
Whole Cake Island

Katakuri, reverting back to his human form, watched as Brûlée leaped into his arms, tears streaming down her face. "Brother, you're alive! I'm so happy!" she exclaimed, her voice choked with emotion.

Katakuri embraced his sister tightly, a reassuring smile gracing his lips. "Don't worry, Brûlée. I may have been wounded, but I have not lost yet," he reassured her, his tone firm and resolute. "Where are those Straw Hats?" he inquired, his gaze scanning the horizon for any sign of their presence.

Brûlée sniffled, wiping away her tears as she spoke. "They ran away, and Mama is after them," she explained, her voice trembling with anxiety. "But the Vinsmokes are still here, fighting."

As Katakuri transformed once more into his fearsome Manticore form, he descended upon the battlefield with a thunderous roar, his eyes blazing with fury. With a single swift motion, he lunged towards the Vinsmoke siblings, his claws gleaming with deadly intent.

With a ferocious swipe, Katakuri ripped apart Vinsmoke Ronji, his cries echoing through the air as he fell to the ground. Witnessing the demise of their brother, Ichiji and Niji recoiled in shock and horror, their faces contorted with disbelief.

"Where did this monster come from?" Ichiji exclaimed, his voice trembling with fear. "He actually killed Ronji!" Niji added, his eyes widening in terror as Katakuri turned his attention towards them.

Judge, sensing the overwhelming power emanating from Katakuri, realized the gravity of the situation. "Retreat! Don't confront him!" he shouted, his voice filled with desperation. But before his words could be heeded, Katakuri was upon them, his wrath unleashed in a devastating onslaught.

With a single brutal strike, Ichiji and Niji were cut down, their bodies torn asunder by the relentless fury of the Manticore. In mere moments, they lay lifeless at Katakuri's feet, their once formidable powers no match for his overwhelming strength.

Witnessing the slaughter of his sons, Judge's heart filled with anguish and rage. "You monster!" he cried out, his voice cracking with emotion. But before he could launch an attack, Katakuri's scorpion tail pierced through his body, impaling him with ruthless precision.

As Judge slumped to the ground, his life slipping away, the battlefield fell silent, save for the sound of Katakuri's triumphant roar echoing through the air. With the Vinsmoke family defeated and his enemies vanquished, Katakuri stood victorious, his dominance unchallenged in the wake of his devastating rampage.

As Katakuri approached the trembling Reiju, her eyes wide with fear, he reverted back to his basic form, his imposing figure casting a shadow over her fragile form. Reiju, still reeling from the devastation around her, looked up at Katakuri with a mixture of horror and confusion, her voice trembling as she spoke.

"Who are you? What have we done to you?" she pleaded, her words choked with fear and desperation.

Katakuri's expression remained stoic as he seized Reiju by her hair, his grip firm and unyielding. "From now on, you are my slave," he declared, his voice cold and devoid of mercy. With a callous flick of his wrist, he tossed her towards Oven and Daifuku, his command clear and unwavering.

"Make sure she doesn't run away. Otherwise, it will be a problem for you two," Katakuri ordered, his tone brooking no argument. Daifuku and Oven exchanged uneasy glances, sensing the shift in Katakuri's demeanor. They could see that he was no longer the man they once knew—his aura now tinged with a darkness that sent shivers down their spines.

As Katakuri turned away, his scarf billowing in the wind behind him, Reiju's cries for help faded into the distance. She was now at the mercy of her captors, her fate sealed by the merciless hand of Katakuri. With each step he took, his once noble visage twisted into a sinister grin, his fierce and evil teeth bared for all to see.

As Katakuri approached Smoothie with an air of authority, he commanded her to gather all the siblings swiftly. With a sense of urgency, Smoothie hurried to fulfill his orders, rounding up the siblings and bringing them before Katakuri in a matter of moments.

As Katakuri's menacing visage was revealed, some of the younger siblings couldn't help but laugh nervously at the sight. Their laughter was met with uneasy silence from the older siblings, who understood the gravity of the situation. Sensing their apprehension, Katakuri's aides swiftly intervened, forcibly removing those who dared to mock their formidable leader.

Without hesitation, Katakuri unleashed a spray of his corrosive venom upon the offending siblings, their bodies dissolving before his merciless gaze. The younger siblings, under the age of ten, fell victim to his wrath, their lives snuffed out in an instant.

Witnessing the brutal massacre, Compote stepped forward, her voice trembling with fear as she dared to question Katakuri's actions. "What are you doing, Katakuri? Do you realize Mother will return soon?" she pleaded, her words falling on deaf ears.

Katakuri's response was swift and merciless. "Who are you to question me, fat bitch?" he spat, his voice dripping with disdain. With a flick of his wrist, he hurled his trident at Compote, her body unable to defend itself in time. Her head was severed from her body, leaving her lifeless form crumpled on the ground.

As fear gripped the remaining siblings, Katakuri made his intentions clear. "When Mother returns, I will challenge her and defeat her," he declared, his voice resonating with authority. "And I am giving you a task: collect as many fruits as you can. Those who dare to disobey will meet the same fate as the traitors before them."

