

Author Note.

Hello my lovely people I've been busy with being emotional and whatnot, but i am bigger and better, so how have you been?

MH well I hope all is well with all of you. :)

I'll be posting two chapters by Wednesday night. And also by any mean I need to update you about one more thing. My next book will be coming out after I finish this one so please do enjoy this book while it last because it may or may not be coming to it's end soon.

Anyways that's all not all I want to say but thank for taking the time to read my book it means a lot to me for a beginner such as myself, it motivates me and keeps me going to know that their people out there who may actually enjoy my books. So thank you for sparing some of your time to take a look at my work it means a lot.

and I hope you enjoy. Good night , Good evening , Good afternoon and Good morning to you all.