
The Silent Scream

He is the former assassin. They are the forgotten child. Odd combination to bring down the biggest organization for those who sit on the throne are the one who responsible of their misery. How far can they take to bring down those who disguise behind kindness yet the evil lurk in the darkness for it cost them so much more than they can imagine.

whitedevil301 · ไซไฟ
11 Chs


Jason sit at the corner of the room. Staring at the star. Like a diamond adorn the gloomy sky. Giving light to the dull sky. He could not see the moon from where he sit. Hiding somewhere from his sight. Jason can't enjoy the peaceful night, his heart throbs with ache, the pain feels like a thousand thorn ripped out from his flesh.

Phoenix had put a meal on the table but he doesn't have appetite to touch it. Not just only eating, he doesn't have energy and will to do anything right know. He didn't feel like this when his mother was hurt by those man, he just felt anger boiling with hatred. Eager to kill. Fall deep into the endless of miserable. Luckily Dylan was beside him, guide him not to do a stupid act just to vent his anger.

But now, the person he used to ask for an advice when he is in dead end situation is nowhere to be found. His head ache thinking to much. He can't even think anything. He just want to close his eyes and don't want to open it ever.

They executed the plan successfully but it cost him too much. He had predicted that getting hurt and injured can't be avoided, but death? He didn't see it coming and it ripped his heart out at once. Alas the plan just half way through. How will they continue with the original plan when his best man is not beside him.

He sighed for a thousand time. But he well aware that can't bring Dylan back to his side. No matter how much he plead to God, cry his heart out, shouting in anger or even smash the wall, all of that is useless. It's not like Dylan will crawl out from grave and give him comfort if he do that. No, it not gonna happen.

He then put his head against the chair, closed his eyes and listening to the wind that sing the unmelodious song in his ear. The wind gently caress his face, comfort him in his pain and making his eyes heavy to open. His breathing become slow and he then brought to the land of dream.

Phoenix slowly open the door. When he saw Jason had sleeping peacefully, her heart sank. Sadness engulf her watching her distant twin fighting with his own emotional battle. Hoping that Jason could break from his lose, his grief and stand firm on the ground once again to continue fight.

Dylan no longer here to accompany him in this fight physically but his spirit will always linger around them give them courage to move forward no matter how hard the road ahead.

She goes back to the living room. Sitting at the chair near the fireplace. She looking at the man they brought back from the lab. She doesn't know what to do with this man. She checking on him. Still breathing fine. And she try to remember how much dose the sedative she shot on this man.

Why haven't he get up by now? And all the chaos happened but this guy still sleeping without worry. Or is he pretending? Phoenix then make her choice, she letting this man go. He is no use of them. Can't even threaten them in anyway. Little did she know, that the man will be their game changer in their plan. Especially when Dylan who buried thousand feet under the cold ocean can't play his part anymore.

She untie that man and unfold the fabric that cover his mouth. That guy still not moving. Is he's dead? Phoenix though. She come closer to Marick and check on him. She didn't see any heavy injury on this man body, even the bruises can't be seen anywhere. His breathing calm and steady. She is about to hit the man to wake up when Marick start to move slightly.

She back to her seat and waiting Marick to open his eyes. When he finally open it. He sit upright and rub his eyes. Like a person who just wake up from sleep. Phoenix couldn't help but to frown when she saw Marick behaviour.

Marick turn his head to look at Phoenix whose frowning and curve his lips into smile. His smile contain no evilness, it just a common smile that bring no agenda behind it. Pure and innocent. Phoenix can't read this man at all. When she is already prepare to face the woke up enemy but the enemy act like nothing, her preparedness become useless because Marick show no evilness, or fear. Unusual behavior for a person who been tied up and kidnapped.

Marick stretch his tired body. And casually ask Phoenix.

"Where are we?"

Phoenix smirk. Whats wrong with this man? Did he think that she just gonna answer the question easily, revealing their whereabouts and waiting to get caught. She just stare at him with no intention to answer it.

