
The Sister is a Male Succubus

Incubus and Succubus. Whenever something happens to anyone's relationship, those two are to blame. The evil spirits, the demons, and the hungry creatures for sexual actions. No one ever cared about their origins. All they cared about was their disappearance. If they disappear forever, then everything will be alright. Everyone will live happily ever after. But what would you do if you were hunted down by one of those demons? "Hands off, demon!!" Slender hands moved through the priest's broad shoulders and chest, "just this time, father, please?" The demon pleaded. Warning!!! Sexual actions - angst - mention of death - mention of blood - pregnant male This novel is +18 since there will be smutty chapters that will keep increasing later!! Updates!! Udates twice a week!! Extra chapters will be released soon

kittykat_02 · LGBT+
26 Chs

A Walk in the City Again~

Hun tried to recall everything that had happened before he lost consciousness, but no matter how hard he tried, the memories wouldn't flood back.

"You're awake?" He turned his head to the left and saw Father Asher sitting on the chair beside him. He giggled before he started rubbing his eyes, "did I die? Is this why I see you, Father Asher?"

Father Asher smiled sweetly at him making his heart skip a beat, "whoa, so handsome"

"Ahem, Sister. I think you need to sit correctly and drink some water because your voice is cracking." That's when it struck Hun he was not dead nor was he in his dorm room. Out of shock, he jumped from his place and even left the bed but he got dizzy and fell on his knees, "Ah! Sister!!" Father Asher held him and helped him back to bed.

Hun couldn't process any of what was happening right now, but one of the good things was that he was in Sister Oriana's form and not the demon Hun's. He watched Father Asher pour him a cup of water and help him to drink it, "sigh, more please" Father Asher nodded his head and poured him another cup.

Father Asher stared at the Sister's side profile face and traced it, from the forehead to the chin, 'perfection. As beautiful as Archangel Uriel', he halted whatever was going to roll in his mind and averted his gaze to anything else until his eyes fell on the Sister's fiddling fingers.

"Is there something wrong with me?" His eyes looked up at the worried expression the sister was making. It was obvious she was uncomfortable with what he was doing.

"O- Oh! no, no! I- I wanted to apologize... I was supposed to send you back to your temple, but this one was closer to where you were kidnapped so I brought you here instead, until you at least wake up and eat anything to be in a better state. As far as we're concerned, Archangel Uriel's temple is now turning upside down because they're all worried about you, so Archangel Michael's Wing went early this morning to inform them you're safe and you're recovering."

"For... For how long was I out?"

"... For a day only" he watched the change in Sister Oriana's expression as if a rollercoaster was playing inside her mind. "Sister?" Sister Oriana flinched before she turned to look at the worried man.

"I- I'm o-" grumbling stomach decided to disturb their conversation, Father Asher held back his laughter while Sister Oriana held back the urge to punch the Father for laughing at her. "Ahem, I apologize to you. I should have been more attentive to you Sister, here is your breakfast. There's still time before lunch time so please enjoy this light meal"

Sister Oriana stared at the meal in front of her. She WAS starving, but her stomach kept twisting as if it was declining the food. "Is there something in the food?" She asked cautiously.

Father Asher blinked a few times before he opened his mouth to speak before he locked it wondering if he should tell her or not. He doesn't know the reason too, The Archangel's Wing told him that the Sister's meals were specially made for her so her stomach could digest the food. Yes, it was obvious there was more to it, but he couldn't dare to ask the Wing what else is there in the food.

"I don't know..." Silence filled the room before the sound of a spoon hitting the plate rose. When he looked up, he saw the sister eating her food slowly as if she was trying to figure out what might be inside her meal other than food.

"This is good" she mumbled. Father Asher's cheeks turned red and a smile formed on his face, "I'm glad you're enjoying it" he sat down and watched her eat her food.

"Father Asher?"

"Ah! Do the clothes fit you? Do you need me to get anything bigger or smaller? I'll ask the Archangel's Wing!" Father Asher rushed to the door to visit the Wing again and see if he had anything else that might fit the Sister's small body, but Sister Oriana stopped him by holding his hand forcing him to turn and look at her.

His face, ears & neck turned red after looking at the Sister, she was wearing a puffy brown dress with a white small apron around her small waist, and she was wearing brown striped stockings alongside leather brown shoes. As for the headwear, she wore a big brown straw hat hiding her white-like snow skin from the sun's rays.

After staring for a little too long, he held the hand that was holding his and nodded indicating his understanding of what she wanted to say, "it- It looks good on you. I... I didn't expect black hair could fit this well with brown. As if... All colors were created for you"

"Ah! F- Father?!" She blushed so hard that the hat couldn't hide the red color forming on her skin.

Father Asher smiled and held both her hands and with the other hand, he pulled her chin up, "shall we go? We don't want to miss out on any of the good food~"

'Aaaaah~ This sneaky man~ I can't believe he's to be the Archangel's Wing~'

"Is Archangel Michael like this?" She thought loudly.

"Like what?"


The hustle and bustle in the city gave the two a refreshing feeling, "ah~ it feels weird to miss the noise! Hahaha," Father Asher looked at her as she said those words. His heart swelled remembering the state she was in when he reached her that night, and even the pain she was in while she was recovering in his room. They must have done something to her back then, this is why the food she was given was filled with divinity, to could surpass the darkness.

"Hmm?" He turned to look where the Sister was looking, it was a food truck that sells Hotdogs. He looked back at her and saw her eyes sparkling and a drool coming out of her mouth, "haha, do you want to go and have some?"

"Ah! I can?!"

