
The Shadows Edge

Cultivating_legend · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs


In that moment, Kaze is keenly aware of the power that has been thrust upon him, the shadow magic that courses through his veins. He could easily overwhelm his opponents, crush them with the dark tendrils that had emerged in his previous confrontation. But to do so would be to surrender a part of himself, to embrace the very monstrosity that his captors have sought to create.

Kaze's jaw tightens, his gaze hardening with determination. He will not be broken, not by the cruelty of his captors nor the weight of his own conflicted emotions. Slowly, he raises his hands, palms facing outward in a gesture of surrender. The guards hesitate, their expressions a mix of confusion and frustration, but Kaze holds his ground, unwilling to be the instrument of his fellow prisoners' demise.

The arena falls silent, save for the muffled whimpers and the shifting of bodies. Kaze knows that his defiance will have consequences, that the guards will not tolerate his refusal to fight. But in this moment, he is willing to accept whatever punishment they deem fit, for to do otherwise would be to betray the very essence of who he is., Kaze's resolve is put to the test as the guards, their patience worn thin, shove a burly, battle-scarred prisoner into the ring. The man, his eyes wild with a mix of fear and desperation, charges towards Kaze, his fists raised in a desperate attempt to secure his own survival.

Kaze's heart pounds in his chest, the weight of his decision bearing down upon him. He knows that he cannot simply stand by and allow himself to be beaten, for to do so would invite swift and brutal retribution from his captors. Gritting his teeth, he braces himself, his body tensing as he prepares to defend himself.