"Owh you keep look at me. Are you interested in me?" Marick give her seductive look while smiling attractively.

And as fast as lightning, as soon his finished his word, a knife fly passing through his face and pinned on the wall behind him. Just a inch from scratching his cheek but his smile hasn't left his face.

Phoenix jump and push him down on couch while pointing a gun under his chin.

"Who are you?" Phoenix asking.

The mere scientist won't act like this. Very calm when facing a danger, if he is a common scientist he would have peeing on his pant. Interesting enough. Because she had seen so many scientist before and none of them actually behave like this. The bravest among the scientist she ever met is not have a quick response in fighting. The example is very obvious, whom? It's easy to guess.

Marick on the other hand, is different. The knife before really aiming to his eyes actually. She really don't have intention to be kind to this dishonored guest but Marick could easily dodge it with a very subtle movement. To the naked eyes it just the knife flit right to his face but actually he had move very subtle to avoid it. What a brilliant move.

Marick smile. That irritated Phoenix more. She push the gun upward making Marick chin pushed. There Marick could see the attractive hazel brown eyes looking at him irritability

"Don't make me repeat." She said annoyingly.

"Easy girl, I don't know what are you say. I'm just someone who work at the lab." He grin innocently.

"Bullshit…don't give me that. You think I buy that? Keep on lie, I'll gladly send you to hell." She at her limit of her patience.

He laugh leisurely before turning the table. One second Phoenix is on the top but with a quick movement, before Phoenix can't use the gun he had hijacked it from Phoenix hand and turned Phoenix under him.

"Don't joke with a gun lady. It scary, you know! No man want a girl with a gun on her hand." He give her a naughty wink.

He release the girl, he believe that the girl is cleaver enough not to attack. She seem more wise than the man whose inside the room mourning. And he was right. Phoenix just watch him, waiting for him to open his mouth.

Marick walking towards the table while spinning the gun in his hand. Then turn around to look at Phoenix whose face show no expression. He stand against the table, arm crossing.

"Let's have a proper introduction. Since you guys kidnapped me, you still haven't introduce yourself properly." He smile charmingly, making his handsome features enhance under the light of the moon.

When the living room illuminated by the fire from fireplace only, the light is dim because the place that a little far from fireplace is not getting enough light. But luckily the light from the moon help the other place shine modestly.

"I'll be honest with you since you look like a decent people and didn't seem to side to any group. I'm Marick. The genius scientist at Syntex Researching Facility "

Phoenix rolled her eyes listening to Marick grand introduction, annoyed. But the later explanation caught Phoenix intention, apparently he claim that he is a task force agent that sneaked in to Monarch to find an evidence of Monarch evildoing that can be threat to Grimpase's city. He had to play double face person, which work in the Syntex Researching Facility, Monarch biggest competitor and at the same time pretend that his is betrayer and work for Monarch instead. See how complex the story are. All seem ridiculous.

Phoenix still processing what she heard. To believe 100% of Marick story is not wise because for know she could not put trust to anyone just yet only Dylan and Jason. But for her to chase away this man on the spot, she might try to fight but winning is not guarantee. She well aware that this man might have a hidden card that can threat their safety.

Who would believe a word from stranger man especially a man whom they obtained from enemy's den. If he really an agent, he wouldn't simply open up and tell someone he just met about his secret operation, would him? That, Phoenix need to consider before put a trust on Marick. Now she will try to go along with Marick story with precaution. Just to see how it goes.

After the brief explanation, Marick look at Phoenix still in distrust him. He know what he said is hard to believe but he decide to tell her simply because he want a helping hand from trusted party thus he make a decision to actually ask for help in finding the evidence that could use to against Monarch but in subtle way. He will not go around and meet every one and boldly asking 'Can you help me to find evidence about Monarch evildoing?'. No way he would do that.

He then walk towards Phoenix and sit beside her. Giving her gun back and as could giving her, his most charming smile, hoping that if she not gonna buy whatever he had let out from his mouth, his smile can melted Phoenix wall a little bit.

