
Unexpected show

During a full moon night, bloomed a flower, she didn't understand what's happening, what she was and why she was there, but what troubled her the most, was the reason of her owning a consciousness, that forced her to think right away. She questioned herself during several hours.

Suddenly the voice of a old grand-pa appears in her mind.

[Ahah, little flower, I can answer your questions if you want.]

Surprised, the flower keeps trying to move in all directions but nothing happens. She realized the fact that she can't move and was connected to the ground .She couldn't get away from it.

[Ahah little flower stop trying to move, you will not succeed. ]

-A flower? Wait, are you talking to me ?

[Yes of course]

-Can I know who you are ?

[Hmm ?! You can't see me yet. Ah~ I forgot you just bloomed. Well I'm going to teach you a small thing. We, who constitute this forest, are all connected by our root. It's for that reason that you can talk to me throught telepathy. It maybe rare but is posible for one of us, who have a consciousness, to answer you . But the humans and other animals, they can't hear your voice. ]

[But in order to do so, we need a small amount of mana, know that all living being possess it and it is through a visualization of this mana in space that we can see. With it you also can see yourself.]

-And concretely how do I do this?

[For that, I can't help you.]

-I'm still thankfull toward you ...

[I am the oak just behind you if you want to know anything you can ask me or someone else, if you wish.]

-All right, thank you.

This flower therefore spent the next 2 days trying to see what was around her, with results appears only at the third. She finally visualized what surrounded her, behind her the big oak, on her right a small pond and in front of her, a small covered ground of grass. Then she asked all kinds of things to the oak. She learned the existence of the man ,the elves and the other creature like spirits or dwarf. And especially in her case she has to know the existence of the witch who lives this forest.

On the evening of the fifth day, the evening seemed calm and conducive to sleep for all living being.Suddenly a group of travelers entered the forest with an improbably thick mist appear.As if it want to welcome them in the forest.

Being also reputed to be inhabited by a witch, the travelers generally avoided passing through the forest. This group was composed of 8 foreigners heavily charged, and probably very brave merchants, to penetrate this forest which the adventurers avoids.

After some time, when they reached the deepest point of the forest, the most scary part but also where was this crystal flower.Then the 8 foreigners decide to take a break probably caused a mist .From their big bag different things were noticeable, especially meat and drink in large quantities. After some time one of the marchands noticed the flower.He was so surprised that he froze. His companions could not help being curious and all went to see her.

Except for a merchant who was staying behind,he was the most meager of the band .While all of his group was attracted by the flower.He continued to eat . The flower, all tantalize, could not help but count her number of admirers.

-So they are 1,2, ..., 7 and 8. I would really like that the 9th lookeds at me too.But even like that, I really still too happy. But wait for something that will not go.The spirits of the forest say too us ,they should to be 8.Isn't that old oak?

[Yes that's what spirits say then there is 1 too many.]

It was then that the last of the marchants that was behind his companions, then took out of his pocket a knife, stabbing with it, all his companions. A real massacre with only one actor. None of the other marchands had sought to defend themselves, they were all too focused on the crystal flower.

This fifth night was tinged with a scarlet red color, the moon also gave off a scarlet presence that was going to delight, the point of thought of this color since time immemorial. After the carnage, the madman walked something murmured, while slowly she covered herself mysteriously with a white light.

I apologize if I made mistakes in the chapters. You should know English is not my first language so it is possible I made certain mistake.It well if I really made a important mistake, inform me I would correct it.

Thank you and see you later in the next chapter.

Eredannecreators' thoughts