

As the prince was walking towards the direction of Maria, Epiru and Uben.

The chief elder who was fishing nearby, had already over heard the conversation between Akello who was interrogating Epiru and Uben, he was able to recognize them by their voices since he saw them growing up and also over stayed with them in the palace.

As he was still trying hard to hear what Maria was asking Epiru while fishing, he glimpsed and saw the prince heading to that same direction. He knew it would be so dangerous for him if Epiru and Uben see and salute him Infront of Maria as the former prince of Morungatuny.

He then decided to distract him from going there.

Odeke my son, called the chief with a gleeful smile on his face.

Yes.....elder Chief responded the prince. Please come help me handle the fishing rod, my hands are tired. He said.

Odeke the prince immediately went and helped the elder chief, he then distracted his mind by telling him different ancient story.

He was happy listening to the stories told to him by elderly chief, making him forget where he was going. By the time he come back to senses, Maria and the rest were already gone from the spot they were.

Elderly....l caught something. It's heavy... please come! He yelled. Oh my son, am coming. Replied the chief.

He then come forward slowly and took the rod from the prince rising it slowly up. A beautiful fish was lingering in the rod while swinging it's tail in the air.

It's....it's beautiful!!, can l fish with you again next time? He asked with a marvelous smile on his face. Sure my son. Replied the chief.

They then left and went back to the village where Epiru and uben were, but the chief kept the prince so busy trying to distract him from going to Maria's palace where Epiru and Uben we're dinning.

Meanwhile as Epiru and Uben where dinning, in a slip of tongue, Epiru said out loud , "how can a woman rule?" He didn't complete his sentence when Maria had already reached him and she pierced his hand that was on the table with aknife nailing it on the table.

With a frown face she said, Now tell me, "can a woman rule?" As she was twisting the knife in his hand left to right. Epiru in much pain couldn't speak due to much pain of the twisting of the knife, biting his teeth so hard he said, please her majesty please am sorry can you remove the knife from my hand?.

Please maria his in much pain. begged Uben . He was just joking, he said. Well l guess am also joking, she replied with a straight face.

Then Okirror entered the room where they were dining from. Please maria go slow on him, he said . While he was talking, Uben had already recognize him.

Okirror!!!!, he shouted with his eyes open in shock cause that was the last place he expected to find him.

Uben!!!!!, Epiru!!! He was also shocked to see them there. What are you guys doing here? He asked with much anxiety.

We should be the one to ask you that, Uben replied.

But what bothered Okirror was why Maria pieced Epiru's hand as if she didn't know them.

You haven't answered me yet, what are you guys doing here? Okirror asked again. We're in search of the prince, replied Uben as Epiru was still yearning in pain.

Epiru being aman of pride didn't learn his lessions from the arrow and the knife pierced by Maria. He still said, but Okirror tell me the truth what are you doing in the middle of this jungle and where's Ongatuny?. Okirror was lost of words to say and all he could do was to keep quiet while looking at him.

Why are you in a kingdom ruled by women?. I haven't hard in my entire life that once women ruled. Your capable enough to rule this small kingdom, then why sit down like a coward!. He said

Little did he realize that Maria hadn't gone, she immediately ran towards him with a frown face, her heart filled with anger, her blood pumping so hard that the heart beats could be heard and pulled Epiru by the collar of his cloth up and said with against voice.

Now tell me, a sheepherd who leaves his ninety nine sheeps in danger and runs with only one to a safer place, then he comes back after days, finding the sheeps with another sheepherd who saved the few that he could save. So tell me, does the first sheepherd have any rights on the few sheeps saved by another sheepherd?

With so much fear, looking at Maria's facial expression, words couldn't come out of Epiru's mouth.

Am asking you!!! Shouted Maria out loud that even those outside could hear.

N....o....no....no. he doesn't have any rights.....ov...over..the sheeps h..he... abandoned. Said Epiru with a shuttering voice.

Now.. when you were busy protecting the prince with you warriors and guards. You forgot about you people,...

Your land you abandoned...

And now you met with them by mistake and your already spitting nonsense. Maria said in atone that anyone could feel her pain.

For your disrespect of me and my people you shall be punished and pray that l don't get the prince before you. She said. And one more thing, how did you feel when your warriors died when you first entered the jungle. She mocked him.

What do you mean? And how did you know that we were in the jungle? Asked Epiru cause he never expected her to know.

For your own information, nothing goes in and out of this jungle with out mu knowledge, and that is the power of a woman you underestimate. She replied while rotating him.

That..that..mean you know where the prince is!! Uben asked with much eagerness.

If l knew, you would have found his head or skull hanging at the tallest tree in this kingdom. Maria replied then she instructed Epiru to be flogged for disrespecting her and thrown into prison as for Uben who participated less was not flogged but rather locked up with Epiru.

Akello, lock them up but after flogging so that next time he will respect every female person in this world, she said

Hey you now feel it as it's a woman who is going to flog you. And please after, rate her weather her floges are better than yours. After saying this , she treked out leaving them with Akello and her girls.

Epiru was flogged while his hands were tied up so tight that he could not untie it. With wounds of Canes and that of an arrow on the leg and knife on the hand he was farther locked up in prison.

With a lot of sympathy elderly chief come to Maria after aday had passed cause he knew by that time her anger had quenched.

Greetings your majesty, he said with his head bent down while Maria was seated in her hat.

Have told you countless times not to address me like that and of no difference with all of you. She responded. So what is the visit all about? She asked with anxiety course rarely does he come to her hat rather they meet out in the village most.

I have a request to ask, he said with his heart filled with fear since he didn't know how Maria's reactions would be.

Please say it out elder Chief. She said. Please allow me to treat the prisoners, he said.

Which of the prisoners are you talking about. Asked maria. It's Epiru, he replied. If his wounds are not treated he may end up getting infections. He said with sympathy for Epiru.

Though maria she looks tough but she also has a kind heart in her .

It's ok elderly, you can go and treat him at any time and l will inform Akello to tell the guards to permit you see them

The chief immediately rushed to the bush and picked herbs for Epiru. With no time to waste he rushed to the prison not only to treat Epiru but to also warn him about the consequences of exposing the prince identity in case if they meet him.

As he was going he met Akello on her way back from the prisons.

Greetings elderly. She said. Greetings my daughter, he replied. Hope you informed your guards about my visit to the prison? He asked with politely. Yes l have, nothing to fear you can go and meet them. She said then she continued with her journey.

Upon reaching he found Epiru in great pains as his wound wasn't treated for one day and it had risks of getting in fections.

He gave him herbs to drink and placed some in the wounded part together with the sacred soil that can heal any type of wound.

Immediately he place, the pain reduced and Epiru felt more comfortable, then he said.

" This is what happens when you play with the tail of a tigeress"...

Your lucky that she didn't release the lion in her or else you would be with your ancestors as we speak now. Said the elder Chief.

But why do you all seem to respect "just a woman" so much? Asked Epiru. Please watch your words Epiru!, don't put me in more trouble because of your arrogance. Shouted Uben angrily.

That's right Epiru, mind the words you say. And both of you don't ever think of escaping other wise you won't like it cause you won't run away from the she knight. He said as a warning to them.

"She knight".....they all shouted in suprise cause they have never hard of such people.

..."Who are the she knights?"...

They all thought in confusion.

who are the she knights? .....

be with me as we unravel who they are!.

THE_LIGHTER_166creators' thoughts