
The Silverin Travellers

The Silverin Travellers are a scientifically modified people. In the world after the chaos, destruction and desolation caused by the nuclear war between Uncle Sam and his allies and Russia and his allies over Ukraine in the year 2022, the earth was no longer habitable and can no longer sustain life as we know it. Human kind has become extinct however, genetically modified humans or human plus have become the new beings that populate not only the earth but the planets and far flung stars. At the climax of the war when the quantum energy and the shock waves rend the earth's atmosphere and the milky way, a group of international scientists, anticipating the total destruction and chaos, calculated the power of the ensuing shock waves and developed a space vessel that can ride the shock waves across galaxies and beyond. For some reason, the modified humans are not able to pass on the human plus DNA to their offspring. Each foetus has to be injected during it's second trimester within the womb with the plus enhancement required by the environment the child will live in in order to enable them to live in the environment successfully and effectively. Narin was born enhanced with abilities to suit her group of people. They're travellers in space that do not need space vessels to travel between planets and galaxies. Their brains were enhanced to enable them to fold time and the space fabric to create holes to allow them to walk through from one galaxy or planet to the next. Toby is a miracle that was born a hundred percent naturally but with all human faculties intact including naturally enhanced abilities to function in their environments. These mutants were the decedents of people from far flung places at the periphery of the destruction who survived and lived as zombies, ghosts and decaying corpses who cannibalised and became vampires to survive and mutate over three thousand years. Now five hundred years later, a chance meeting in a far flung galaxy light years away from desolate earth. The modified human and the mutant meet. Will they overcome their mutual aversion to the physical package that is their bodies and look into the soul that reside there? That's the challenge mixed with the idiosyncrasies of the company they each keep.

Kristelili · ไซไฟ
2 Chs

Chapter Two


A delicious smell permeate the kitchen as the food cooked. The Travellers started coming into the room, the smell of the food bringing them in, one by one or in twos and threes. In all, they're seventeen in total. That was a huge number for a Silverin Traveller group. They're usually smaller than Narin's group.

Mostly the Silverin are a family unit made up of father, mother, the children and sometimes the grandparents or unmarried uncles and aunts.

Narin considered herself blessed to be part of her family. Her family was unique in that all four grandparents are there, then the father and mother who have their three natural born children, then Narin whom they adopted, then the father's second brother with his wife and their two children and finally the father's youngest brother and his wife. They are yet to have children.

Knowing she was adopted always makes Narin grateful that her parents decided to adopt her while she was still a baby. Actually, the home that Narin was left in actively searched high and low for Silverin Travellers. It seems her birth parents paid the home to place her with a family within six months of her birth. So as luck would have it, she was placed with her family within six weeks of her birth.

What would make parents choose the life of a Silverin Traveller for their child Narin often wondered. Truth to tell, Silverin Travellers do not amount to much. All they own is carried on their backs and they don't stay too long in one place to a cumulate wealth or gain much of an education. It's a life spent travelling often in places that you that you will never set foot again.

Her family was lucky enough to have a teacher. When Narin was three years old, her mother gave birth to her brother. The grandmothers took the job of looking after her and her second uncle brought his girlfriend to the family who just so happens to be an early childhood teacher. By the time Narin was four years old, a travelling school was set up with one student.

"Aaaaawwwww!" screeched little Tonton surprising Narin out of her reveries. "Something smells delicious Narin. Can I have some?" piped up eight year old Bola making everyone laugh. "Gather around the table everyone. Grab whatever you can find to sit in and gather around" instructed Narin's mom Janse.

After everyone found a place and the food was served and eaten, Narin's father Gray cleared his throat, bringing everyone's attention to him. He looked at everyone in the eyes as his gaze travelled around the room and finally clearing his throat the second time started talking.