
The Shape Shifter System

I am Alexander Graham and I am going to chang the world into a better place! The humans are in war against the many races invading earth and in this generation, the coming of mana and other strange types of energy leading to humans having abilities. All the great abilities are hoarded up by the rich and strong, while poor and weak cannot get their hands on any abilty and our MC is one of such poor humans. Activating the shape shifter system, will he be able to change his fate ? Join us to find out.

Usfal_Aizen · แฟนตาซี
35 Chs

The vampire.... What?

The squad of four friends are now on a tight situation, if Roy succeeded, then they will all be safe while if he fail, it will be the opposite.

'Please Roy' Jake pleaded, he is the one that feels the worse about the situation they are in.

Roy turn around and gave them and assuring look as if saying 'Don't worry, I got this'

Roy then turn and focus his attention on the wall before.




The sound of lightening is heard and Roy's body is covered in running lightening.


Roy run straight towards the wall and to their surprise he did not hit the wall but actually climb it!

Right now Roy is running at a very speed while on a vertical wall!


"Hah, the door is open!" Jake heave a sigh of relief as he rush in.

"That's really great"

"Yeah it is but I would not have feel anything even if the door is not successfully open" Luke casually said.

"Then you should stay here and not enter!" Jake's angry voice is heard from within the school building.

"Ah no, since it is open, I will be a fool if I did not took advantage of it" Luke shrugged and enter the school too.

"Roy" Alex said.


"That's really wonderful, you are really amazing and the most powerful helper I have ever had. Thank you for your excellent performance, if not for you we will be stuck outside"

"Its nothing, my lord"

"Stop all that formalities, you don't need to do that, we are all family"

With that the boy and rabbit duo entered the school too.


The dorms...

'Kid, you should really check the bloodlines and also transform a real and living vampire to the world of the living'

'You can also be quiet annoying sometimes, how can we bring a living vampire into this world? Did you want to see a massacre or what?'

'Well, you better prepared because since when you got that as a rewards, I have initialized the process and the living vampire will soon arrive'

'What? Are you smoking something or you are really mad'

'I promised you that the vampire is the most powerful helper you can get and I promised that you will not regret it'

'Fine but the way I understand, a vampire is a mythological undead creature said to feed on human blood'

'That's true but who told you that the vampire can not control his urges?'

'You mean a vampire can control his urges?' Alex is pleasantly surprised at this point.

'Of course a vampire can but he can not be able to completely stop himself from taking blood, blood to vampire is as vital to water to humans, does that can completely stop themselves are the mythical and legendary vampires of myths'

'Then can you give an information about it?'

'I forgot to tell you that the system has a new feature after your evolution and you just have to ask about the information of the particular being you are asking me about'

'Ok, system, give a detail information about a Vampire'

» Affirmative «

- Vampires are a powerful race with humanoid appearance, excelling at everything related to blood. A vampires skill in blood related abilities are top notch, a vampire is a being of strong physique and extremely fast speeds with a regenerative ability.

Base Energy: 8 500


- Blood sense

- Regenerative ability

- Super strength

- Super speed

- Blood skills

'That is quiet good and had high potential, this blood skills is quite vague' Alex is excited at the prospect of having such a strong guy by his side.

'Hahaha, that is all a group of powerful skills and the good thing is you can also use them' The shifter Emperor's voice carried a tinge of mysteriousness.

'What? How?'

'Only in your vampire form'

'You are still an old style guy, hmph'

'Over with all the useless talking, I think the preparations are done'

'Alright, Roy you are about to get a new brother, so come out and join the fun'

A bright blood crimson coloured light shone with intense light illuminated the place, it vaguely started to resembled a humanoid form.

As the intense light disappeared, what stood in its place is a completely handsome guy.

'WHAT?! What is the meaning of this you shitty emperor?!'

The reason for his extreme reaction is hmmm, the vampire is not like Roy and well he is not covered in fur, meaning that they have to find clothes right now.

"Where is thi-" The vampire's sentence is cut short as Alex quickly send it back to the white space.

Luckily, The school uniform that the school had given them is not only one, so he decided to give one to the vampire and so he decided that only when he put on the clothes.

Today, I gotta first say sorry for the late updates and list the reasons for why.

You see, I have been sick for a while and then It got seriously and I also become discouraged due many people not voting.

Seriously, the idea of stopping writing also crossed my mind but I decided against it.

Writing is my hobby and this book is in the WSA competition, I really hope you will support me.

Usfal_Aizencreators' thoughts