
The Shadows Edge

Cultivating_legend · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs


As the faint sounds of other prisoners filter through the gloom, Kaze is reminded of the true nature of his imprisonment. He is not alone in this hell, but merely one among many who have been subjected to the cruelty of their captors. The knowledge that others are suffering alongside him does little to ease the burden of his own captivity, but it serves as a grim reminder that he must find a way to escape, not just for his own sake, but for the sake of those trapped within this fortress of despair.

Kaze takes a deep, steadying breath, forcing himself to focus on the task at hand. He cannot allow himself to be consumed by the darkness that surrounds him, not when the embers of his determination still burn within. With renewed resolve, he begins to meticulously observe his surroundings, searching for any weakness, any opportunity that might lead him to freedom.

The journey ahead may be shrouded in uncertainty, but Kaze knows that he cannot afford to lose hope. For the sake of his family, for the sake of those he has yet to protect, he must find a way to break free from these chains of captivity, no matter the cost., The sound of heavy boots echoes through the dimly lit corridors, signaling the approach of Kaze's captors. A group of guards, their faces obscured by dark helmets, arrive at his cell, their movements rough and unforgiving.