
53. Jon vs Aokiji

Aokiji try to stop the crew from leaving, but Jon attack him in lightning mode. He really like this lightning mode now, it's easy and fast to activated. He challenged Aokiji in one on one fight to stall time so his friends can leave.

He know Aokiji is a logia, that's why he use lightning chakra mode because chakra can hit logia body. Beside, he realize that elemental attacks works on logia as they are element too. Jon is sure now when Aokiji catch his attack instead of let the attack hit his body.

"Arara, lightning power. You don't seem to be a logia user, this is rather troublesome. No wonder you say you have a chance to hurt me. But if you think you have a chance to defeat me, you're wrong."-Aokiji

"At least i try."-Jon

Jon make some hand seals from his spot. He plan to use long and medium range attack. He can't fight close or he will get frozen like Robin. That's also why he tell Luffy to leave, all of them are close fighter. Usopp is a sniper but it's useless again Aokiji.

"Katon: Great Fireball Jutsu"-Jon


Aokiji make an ice wall to defend from the fireball. The fireball only make some cracks and melt the ice a bit, but the wall is still strong. Jon didn't waste time and he make 5 clones and surround Aokiji. They all make different hand seals and execute different jutsu.

"Katon: Great Fire Annihilation"-Jon

"Katon: Ash Pile Burning"- Clone1

"Katon: Fire Dragon Bullet"-Clone2

"Katon: Big Flame Bullet"-Clone3

"Chidori Stream"-Clone4

"Chidori Sharp Spear"-Clone5

Jon attack Aokiji with 6 different jutsu. But he isn't sure if that will give Aokiji damage. He is an Admiral, one of the strongest powerhouse in this world. If this is Naruto, then he is like Ebisu trying to fight Obito. It will be almost impossible to touch him.

That's also what really happening here. Jon saw with his sharingan that Aokiji didn't bother to move away from his spot and just take the attack head on. But Jon saw it, Aokiji turn his whole body into ice before the attack reach him.

'He elementalize his body so he will not get damage? So ninjutsus are effective to fight logia. But there's no point in it if the ninjutsu didn't reach touch his real body.'-Jon

"Fire, lightning and now clones. How many power did you have actually?"-Aokiji

"Find it out yourself!"-Jon

Jon's 5 clones make rasengan while Jon took out some kunais. The clones flickered and attack Aokiji at once. The clone's rasengan aren't strong with their chakra level. But Jon want to distract Aokiji first.

Aokiji make an ice saber again and swing it to the clones. The clones saw the blade and counter it with rasengan. The remaining clones attack Aokiji but he easily defend the rasengan with his body without getting a scratch.

"W-what the... He can take the rasengan with his body."-Jon widened his eyes.

Aokiji slashed all the clones and make them popped. When he turn at Jon, some kunais already fly at his direction. Aokiji avoid them but the kunais are tied with wires that connect to Jon. Aokiji got tied with wires and want to escape. But Jon bite the wires and make hand signs.

"Katon: Great Dragon Fire"-Jon

The fire jutsu run trough the wires and surround Aokiji before he escape from the wires. The fire got very big on Aokiji's location, but it's not enough.


Jon heard a sigh and suddenly all the things around Aokiji got frozen. The fire also extinguished and the ice spread trough the wires. Jon let go of the wires and move far away back.

"You have great power, too bad you became a criminal"-Aokiji

"Criminal? Heeh, what kind of crime did i commit Mr. Admiral?"-Jon

"Just by becoming a pirate, you're already a criminal. The Pirates are symbol of terror for people."-Aokiji

"So you also said that Sichibukai is criminals? Then why you didn't capture them and even work with them? Ah that's right, because you have a use for their power. Finally it all will come to benefit right?

If we don't stop Crocodile, you will get a destroyed kingdom instead of Sichibukai 'traitor'. You guys even hide our feat and claim it as yours, and it's all to save your face. Did you really become a Marine for people Admiral? Or for those people up there? Is that really a justice for you?"-Jon

"So you know about those people. I'm really thankful you guys stop Crocodile. But Marines is needed by people, so we must save our face. Beside, you are a pirate, you have no right to question my justice."-Aokiji

"Of course i know, they're infamous afterall. Also, just because i'm a pirate i can't question your justice? Then only Marines that can ask about justice? Justice is inside everyone Admiral, they all have their justice. No one can justify other's actions. But the ones at the top always decide what is justice and no one below can change it."-Jon

"Sigh, you're right, only the ones at the top can decide what is justice. That's also why you can't force your justice to me but i can force mine. Remember this, boy, strength decide everything in this world. Enough talk, let's end this."-Aokiji

Jon immediately take many kunai with paper bombs and throw it to Aokiji. His chakra has almost depleted. He hasn't fully replenish his Yin Seal because he's in a comatose state and only have little chakra in the seal.

Now he keep his chakra for his lightning mode so he can escape if Aokiji attack, so he use paper bombs to save his chakra. He's already spend lots of chakra for those big ninjutsu before.

"Ice Age"-Aokiji

Suddenly the ground froze at fast speed from Aokiji's location. All the kunai and paper bombs froze and fall. Jon try to flicker away but his legs are already frozen. The ice had reach his abdomen before it slowed down.

"I have a proposal for you."-Aokiji


Jon still try to find a way to escape from this technique while Aokiji move toward him. He try to use lightning mode but it's useless, his legs is still frozen. He can't circulate chakra in his legs too.

