

When the prince felt in love with Lucy while his father wanted him to marry her twin sister Lucia, Lucia tried to fight against her sister Lucy to get married to the prince

Eme_Darlene · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs


" Let her off" the prince ordered

" As you say my prince" the servants replied

The servants went away and left Lucy and the prince alone . When she saw that she bowed down again

" My condolences, may I ask your forgiveness" Lucy asked

" Don't! Stand up. I accept your condolences . And may I know the reason you came here? " The prince asked

" My Highness I came from the camping which was to choose the one to become the wife of the future king " Lucy replied

And then she added:" My mother is sick, she caught a disease, and beside that I saw that no one would want to see me again in the hall. Not even your father or mother or anyone else. May I get your permission to go away? "

" Would you allow me to ask you to come with me in the ceremony again?" The prince asked a favor

" As you would like " replied Lucy

Lucy was not sure of what she accepted to do. She kept wondering why he asked her that kind of favor.

They both entered together, everyone starred at them. When her sister saw them she was surprised and at the same time she didn't want to see them together. She asked herself: " Why is she returning together with the prince? I thought that she had no chances left to her."

The prince told his servant to tell the people on the technique to put his song that he loved the most. The song started slowly. He looked at Lucy. And Lucy had no option and accepted to dance with him. She gave her hand, and they went in the middle of everyone, and though Lucy was a bad dancer, it was pretty good to see them together dancing. The music was great and other couples joined them and danced. But the other girls and her sister Lucia didn't, of course they were jealous.

The song ended, and everyone who was dancing returned to their sits. When everyone one was finished talking, the queen took an audience,

" Today everyone here know that we have came here to name the one to become the wife of my son. So let call the supervisor who was supervising them to name who will be the future queen among the girls that we see there "

And she pointed where the other girls and Lucia were.

" Mother, among those ones there? How could you say that? This is the one mother. No one from those I can accept." The prince talked to his mother

The mother replied:" No, son. I can't allow that. This girl I can never accept her in this palace. Never son. You are still my son, you are not grown enough to choose who to be your wife. Think my son, that girl can't help you to rule this kingdom, she come from a poor family not only that she knows nothing. Girls like this one only wants the honour and heritage nothing more."

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