
The Siren Song: A tale of a New Rebirth

A tale of the Rebirth of a human becoming a Siren. A first-person point-of-view story that involves: Mystery, Romance, Betrayal, and more. Read to discover what becomes of the protagonist when she uncovers a lost presence inside her.

A_Squared · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Chapter 9: Kai’s Mesmeric Nature

There is no blue without yellow without orange. -Vincent Van Gogh

Kai smiled at Searena, his creepy demeanor fading away and becoming calm and gentle. "It's okay I understand Searena and thank you all for saving me some fish! I'll make sure to take my share and get cleaned up right now."

And, that's what he did, changing up the whole dark energy that I believe everyone was feeling and it was all because of Searena. She seems like the support for the group, the one that they need to stay sane. I feel she is a very important attribute and that's why I especially need to stay on her good side.

While Kai was off cleaning himself up, Searena and the others got some sort of sleeping area ready.

Searena was laying down some type of Cora like blankets while Ryan and Koi were making different selections for everyone to sleep. Kinda like are own little sleeping area away from the other Sirens so they wouldn't touch or invade our own personal space.

It was actually pretty neat actually, cool, and considerate. I know some of the Sirens might not mind the open space between each other like Ryan, but some most likely do. Some Like Kai, which I can only predict of what I know about him so far.

I sat pondering to myself watching the others finish up the sleeping areas and by the time they were done Kai was back.

"All cleaned up and the Rainbow fish was truly delicious. Koi, Ryan did you go to the Eastern side of the Ocean instead of the West this time?"

Koi and Ryan's face both looked in surprise and they nodded in unison. "Kai you know the difference now between the East and Western Fish? Last time you didn't even what kind of Fish this was. Y.your memory is getting better." Koi said as Ryan gave a thumbs up in agreement.

His memory is getting better? Interesting..Hearing Koi say that made me even more interested on the information Searena has on all the Sirens, made my curiosity meter poke at me a bit.

I can't wait to see the information on each Siren and even learn a bit more about myself. Seeing how the others feel and react to their powers and even experiencing mine a bit more.

I smiled to myself as the others started to go to their own little personal area for them to sleep, well except Kai. He was staring at me, seeming to be a little curious about what I was thinking himself and he smirked. "Lililly I haven't seen you smile in a while, the group got you all flustered?"

I turned to Kai facing me and I shrugged my shoulders, "To be honest I don't know maybe. Kai, it's just something about this group that has me attracted to it. I just feel comfortable around Koi, Ryan, Searena, and-!"

I stopped and looked at Kai before I said his name, does he make me comfortable? A.am I comfortable around him? Well, I guess I'm comfortable around the calm version of him. The other part of him, has me a little paranoid.

He finished my sentence after we were silent for a bit, "And Kai..Me, you feel comfortable around me." My eyes went wide a bit and a nodded to his comment, "Yeah you too Kai after all you're the reason I'm here. You gave me this darling rebirth. This very pro and con gift."

I looked back to him to see his reaction on the statement I said and it was dull, his deep brown face just sat with a plain expression staring out into the blue distance. I wondered if he was pondering, thinking on what I said and before I could ask, he outstretched his arms.

"Man that's an interesting fact Lililly. One I need to get back to you on. But, for now let's get some rest, we have some business to take care of tomorrow." He said to me,this time his tone changed going deeper loosing that calm and chill tone.

He swam to an empty sleeping area and I did the same on the opposite side of him. Closing my eyes thinking of how quickly he could change his: Tone, Emotion, and Facial expressions. Something was with Kai..