
The Silver Saga

Silver, a high school student who is suddenly reincarnated into a fantasy world where he is a member of the evil royal family, the House of Silver. Would he be able to escape his family's cruel fate? Or would he succumb to their dark influence?

Swift_Wayne · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

The Unexpected Confrontation

Eira walked into the arena, her eyes fixed on her next opponent: Elara, the maid. She had heard that Elara was a skilled fighter, but she didn't think she stood a chance against her.

As the battle began, Eira was surprised to find that Elara was indeed a formidable opponent. She was fast and agile, using her quick reflexes to dodge Eira's attacks.

But as the fight continued, Eira started to notice something strange. Elara seemed to be holding back, not using her full strength to attack.

Eira took advantage of this, launching a series of powerful attacks that sent Elara stumbling back. But as she prepared to deliver the final blow, she saw something that made her stop.

Elara was crying, her eyes streaming with tears as she gazed up at Eira.

"Why are you doing this?" Elara asked, her voice trembling.

Eira was taken aback. She hadn't expected this. She had thought that Elara was just a maid, but now she realized that she was so much more.

"I'm just fighting to win," Eira said, trying to justify her actions.

But as she looked into Elara's eyes, she saw something that made her hesitate. She saw a deep sadness and longing, a sense of desperation that went beyond mere combat.

And then, something unexpected happened. Silver appeared at the edge of the arena, his eyes fixed on Eira with a mixture of concern and urgency.

"Eira, stop," he said, his voice firm. "You don't have to do this."

Eira looked at him, confused. What was he talking about?

But as she turned back to Elara, she saw that her opponent was no longer crying. Instead, she was smiling, a warm and gentle smile that seemed to fill the arena with light.

And then, something incredible happened. Silver walked into the arena, his eyes locked on Elara's face. He reached out and took her hand, pulling her close as he gazed down at her.

"I'm sorry," he said, his voice filled with regret. "I've been so blind. I never realized how much you meant to me."

Elara's eyes sparkled with tears as she looked up at him. "I've always loved you," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Eira watched in shock as Silver and Elara embraced, their love and devotion shining like a beacon in the darkness.

And as she walked away from the arena, Eira realized that she had been wrong about everything. She had been fighting for the wrong reasons, and now she had lost something precious.

But as she looked back at the arena, she saw something that gave her hope. She saw Silver and Elara standing together, their love strong and unbreakable.

Eira was declared winner but she felt actually was the loser in thus battle.

And in that moment, Eira knew that she would find a new purpose, one that would bring her closer to the people and things that truly mattered.

Silver walked into the arena, his eyes fixed on his next opponent: Professor Orion, the powerful wizard. He had heard rumors that Professor Orion was one of the most skilled wizards in the land, but he didn't think much of it.

As the battle began, Silver was surprised to find that Professor Orion was indeed a formidable opponent. He was using his magic to summon powerful elemental forces, sending bolts of lightning and waves of fire crashing down on Silver.

But as the fight continued, Silver started to notice something strange. Professor Orion's magic seemed to be... off. It was as if he was using his powers to hold back, to restrain himself.

Silver took advantage of this, launching a series of swift and precise attacks that sent Professor Orion stumbling back. But as he prepared to deliver the final blow, he saw something that made him stop.

Professor Orion was... smiling? He was grinning from ear to ear, his eyes shining with a warm light.

"Ah, you're a clever one, aren't you?" Professor Orion said, his voice dripping with amusement. "You've figured out that I'm not using my full strength."

Silver's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean?"

Professor Orion chuckled. "I've been holding back, letting you think you have a chance. But in reality, I'm just playing with you."

Silver's eyes widened in shock. "Why would you do that?"

Professor Orion's grin grew wider. "Because I'm here to test you, Silver. I'm here to see if you're worthy of facing the true power of the wizards."

As he spoke, the arena began to glow with an intense light. The air seemed to thicken with magic, and Silver felt himself being pulled towards it.

"Whoa," Silver said, his voice barely above a whisper. "What's going on?"

Professor Orion laughed. "This is the power of the wizards, Silver. And I'm going to unleash it all on you."

With that, Professor Orion raised his hands, and the arena erupted into a maelstrom of magic. Silver stumbled back, overwhelmed by the sheer force of it all.

But as he looked up at Professor Orion, he saw something that gave him hope. He saw a glimmer of recognition in the wizard's eyes, a hint that he knew something that Silver didn't.

And in that moment, Silver realized that this was no ordinary fight. This was a test of his true strength, a challenge that would push him to his limits.

But as he steeled himself for the battle ahead, he couldn't help but wonder... what lay beyond the magic? What secrets lay hidden in the heart of the wizards?

And with that thought, Silver charged forward, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Silver's eyes locked onto Professor Orion's as he felt the magic coursing through his veins. He had always known that he had potential, but he had never imagined that he could unlock such incredible power.

With a fierce cry, Silver launched himself at Professor Orion, unleashing a torrent of magic that shattered the air around him. The wizard's eyes widened in surprise as Silver's attacks rained down on him, each one more powerful than the last.

Professor Orion tried to defend himself, summoning great waves of magic to counter Silver's attacks. But Silver was relentless, his magic growing stronger with each passing moment.

The battle raged on for what felt like hours, the two opponents trading blows and neither gaining the upper hand. But as the fight wore on, Silver began to feel a strange sensation building within him.

It was as if he was tapping into a deep well of power, one that he had never known existed. His magic grew stronger, more precise, and more devastating with each passing moment.

Professor Orion's eyes grew wider and wider as he realized that he was facing something new, something that went beyond his own understanding of magic. He stumbled back, his movements growing slower and more labored as Silver's attacks continued to rain down on him.

And then, in a flash of insight, Silver understood what was happening. He was tapping into the true power of the wizards, the hidden potential that lay within every being.

With a fierce cry, Silver unleashed a blast of magic that shattered the very fabric of reality. Professor Orion stumbled back, his eyes wide with shock as he realized that he was facing a force beyond his control.

The wizard tried to defend himself, but it was too late. Silver's magic washed over him, obliterating everything in its path. When the dust settled, Professor Orion lay defeated, his powers broken and his magic spent.

Silver stood over him, his chest heaving with exhaustion. He felt... changed. He felt like he had unlocked a part of himself that he had never known existed.

As he looked down at Professor Orion, he saw something that made him pause. The wizard's eyes were... grateful. He was looking up at Silver with a sense of admiration and respect.

"You are... different," Professor Orion said, his voice barely above a whisper. "You have unlocked the true power of the wizards. You are a force to be reckoned with."

Silver smiled, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment. He had done it. He had unlocked the secrets of the wizards and become something truly powerful.

And as he stood there, bathed in the warm glow of victory, he knew that nothing would ever be the same again.