
The Silver Esper [Stopped]

[Mature content] There are depictions of violence/gore and abuse towards characters. There is also swearing as well in this story. __________________________________________________________________ People with abilities, powers of which normal humans can not use. Monster's, freaks, people have called those with these abilities with such names, but there is one name that became attached to them eventually, Esper. The strongest of all abilities is physic, an ability that makes nearly anything possible for a skilled user. Sent to another world similar to her original she lives as Avalon Kanze a girl with rocky blood relations. Living in a country that didn't exist in the other world Niahurii, she is forced by her blood relations to join the military as a man. Unwilling, but the deal they strike is the only reason for her doing so. Avalon's lazy days in the military begin to change when that man appeared. Plans begin to change, new conflicts and allies begin to arrive. Can she keep her identity a secret or will they learn the truth? But most of all can she keep her darkest secret, the truth about her 'disease' and condition from everyone. __________________________________________________________________ "I can't believe they are forcing you to do this just to cut ties with them. How ridiculous since they've never treated you like family." "There is nothing I can do but to do this... as a man. On the bright side, we get to see the inner works of things here so we can use the useful points." "How can you be so optimistic when they are sending you to a suicide unit." "I've already died once and experienced true hell on earth. This is honestly child's play in comparison. So I see no reason to be afraid." Avalon sighed as she tightened the bandage around her chest. "Besides this world is behind in comparison. My ability will ensure I survive. So don't worry once it's all said and done. We will no longer stand for them. I will change this world from my 'home'. So dear brother be ready for the 2nd coming of Raijia's Silver Esper."

Arsin_Vulpine · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs

Test of Capabilities

After about 5 minutes Lukas decided it was time to go. "Alright let's go." Lukas sighed standing up. Avalon slowly opened her eyes looking up at Lukas revealing her bright violet eyes that were dull not too long ago.

"Understood sir." Roan replied standing up taking her dishes and putting them in their proper place then following Lukas out of the mess hall, as she put her left glove back on her hand.

Lukas leads Avalon to a different training ground that she hasn't seen before. "I want you to jump this." Lukas told her. It was a wall that was about 0.71m high which is quite high that the average male wouldn't be able to jump that high.

"Do I have to do a vertical jump?"

"You do not."

"Can I use anything here as long as I jump over it?"


First Avalon tried a vertical jump and as she thought she was close but couldn't get her hands in a good position to pull herself over it. She then placed her foot on the wall and tested how sturdy it was. It didn't slide so she moved back then ran towards the wall before jumping her foot and hand touched the wall she pushed with her hand and then foot she then grabbed the ledge of the wall and pulled herself over it.

"I wouldn't really call that jumping."

"Well, it was the best I could do. That is about a 0.71m high jump even an above-average man couldn't jump that as a straight vertical jump. The wall climb was the next best thing."

"So you had other ideas."

"Yes… if the climb didn't work as I wanted I would have jumped off another piece of equipment to give me a boost."

Lukas looked at Avalon for a moment. "Today I want to see what your limits are." Lukas told Avalon she had a blank expression for a moment before realizing what he meant.

"Ah alright! You want to see what my physical strengths and weaknesses are. I have no problem with that." Roan replied with a slight nod her hands clasped together. 'I won't show him the full extend. After all Esper's are not known about yet. Esper's especially a trained esper like myself is much more physically capable than a normal human. So I cannot let them learn the true extent of my skills.' Avalon muttered thinking about it for a moment. She shifted slightly, 'but I also do not want to be kicked out. Well, no matter sealing my physical skills to my human-like level is the best choice… I can always improve.' She concluded.

"I understand captain. How would you wish for me to start off?"

"Speed, strength, and endurance are what you'll start off with. Well then follow up with your aim. I am already well aware that you can be very level-headed."

"… okay then. I mean, understood captain." Roan replied, not sure if she should take the last comment as a compliment or not. 'Shane told me last night there is something special about the captain.' she thought glancing at the man for a moment before turning her head away quickly to avoid getting caught. Normally Avalon wouldn't care too much about another person she didn't know too well, even if she found them easier to talk to. Avalon tends not to judge people but doesn't trust anyone due to past experiences. But this was especially so with someone from the military like her captain since he poses her the most risk. However, since Shane her brother mentioned something and wants her to look into it she will be more likely to do so.

As Lukas asked her, Avalon begun doing a test of sorts to show him what she was capable of. She runs through an obstacle course a few times jumping over hurdles and avoiding obstacles, which was then followed by lifting weights, then fighting/attacking some training dummies.

After she finished all that Avalon was gasping for breath. Avalon was very fast even when not using her full skill she was faster than the average man and was evasive easily avoiding obstacles whether sudden or not she avoided them. However her strength was not great she was stronger than the average woman but not the same strength as the average man, and her stamina was fairly low better than strength but still not the best. Though she knows her stamina will increases after getting back into top shape (like she once was).

With Avalon's current strength she could easily lift her own weight to perform climbs, pull up and such, but she wouldn't be able to beat a man in a fight of brute strength with her 'human' physical abilities.

"You are very fast."

"Mm~ Yes sir I have a sprinter's body. Ah, what I mean is that physically I'm able to run really fast."

"Right. However, your strength is lacking and stamina. Which we can work on improving."

Lukas looked at Avalon, he knew about what happened and everything checks out except the strength that 'Roan' was currently showing him. 'Even if he hit Fischer in a pressure point… Fischer probably wouldn't have been knocked out for 4 hours.' Lukas muttered looking at Avalon.

"Um… captain. I know this may sound rude. But um… when we train tomorrow would it be possible for me to do some like martial arts and sword practice?"

"No I have my own plan… however you will be starting later than the others. So I have no problem with you training in here before we start if you so wish, no one will be here."

"Thank you very much, Captain."

'Sword… that was what he was doing when we arrived at the 13th.' Lukas muttered it's been a few hours since they first arrived and it was getting close to mid-day. "We'll stop for now and get some lunch." Lukas told Avalon, her eyes brightened up and she nodded her head as she had a slight smile.