
The Shape Shifter System

I am Alexander Graham and I am going to chang the world into a better place! The humans are in war against the many races invading earth and in this generation, the coming of mana and other strange types of energy leading to humans having abilities. All the great abilities are hoarded up by the rich and strong, while poor and weak cannot get their hands on any abilty and our MC is one of such poor humans. Activating the shape shifter system, will he be able to change his fate ? Join us to find out.

Usfal_Aizen · แฟนตาซี
35 Chs

Unwritten Rules.

"I said stop it!"

Reginold angrily shouted at Luke and Jake.

"Alright... Alright..."

Luke stop lauging and Jake did the same.

"Early to bed, Early to rise"

Alex said before sleeping.

The others just shrugged and slept off.

The next morning...

All the boys have already done freshening up and are ready for the school.

Alex did not wait for their reply as he runs out, he is very excited that he is finally going to return to attending class.

After running for a while...

"Alex, you are back"

Rios smile at Alex.

"Master Rios!"

Alex eyes shows extreme excitement as he saw master Rios.

"Get in, let's start the class early"

Alex nodded his head and moves inside the class to find out that many of his classmates has arrived and are waiting for the class to start.

"Everyone should chose a sparring partner"

Rios instructed.

Yifang immediately meet Reginold and chose him as her sparring partner.

Everyone has gotten a sparring partner except Alex.

"How about you spar with me?" Rios asked.

"Uhmm, okay"

Alex ready his weapon while Rios remove his sword from it's sheath.


Alex run very fast towards Rios and slashed.


Rios block the attack but his face shows immense surprised.

'This boy's strength has went up a notch'

Alex immediately follows with a sweep.

Rios quickly parried the attack and thrust his sword.


Alex jump to the side and barely managed to dodge the attack.


Alex quickly cross his arms but when the kick landed, Alex is very surprised.

"What the...

The kick is quiet heavy, it seems Master Rios is always limiting his strength but right now he decide to unleash a bit of his strength.


<<Flash step>>

Alex speed increse so much he seems to disappear and reappear behind Master Rios.


Rios quickly turn with his sword and block it, he forgot that Alex is still a student and use a bit too much of strength that send Alex and his weapon flying.

"I surrender"

Alex held up his hands in the air.

"Why are you not stubborn today?"

Rios asked with a surprised look.

"Well... You are different and she is different, by the way, last time I am fighting for a friend but this time is a training for myself"

After the other students finish their fights and Rios gave them some pointers, the bell is rang and class is now over.

The group arrived at the cafeteria and lined up.

A student come right now and has already ignored the line and went up to the front of the line to collect his food, the reason been because of his high power level, nobody dare to opposed him.

Luke is fill up with rage and wanted to stop that punk but Alex stopped him, Alex is also filled up with rage because scums like that bully is what he hated the most.

"We already have enough on our plate but we will get back to them, this days Jake is behaving strangely, they might be threatening our friends but I promised that we will get back to them one day"

Alex is really feeling angry right now, but they have to lay low or else they might bite off more than they can chew.

Now its finally the team's turn to grab their foods, they took their foods to the level one area and sit.

Luke is a level 5 ability user but he still choose to sit with them.

"Luke, don't force yourself" Alex said.

"Nonsense, I don't give a damn about what the school or the students think, you are my friends and I will sit here"

Honestly, Luke's words warm their hearth and they feel quiet good and grateful for having a friend with high level but still did not look down on them, especially Alex and Jake that their whole life they have been view as trash by other people.

"Hey Alex, If you are going to change weapon, what will you choose?"

Reginold curiously asked.

"I will change into a pair of gauntlets and then I will beat you up using my fist only"

Alex hold his fist in the air and shook his fist in the air and glare at Reginold.

"Hey, don't get heat up because of that"

The group laugh it off and they finished their foods in no time.

"All of you, we have some business to talk with you four, follow me"

A second year student by the looks of it since he is wearing a black band on his shoulders.

The group comply and followed after him to a more quiet area of the school, this is where the second year lives, the dorms where the first year students live and where the second year students lives are separated, they did not usually mingle with each other.

"Did you think they are planning on beating us all?" Jake voice sounded scared.

"If I am here, nothing will happens" Luke reassured.

"They will not, if not they will have take us in when we are in a secluded area but they take us when we are in the cafetaria, it might be a warning" Alex said.


The door is pushed open...

"Melo, here are the students"

"Why did you invite us here?" Luke went straight to the point.

"I heard that their is some high level ability user hanging out with a bunch of trash"

"Is it against the rule?"

"No, it is not but their are certain things that are rules but are not written, we call them unwritten rules"

"You see, hanging out with this trash of a people, they will start feeling like they are some important part of the society"

"They are important to me, don't you ever call them trash" Luke's voice turn cold.

"Their are people that even the military must think twice before making a move on them talk less of a trash like you, those people are people you cannot afford to offend, even you are killed ten times, your useless life can not attorn for your sins"

"I will love the war to start because all of this good for nothing canon folders and their useless parents that gave birth to such trash children will all be wipe out"


Alex lunge at him but he jumped back, Alex hands grab nothing but air and Luke also punch the Melo but the damn Melo seems to predicted that and dodge the attack.

"I am not here for a fight, take this as a friendly warning and the next time, it won't be this simple"

"You will die, you can not hide from me, I will kill you. This is a promise, I will give you a gift, a gift of your death"

After the group make Alex calm down, he calm to such a point that is scary to all of them, he then uttered those words not in a rush or rage manner but in a deathly calm voice.

Melo give one last look at them before going upstairs.

Something personal and Alex rage...

The next chapter will be Luke's trouble.

Usfal_Aizencreators' thoughts