
The Shadows Edge

Cultivating_legend · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Akagawa Estate

The courtyard of the Akagawa estate is alive with the rhythmic thud of wooden swords colliding. A young man, Kaze, moves with a fluid grace, his lithe frame twisting and turning as he parries his father's strikes. Sweat glistens on his brow, but his obsidian eyes remain focused, unwavering.

Kaze's father, a seasoned warrior, watches with a proud smile, offering occasional guidance. "Excellent, Kaze. Your footwork is impeccable. Now, let's see how you handle this."

With a flurry of strikes, he tests his son's defenses, pushing Kaze to the limits of his abilities. The sound of wood on wood echoes through the courtyard, punctuated by the occasional grunt of exertion.

Kaze's movements are precise, his reactions lightning-fast. He anticipates his father's attacks, countering each one with a graceful riposte. Their sparring session becomes a dance, a testament to the bond they share.

As the sun begins to dip below the horizon, casting the estate in a warm, golden glow, Kaze's father lowers his sword, a satisfied expression on his face.

"You've grown stronger, my son. I'm proud of you." He places a hand on Kaze's shoulder, his eyes reflecting a deep, paternal pride. "The annual tournament is fast approaching. I have no doubt you'll make our family proud."

Kaze nods, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I won't let you down, Father."

The tranquil scene belies the looming tragedy that will soon shatter the Akagawa family's world. For now, Kaze revels in the warmth of his father's praise, unaware of the darkness that lurks on the horizon, poised to tear his life apart.