'I don't ask you to believe me now, time will tell whether I'm telling a truth or a lie. I just need time to prove it and stay with you guys and help you fight against Monarch." He said softly.

Phoenix look at him, even she want to get rid this man beside her so badly, she can't take a hastily decision, she need to consider their safety especially with Jason unstable feeling right now. She hate to take the hand of the man like Marick whose can't be trusted, but this might be the best decision for now. Jason is vulnerable and Dylan is gone. She had to do this. She explain this later to Jason when he wake up tomorrow.

"Okay, for now I can let you stay with us. I let you stay doesn't mean I trust you. I'll be always watching you. So don't give me a reason to kill you!"

"Fine with me, I won't cause you trouble. You hired the best helper, you know, beauty." He wink at Phoenix playfully.

Phoenix make a face. Such a playboy. She seen so many people like Marick whose had a sweet mouth, playfully manner and a handsome face, alas a charming eyes that used to melted people heart especially women just to get an information.

She stand up leaving Marick on the couch alone. The longer she be with him, the more headache she will have. She better leave him alone. She go to kitchen to satisfy her thirsty throat. Her fighting with Marick derive her energy. Alas her tired from taking care of Jason had finally take place. She need to rest, physically and mentally.

"You are a good fighter, you know. I actually can be defeated by you if you not this tired." Marick voice greet her ear.

If you now that I'm tired, why did you start a conversation again. You can just lay down on coach and sleep rather than following me in kitchen. You dumbass. Are you really a bored if no one speak to you. Phoenix curse in her heart.

She is to lazy to answer. She just ignore that man whose stand against the door frame crossing arm. Just like Dylan. Seeing Phoenix does seem not interested to speak, he just continue talking.

"But seriously, the boy who sleeping inside that room is really need a training. Just a basic skill of fighting will help him to live longer. Why you so good but he is totally suck?"

Marick keep on getting Phoenix nerve. Seriously, if this man won't shut up his mouth, she gonna stuff that noisy mouth with the glass she holding right now. But one thing for sure, he's right on Jason part. She couldn't argue more on that. That boy really need a basic skill in fighting, what point of having a good brain cell when punch someone he is the one whose hurt.

"I have an idea. What about I be his master and teach him some fight skill. It will benefit for both of you, since I see you don't intend on teaching him."

Phoenix just answer him shortly with 'hmm', good luck on that she thought and once again leaving the man behind. She's back to living door and sit on the single chair. Lift her legs and put it down on table. Close her extremely tired eyes. She need just a little rest to recharge her energy. She close her eyes. What ever Marick do, she doesn't care.

That man won't kill them for now, that she is sure. If that man want to kill them, he would probably done since their get here and If that man want to escape and crawl back to his boss, she didn't mind. This place is hidden far away from the main city. Totally disconnected from outside. Communication is no use. Even with the fastest transportation, it will take approximately 5 hour to get here. And the barrier has been enhance by Jason technology so it might take one day for people to invade here. So the genius Marick also had difficulty to reach for his subordinate.

There is no easy way to escape from this place actually. It is build in maze structure. Build as a family heritage only the the descendant know the way out. The outsider will be lose in this maze fail to find the way out and just wait either death or be saved.

This is part of her main homeland where she born to this cruel world. This place situated in west of Moonlight village. Yes, this village is huge, it is actually can be considered as a city but the head of the Moonlight village just prefer village and what that man massacred few years ago was the main village. Many people were died at that time and whoever manage to secretly safe actually scattered across the many hidden region of Moonlight Village.

People who come from outside didn't know this fact, all they know about is the main village and surrounded by the beautiful bamboo forest that didn't have a very much value. They didn't know that the village actually extend covering the whole forest. This knowledge passed down to only the pure descendant of Moonlight Village child.

Phoenix just casually close her eyes. She a light sleeper since the day the Moonlight Village burned down. Even a slight movement can awake her. She always in a ready fight mode even in this peaceful calm night of her own place. Since that day, she actually never had a good dream. She been haunted by the face of the people who burned terribly.