
The Side Character Is A Vampire

"Hero's Destiny" is an open world rpg game base on urban fantasy where there are many races such as human, demon, elves, dwarves and etc. Our protagonist reincarnate into the specific game but as one of the major character in the game. As he can not live without affecting the flow of the story, he decided to live the way he wants while still helping the main character even a little

Kai_Syheer · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs


" Fuhhh today's weather is really great for a journey, isn't it everyone?"

The dad looks like a young adult despite being over 40. It is obvious that he was not human as he has pointy ears which is a characteristic of elves. He has silverish white hair with a few strands of light blue hair and a pair of deep blue eyes

"It would be great if not for you who decided to use the old route that is way longer to arrive at our destination!"

While the mother has long beautiful black hair with a pair of black eyes

"Calm down, it has been a while since we have free time"

"I know but this is the first time Dylan is going to your house. I'm sure he wants to arrive there faster right,Dylan?"

A teenager who looks like he is 16 answers his mother

"Well, mom is right, Dad. But I'm also curious why you ask me to stop dyeing my hair even though you always ask me to do it whenever we go out?"

The teenager appearance is just like his father with beautiful silverish white hair with a few strands of light blue hair, deep blue eye colour and pointy ears which shows that he is an elven teenager

"That is because we have to hide our origin. You might not know the reason but you'll know it later when we reach my house"

"Why don't you just tell him?"

"Why ruin the surprise?"

"Urghhh! This is why you are so annoying! Why do you just have to piss me off!"

"There they go again"*sigh*

While his parents were arguing, Dylan was on his mobile phone camera catching a few pictures to post on social media. Suddenly his father throws something at him.

"Hey Dylan, catch!"

It was some sort of an emblem that had the symbol of water elemental engraved on it. After Dylan finished inspecting the emblem he asked his father

"What is this? Your family emblem?"

"It is indeed a family emblem. For now just keep it. It will ensure your safety"

While the father and son having the conversation the mother was staring outside the window and squinting her eyes to see what was that in the distance

"Darling, are you sure this route is safe?"

" Yeah, why? This route, even old, still has its own safety measures and we also are strong so what's there to be afraid of?"

" Then, is it normal for THAT to be here!"

"What do you mean? hmm that looks like a giant lizard type monster and it seems to be following us. Should I go and exterminate it?"

"It will be troublesome if it follows us to your house. Let me help you with that. Dylan stay get out of the car and stay behind it in case something happens"

"Oh and if something indeed happens there is a hidden small button on the other side of the emblem, press it and help will come your way. I doubt we have to use it but just in case, right? Your mother will send you some sort of signal if we sense something wrong"

After telling Dylan what he should do, the parents went to the direction of the beast

'I just have to sit tight and hide,right' Dylan get out of the car and stay behind it as instructed and look at his parents dashing to the beast

Standing in front of the beast, the parents look at the beast to identify what kind of beast it is. The beast is a quadrupedal type beast with three pair of eyes radiating an ominous aura from its body

"Darling, that does not look like a normal beast, right? or is it just my hallucination?

"No... I don't think anything is wrong with you. That really does not look normal. I think you should send signal to Dylan to press the button"

"Got it!"

Standing facing her son the mother sends a signal in a form of water magic. Blasting off a weak water magic spell towards the car, the mother then returns to her husband's side.

"This ominous aura… It feels like GRANA! Honey, we have a big problem here! It seems like a demonic beast had passed the defence mechanism"

"A demonic beast!?! By your estimation, what rank do you think it is?"

"Uhh by the energy coming out of it, I think it is a rank above us meaning it is an A rank monster. If it is just a normal A rank monster, we probably could manage to defeat it but A rank demonic beast? I don't think we can defeat it by ourselves but we could at least stall for some time for the help to arrive. Even if it cost our lives we could at least protect Dylan"

"I agree, my clan would probably be disappoint if they find out i die but my life my choice"

Confirming their resolve, the two quickly get ready to attack the demonic beast. The husband brings out his sword and dash straight to the demonic beast. He then attacks the beast with a slash but it can not pierce through its skin, only leaving it with a small scratch. The wife quickly conjures a dark magic to hold the monster for the husband to land another attack. But to no avail it did not hurt the monster. Breaking the dark magic from holding it, the monster releases a loud roar that can even reach Dylan.

While his parents are fighting against the demonic beast Dylan, he receives voice transmission from the little emblem

"How's the situation?"

"Huh ? Is this help? uhh the situation is not good. My parents are having a hard time now. When is help coming!"

" The fastest we can arrive is in 30 minutes"

' 30 minutes? There's no way they are going to arrive in time'

While mumbling to himself. He suddenly heard a scream

" arghhhhhhh!!!"

Dylan saw his dad getting hit and was sent a few metres back until he hit a giant boulder and blood coming out of his mouth


'I need to help them but with what power? I am powerless against that monster. Please send help! Give me power! I don't care it is a god or devil just give me power'

As it feels like time has stopped. The area surrounding Dylan got darken and suddenly a beautiful lady with blonde hair and blood red eyes appears

"Boy do you need power? I can give you power but you have to pay for the price"

Dylan who looked as if he had given up look up at the lady with hope

"I will pay with everything I have so please help me!"

Looking at Dylan with a satisfied look

" I will use your body, pardon me"

The lady then went inside Dylan body to use his body

"Hmm… this feeling is definitely a new kind of sensation and this body is really weak. The maximum I can do is to chase the demonic beast away instead of defeating it even so it will drain a lot of my energy"

Having adjusted to Dylan's body the lady quickly gathers a large amount of mana before rushing her way to the demonic beast. Once she appears in front of the monster, she then releases a powerful blast of mana and manages to severely wound the demonic beast. The demonic beast then ran away from the area.

"Now this body's parent"

The lady look around for Dylan's parent and quickly approach them

'Their wounds are too severe and with this body's current condition I don't think I could do much to help. The mother of this body appears to be a vampiric creature but she must be one of the high class ladies that only stays inside her house as her regeneration factor is this slow. It also might be because of the demonic energy from whatever kind of monster that is. The least I could do is to relay their last word to their son.'

After the lady done with her inner monologue, she then crouch near the couple

"It seems that my energy is not enough to save you two but the least I could do is to relay your last word to your child. Are there any message you both want me to relay"

"*cough* *cough* I want to ask who you are but I don't think I have enough time but seeing you protecting our son is enough. Please tell him that we love him and….."

" I understand"

With that the parents breathe out their last breath

"This is the limit of this body and the area seems safe enough until the help that they talk about arrives. Boy, I will rest within your body until you wake up"


"*yawn* haaaaah damn that was real good"

A guy who seems to be in his early 20s walks out of his house

"Now that I have nothing better to do, let's go to the park. But man, I really hope I gotta get isekai ed and get send to another world with magic but hmm I want to at least have some sort of skill that will be real useful for me who knows nothing about the place, like the skill that the slime has"

On his way to the park he saw a little girl playing on the road and there was a truck going fast. Like any cultured person the guy quickly runs and pushes the little girl away.

As if the time had turn to slow motion

'Damn so this is how I will die, at least I saved someone. Hmm? That girl is smiling and that ain't an innocent smile'


That day a cultured guy had died please pray for him

ummm soo this is the new prologue and please pardon my grammar lmao anyway I'm just doing this for fun but let's see if anything happens in the next few days

Kai_Syheercreators' thoughts