"Be a Marine!"-Aokiji


"You have great potential and you're still clean, not many people know your existence in Strawhat pirates because you don't have bounty yet. We can clean your back story as a pirate. If you can't be a Marine, then be a Sichibukai at least."-Aokiji

"Nonono, i don't ask how i will become Marine, but why i need to be a Marine? Your brain didn't got frozen by your power right?"-Jon

Aokiji have a tickmark with Jon's comment. Now Jon's hand also start to freeze. Aokiji seem to realize that Jon need to use his hands to perform ninjutsu, so he freeze Jon's hand.

"If you become a marine or Sichibukai, the Marines will leave the Strawhat pirate crew alone."-Aokiji

"Even Robin?"-Jon

"That can be discussed."-Aokiji

Jon look down and seem to think about Aokiji's offer.

"I-if i become Marine or Sichibukai, you will leave my friends alone?"-Jon still look down

"That's right, they will be considered a Suchibukai force, so we will not touch them. So what is your answer?"-Aokiji

Jon keep looking down and suddenly look at Aokiji with his most very really best serious face.

"But i refuse!"-Jon (Kishibe Rohan-JJBA)


"One of this Van D. Jono's absolute favourite things to do is to say 'NO' to someone that i think is strong"-Jon smirk

Jon try his best to have a Jojo face when saying this, he has trained a lot afterall.

"Why'd you refuse something like this?"-Aokiji

"Did you really think my friends will let me sactifice myself for them by becoming a marine or sichibukai? Even now they must have think of a way to save me. Beside, i can't believe someone that i just met that easily. You can use me as a tool to get the crew.

I have a clue why you guys want Robin that much. With her existence, i don't believe you will let it go. Also, sooner or later, you Marines and World Goverment will go after us. Because Luffy will become the Pirate King."-Jon smirk again.

"Arara, you seem to think this very thoroughly. You're true with your calculations, and i also not sure 100% if the goverment will accept my proposal."-Aokiji

"As i thought"-Jon

The ice on Jon's body keep spreading and now only his head that hasn't froze.

"Then if you know they will come again and save you, why you stop me here?"-Aokiji

"Because this is one on one with our honor as a stake. I believe you will hold on to it."-Jon

"Why are you so sure?"-Aokiji

"I'm not sure, it's only a hunch."-Jon

The ice has spread to Jon's head that hasn't been froze. Now Jon become an ice statue completely.

"This is bad, he got me. Now if i go after his friends, it will taint my honor huh? Well, i don't really care about honor when facing pirates. But at least i am thankful for Crocodile incident. Let this be my payment for your help."-Aokiji

Aokiji walk away and take his bicycle. He ride it to the sea and the water freeze and make a path for his bicycle. His power is very convenient for traveling.

Sometime later Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji that have remove the ice on their body come and look around the ice land. They try to find Aokiji or Jon.

"It seems the fight has ended"-Zoro

"Where is Jon?"-Luffy

"That's him"-Sanji

Luffy and Zoro look where Sanji pointed and saw an ice statue there. They immediately come closer and try to take the frozen Jon but he's rooted with the ice land beneath him. Zoro then cut the ice ground around Jon and the three of them bring him carefully to the ship.


Chopper come out and see Jon that has become statue.

"Zoro, Sanji, can you get him inside the seawater? Jon is not a devil fruit user, so he will be fine in sea water."-Chopper

"Alright"-Zoro & Sanji

They don't have time for their usual brawl now because their friend's life is on stake. They got inside the water and Luffy hand over Jon carefully. Zoro and Sanji also splashed water at Jon to melt the ice faster.

After some minutes, the ice start to melt and Jon start to change back. It took 45 minutes before the ice melt completely. They can't use warm or hot water to prevent the ice breaking from sudden change of temperature, so they use normal temperature water.

After the ice melt completely, they bring him to the ship and put him in a warm water and keep raising the temperature slowly but not too hot. After 20 minutes, Jon's body temperature is back to normal, so they put him on the bed and cover him.

Some minutes later, Jon regain his consciousness.

"JON! You wake up. How did you feel?"-Chopper

"Chopper? I'm alive?"-Jon

"Yeah, Luffy, Zoro and Sanji take you from there. You have become an ice statue, but luckily they could take you fast from there. If they're late y-you wil d-die. *Sniff* Wuaa"-Chopper

Chopper cry and Jon can only pat his head to calm him down.

"I'm alive now, right Chopper? Don't cry thinking if i die, be happy that i'm still alive. This is also because of you, Dr. Chopper."-Jon

"Un. *sniff* I will tell the other and ask Sanji for warm drink. Just rest here!"-Chopper

Chopper go out and Jon look at Robin that 'sleep' on the bed beside him.

"I know you're not sleeping."-Jon

Robin open her eyes and look at Jon, she have a complicated look in her eyes.

"I don't know what are you thinking right now, but i know your feeling is chaotic now. Well, just listen to me. I know why the goverment really want you, and i have my speculation of what happen with your past organisations.

But you are our friends, our crew now. If you need help, then ask! Even if you don't ask we will help. Don't think that we will left you like people in your past. You also know this, Robin. Instead of doing anything yourself, try to depend on us too."-Jon

Robin just stay silent and look at the ceiling.

"Just think about it, you're smart, but don't let your intelligent block your heart."-Jon