave her the appearance of a witch. Oskar found that Eve looked radiant today in her dress, she was a woman with a strong and bossy character, although she remained a loving mother.

Eve took Oskar on her lap; her chest was imposing but allowed her son to settle comfortably. "Angel, do you want beast blood ?"

"Yes, please mum"

Eve held out her hand, and the teapot levitated to her. Oskar thought that the psychic powers of the demons were really something practical. The mother poured the boiling blood into a small glass and handed it to her son. It was a drink very appreciated by the demons and allowed them to develop better. Even Oskar admitted that it was delicious, he had been brought up with it, when Eve put it in his feeding bottle. He swallowed the contents of his glass with enthusiasm.

Eve turned her head "Grandma should arrive soon, she has just entered the house." she said. Demons have overdeveloped senses compared to humans; Oskar personally still had trouble mastering them.

Indeed, at the same time, old Van Del landed in the living room, slamming the door. The servant barely had time to introduce "Madame Seraphina Van Del!".

"So where is my little one?!" she exclaimed.

She was Markus' mother and was one of the few people Oskar knew from the outside. He was a rather eccentric person who dressed in all colours. Seraphina often spoke of her husband, old Kaspar, who never once came to see his grandson; so much so that Oskar has never met him in person.

The grandmother had arrived with a dozen bags full of belongings. Seraphina saw the child in her mother's arms and threw herself on it.

"My little Oskar, I brought you some nice clothes".

She held up a small blue t-shirt with the OSKARs in gold written on it. For the former hero this thing was excruciating. Old Seraphina was always completly gaga over her grandson whom she considered to be the most precious being in the world.

"He looks like his father!" resumed old Seraphina.

Oskar's father had a ponytail and ash hair. What brought him closest to his son was the red tint to his eyes. Markus sat next to his wife on a vintage leather chair. Behind his beard one could detect an amused grin.

"Have you read the news? It's awful." Seraphina said to his son, regaining her seriousness. "Humans have entered the marquisate of the Josep, it's a carnage. It is said that few members of the family survived. How do I hate humans, they are so weak in spirit."

She was referring to how easy it was for demons to manipulate humans.

"If she knew..." Oskar thought sarcastically.

The grandmother continued, "As the future Duke of the family, you have to deal with political affairs to relieve your poor father's workload. I've already called Andreas; he shouldn't be long."

Footsteps were heard approaching from the hallway. The living room doors opened and a dozen butlers entered. All bowed to greet the members of the Van Del family. "Hello Master Van Del"

The oldest of the butlers came forward, he was also a demon, with a goatee. He carried a monocle on the head, and a cane in one hand, in the other a notebook which he began to read aloud.

"Today's report concerns the lands of humans who have encounter our lands. We know that his vicious beings like to attack us despite the Pact and they are getting stronger and stronger with their "magic". We have a total of 154 dead on our side and..."

Markus cut him off with a sharp wave of his hand.

"You, take Oskar back to his room," he said to an introverted young servant girl.

"Yes master!" she replied as if stressed. "Come young master."

Oskar left the living room.

Oskar's fate, he had not been slow to realize as the eldest son of Markus and direct descendant of Drake, he will be the one who will succeed at the head of the Van Del family in the future. But he wasn't old enough.