
Chapter I

It was a cold November night, Dayan and her strict and awful parents were attending the ball. The room was full of rich families and couples enjoying their glasses of wine.

Dayan was looking around the room observing everything around her. She was continuously starring at a young woman with a long purple dress, the upper part of the dress was tight and delicate, while the rest of it was dilated her long brown hair was almost shining.

Dayan kept looking around she saw another beautiful woman with a long olive green dress.

-"Dayan stop starring it's rude." Murmured her mother.

She then started observing the big room every wall had golden-like walls and ceilings. The chandelier was as almost as big as the room. The floor was also like made of gold and silver.

-"Good evening, so this is your daughter?" A stranger's voice appeared as if out of nowhere.

-"Ah, good evening sir Layton." Her mother said with excitement, which was not a good sign, as Dayan's mother is never happy or excited, she is always ignorant and impolite.

-"It's a pleasure Mister Layton." Dayan's father and the mysterious man shook hands.

-"Allow me to introduce my son, Simon."

Dayan was not impressed by any means.

"Just some boring friends of my parents I suppose."

Dayan thought to herself.

A mysterious man with a black mask across the room caught Dayan's attention. He was wearing a black tux, with a white shirt underneath and a black tie, he looked tall a lot taller than Dayan herself, which really impressed her. He had almost waist length long black hair tied up on a ponytail she couldn't quite see his eyes from afar but she saw that he was staring back at her.

-"Your daughter is very beautiful indeed." The son of Layton said taking Dayan's attention back to him.

Dayan wasn't very tall but she was wearing white heels and a short but not tight white dress. Her skin was almost as white as the dress and her bright blue eyes could match the sky's color. She didn't have any hairdo done before the ball, her long wavy hair was reaching her waist it was as almost as dark as the night.

-"It's a pleasure to have your daughter marry my son! It will be a wonderful wedding" Said Sir Layton.

Dayan immediately was shocked and terrified.

-"No! I didn't agree to this and you never told me, I won't marry him." Dayan's shouting echoed across the room making a few people stare at them.

Her mother tightly grabbed her hand and whispered in her ear:

-"You will marry this brat, we need their money I do not care what you want you will do it!" Her father was looking angrily at his daughter's eyes as if he resented her.

The lights in the ball room began to flicker on and off for around a minute or two, everyone was looking up at the ceiling. As her mother let go of her hand, the lights were back to normal.

Dayan was looking very discouraged, she was staring at the floor unable to keep her head up.

-"I sincerely apologize for my daughter's behavior she doesn't know what she's talking about." Her mother began apologizing as if her life depended on it.

"It was all about the money I should have known.", Dayan thought to herself.

-"I think it would be for the best if she spends time with me alone, perhaps upstairs, we'll get to know each other better." The blonde-haired rich son pointed out.

Dayan was gripping at the ends of her dress, worryingly and terrified of what will happen to her. Of course her father simply agreed as if he was selling fish at the local market.

-"Come on let's go!" Simon said leading Dayan upstairs in one of the rooms.

"What do I do? How will I escape?" was all Dayan was thinking about on the way up the staircase.

As they entered one of the luxury bedrooms, Simon locked the door behind, smirking as if he's won some price. He was slowly approaching her and when he got close enough, Dayan spoke up:

-"Leave me alone, I've done nothing wrong to you or your family!���

-"As my future wife I expect of you to behave so I may as well teach you some manners, young lady."

He forcefully grabbed her hand almost breaking it, he was getting closer to her face as if to kiss her.

But she screamed out:

-"No! Help me!"

The door slammed open with an absolute force hitting the wall instantly.

It was the mysterious man in black.

The moonlight thought the window revealed his shiny silver eyes that were almost the shade of the moon.

His angry look was enough to make Dayan feel safe.

-"What, who are you, leave this instant!" Simon said wish shaking voice.

The stranger smiled at her making her feel reassured and safe.

He grabbed Simon by his collar, whispered something in his ear then let him go. He ran out as fast as his legs were holding him to.

-"Are you okay?" He asked her with concerned look in his eyes.

Dayan smiled her eyes began to get teary as she ran up to him and hugged him.

-"Thank you so much!" she sighed in relief that everything was over but it was far from over.

When they went downstairs, a group of crowd has formed around them.

Mister Layton was extremely pissed as his son was hiding behind his father saying:

-"Kill them, kill them now! That man he hurt me he is a danger to everyone here!"

Dayan once again spoke up with courageous tone:

-"This isn't true he is the one tha—"

-"It's alright, I've got it." Said the man in black as they began arresting him.

-"He has done nothing wrong this is stupid, stop it!" Dayan's eyes were full of tears, her parents holding her back so she can't follow the man who was arrested and was taken by the guards.

-"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." Those were his last words as he left the castle.

Simon and his father were extremely satisfied of the outcome, both of them with a big grin on their face.

-"You disappointed us" Her father was yelling on their way home but Dayan couldn't help but think about the stranger.

"Is he okay, what is he doing right now? Will I see him again?"

Those thoughts were clouding her mind the entire ride home.

Although they were not as rich as Layton's family they were living in a castle.

As soon as they got inside her mother slapped her hard across the face.

-"How dare you shame the family like this, do you have any respect for the family, what will everyone think of us now?"

Dayan was quietly staring at the floor but she wasn't embarrassed or anything, she was angry and mad because of the way they treat her always especially this night.

"If I could run away and go somewhere I would in a heartbeat"

She was thinking to herself.

As she entered her room she stepped on the balcony through the window, the moon was shining bright.

-"It would be perfect if there was snow right now."

She said out loud and after a few minutes she could see the snowflakes falling down.

"That was strange." She thought going back to her bedroom and closing the window.

Her bed was king size with purple covers all over, the paint on the walls was brown a little bit old and the floor was creaking every few steps she made. Above her bed were light purple curtains made of silk that can cover the bed they were see-through but she liked them.

She laid down staring at the falling snow outside her window. The clouds outside almost covered the bright Moon.

As she was thinking of tonight's events she drifted off to sleep.

The next morning she woke up, the sky was cloudy and the ground was slightly covered in snow. As she stood up after waking up she knew that she'll have to face her parents again, unsure if she can face them she went back to bed for a few more minutes.

She heard loud knockings on the front door. Quickly getting up she went to check out what's going on.

As she ran downstairs she saw her mother and father talking to some people.

-"We'd like to question all of you." The man stated.

-"Who are those people?" Dayan asked still wondering what's going on.

Her mother spoke:

-"Mister Layton and his son…, they have been found dead this morning."