"Pff- Of course~" She smiled brightly before she held his hand to run toward the food truck, the coldness of her hand wasn't foreign as if it was meant to be held by his warm hand. 'Could the legend be true?' He thought to himself before he felt something pinching his clothes, when he looked a bit down, he saw the sister's nervous expression.

"Is everything ok?" He frowned, "Something is wrong. I- I feel a weird kind of energy" Energy? What kind of energy? Could it be similar to the one that harmed her? A wave of cold wind filled the city making everyone hold onto themselves to protect their body from the sudden freezing wind.

"F- Father?" She held his hands until he finally looked down at her. He smiled before he paid for their food and took her to the closest park, "did you calm down Father?"

"How about we call each other by our names?" Sister Oriana blinked a few times until she caught up to what he meant, "Wh- WHAT?!?! How could I dare do something like that?!?!"

"Please?" When he noticed her discomfort, he tried to come up with a different reason that would make her call him by his name, "I actually think we should go by calling each other's, nobody knows us, so imagine if they do" Sister Oriana imagined what would happen. Everyone gathers around them, maybe pushing them far from each other, and that would mean she will be left alone, if that happens then there might be a chance to be kidnapped again.

Thinking about all of that scared her so she held onto Father Asher's jacket, she looked up at him pitifully, "Asher~?" She called him with the tune of someone on the verge of tears. Internally, Father Asher had a nosebleed from the overdose of cuteness, "yes, Oriana?" He patted her head. When he figured out what he had done, he took his hand away not knowing Sister Oriana was enjoying the warmth of his body.

Throughout their stay in the park, Sister Oriana kept pouting and ignoring Father Asher's questions and suggestions, 'What did I do, Oriana? Please tell me~' he panicked internally until a good idea popped up. "Uhmm, would you like to go to the cafe we went to before?"

Sister Oriana's ears perked at the mention of the cat's cafe, "YES!!!" She said excitedly.

"Hahaha, you finally looked at me~ I was afraid you were mad at me!"

"I AM mad at you though" sound of cracking glass was heard around them, "Hmm? Did something break?"

"Wh- What did I do to make you mad at me?" Sister Oriana saw the imaginative tears forming in his eyes so she took pity on him, "well~" She decided to be the pitiful one in this situation, "your hands were warm when you pet me so I was mad when abruptly pulled it away" the sound of shattering glass was heard again, "huh? Did someone break something again?"

"Oriana!!?" Father Asher held her shoulders to look at him, but he kept his head down not daring to look up at her because he was ashamed of himself, "look, Oriana, I understand you've spent your whole life and you probably won't understand what I'm about to say so... Sigh... Oriana? There are things you mustn't say because not all men would understand your intentions the way I do. I do know you're loving the warmth I'm emitting because your body is originally cold, but if you say that to another man... Then, you will be in danger."

When the silence lasted longer than it should have, he rose his head and looked her in the eyes. "Please be careful with your choice of words. I'm saying all that because I'm worried about you, Oriana."

"Ah! Th- Thank you for worrying about me" They both sat in silence until they stopped blushing like children having their first confession. After they calmed down, they went to the cafe and had coffee in the hope to burn whatever was in their stomach.

A cat approached them, it was black and seemed to be the dominant one of all because all the other cats would move far from it. It walked close to Sister Oriana and sat on the floor beside her. Every cat that tried to approach her was chased away by the black one, "aww~~ Don't do this little one~ Let them come here and play with us! Hmm~?" She held the cat between her slim fingers and looked at the black cat's eyes trying to maintain eye contact with it.

It stared silently at Sister Oriana before it meowed and walked away to a corner to clean itself.

"That's a strange cat" Father Asher mumbled, his suspicion increased when the black cat's ears perked and its head turned to stare at him with a killing gaze.

"Is everything ok?" Sister Oriana diverted his attention back to her. He stared at her and shook his head, "is there something you would like to buy before I walk you back to your temple?"

"Ah! N- No! I'm fine~ Thank you!"

"Please, I insist!" Sister Oriana gave him a small smile before she put a finger on her cheek acting as if she was thinking. "I know what I want~!!!" Father Asher giggled and nodded his head waiting for her request.

"Welcome back Sister Oriana!!!" "We were sooo worried about you waaaaaah!!" "W missed you so, so, soooooo much Sister!!" Everyone welcomed her back warmly, they even went as far as to make a feist for her safe return. Father Asher was also invited but he declined the offer under the excuse that he was busy and had a lot to do.

"It seems everyone had fun"

"Ah! Wing!" Sister Oriana tried to stand up to welcome Archangel Uriel's Wing but she allowed her to remain in her position, "you don't stop praying even in days like this?"

"I need to thank Archangel Uriel for her help. Without her and Archangel Michael's help, I'd be far gone." The wing stared at her happy face and wondered if she should say it or not, but decided to keep it a secret for now. Until the right day comes.

"Hmm? What's that around your neck?"

"Oh. It's a gift" she smiled brightly while holding the lock shape in the necklace, "it's filled with divinity" The Wing commented.

"Welcome back Father Asher, how was your date with the young lady~?" Archangel Michael's Wing teased, he kept throwing a question with every step they took to the Archangel's temple's great hall.

"Stop teasing me with all those questions Wing!"

"Oh, come on~ Tell this old man what you had done today~!!! Hmm? What is that around your neck?" Father Asher pulled the key shape in the necklace and kissed it, "this is the key to the heart I want to unlock" The Wing listened to his cheesy line but couldn't contain his need to tease the young man.

Double update~ Yayyyy!!!!

This chapter is long to make up for what I missed in the past few months!!! I APOLOGIZE AGAIN & I THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR NEVER ENDING LOVE FOR THIS NOVEL!!!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

kittykat_02creators' thoughts