As Katakuri approached Charlotte Custard, whose Print-Print Fruit granted her the ability to replicate images, he issued a chilling command. "Custard, make as many copies as you can of Mother Caramel," he ordered, his voice laced with authority.

Custard, trembling with fear at Katakuri's command, began to produce countless replicas of Mother Caramel's image. With each copy she created, the air filled with a sense of unease, as tens of thousands of images of the powerful matriarch materialized before them.

But before Custard could continue her task indefinitely, a sudden disturbance shattered the tension in the air. Big Mom herself appeared, her towering figure casting a shadow over the scene. Katakuri, unfazed by her presence, took control of the situation with unwavering resolve.

"It's enough, Custard," he commanded, his voice cutting through the chaos like a knife. With a swift motion, he stored all the copies of Mother Caramel in his System Storage, ensuring their concealment from Big Mom's prying eyes.

As Big Mom returned to witness the chaos unfolding below, her irritation with the Straw Hats already simmering, she was met with a scene of carnage that only served to fuel her anger further. "What is the meaning of this?" she demanded, her voice thundering across the island.

Without uttering a word, Katakuri responded by transforming into his fearsome Manticore form, his form radiating with an aura of malevolence. Big Mom's eyes widened in shock as she beheld the sight before her, realizing that her own son had become a force to be reckoned with.

With a primal roar, the battle erupted in a clash of titanic proportions. Big Mom unleashed her devastating attacks, her fury unleashed upon Katakuri with unbridled intensity. But Katakuri, fueled by his newfound power and unyielding determination, met her onslaught head-on, his claws and venomous strikes striking fear into the heart of his own mother.

The battlefield became a maelstrom of chaos and destruction, the clash between mother and son threatening to tear the very fabric of reality asunder. With every blow exchanged, the ground trembled and the air crackled with energy, bearing witness to the cataclysmic clash between two titans of power.

In the heart of the tumultuous clash between Charlotte Katakuri and the towering behemoth that was Big Mom, the very fabric of reality seemed to bend and strain under the weight of their titanic struggle. Each blow exchanged between them echoed like thunderclaps across the battlefield, shaking the very ground beneath their feet.

Katakuri, his primal fury ignited by the injustice he perceived in Big Mom's reign, unleashed the full ferocity of his Manticore Fruit powers. With every sinew of his being infused with the essence of the mythical beast, he tore through the air with unrestrained aggression, his claws slashing through space itself with lethal precision.

But Big Mom, a force of nature unto herself, met Katakuri's onslaught head-on, her massive form wreathed in an aura of raw power. With each swing of her colossal fists, she sought to crush her adversary under the weight of her boundless strength, her eyes ablaze with an insatiable hunger for victory.

In a bid to gain the upper hand, Katakuri cunningly deployed his secret weapon: the replicated images of Mother Caramel. As the images materialized before Big Mom's eyes, a flicker of recognition crossed her face, momentarily causing her to hesitate in the heat of battle.

Seizing the opportunity, Katakuri pressed his advantage with relentless ferocity, his attacks driven by a singular purpose: to bring down the indomitable Empress before him. With each strike, he aimed to exploit Big Mom's emotional vulnerabilities, knowing that her weakened resolve could be his key to victory.

Yet, even as Big Mom faltered, her resolve wavered but momentarily. With a primal roar, she unleashed a devastating counterattack, her blows raining down upon Katakuri with the force of a raging tempest. The very air crackled with the intensity of their clash, each collision sending shockwaves rippling across the battlefield.

As the battle raged on, Katakuri's mind raced with desperate calculations. He knew that victory against an opponent of Big Mom's caliber would require a decisive blow, one that would shatter her defenses and secure his dominance once and for all.

Summoning forth his last resort, Katakuri retrieved the mini atom bomb from his arsenal, its ominous presence casting a shadow over the battlefield. With a steely determination, he launched the bomb towards Big Mom's gaping maw, his aim guided by a singular desire to emerge triumphant from the crucible of combat.

In a blinding flash of light, the bomb detonated, engulfing Big Mom in a cataclysmic explosion of unimaginable magnitude.

As the blinding light of the explosion faded and the smoke began to clear, a deafening silence settled over the battlefield. In the aftermath of the detonation, the once-mighty Big Mom lay broken and scattered, her towering form reduced to naught but charred remnants and shattered fragments.

The magnitude of Katakuri's mini atom bomb had been unleashed in its entirety, tearing through the very fabric of reality and rending Big Mom's colossal frame into countless pieces. The devastation wrought by the explosion was a testament to the sheer power and ferocity of their battle, leaving no doubt in anyone's mind of the cataclysmic forces at play.

As Katakuri stood amidst the wreckage, his chest heaving with exertion and his eyes ablaze with triumph, he knew that his victory had come at a great cost. But in that moment, as he surveyed the shattered remains of his once-invincible foe, he understood that he had achieved something truly monumental—a triumph of will and determination over insurmountable odds.

As Charlotte Katakuri pursued the strange energy flowing before him, he soon realized its source: the elusive Soul-Soul Fruit. Despite his best efforts to capture it, the ethereal energy eluded his grasp, slipping through his fingers like wisps of smoke. However, Katakuri's keen mind quickly devised a plan.

With a determined gleam in his eye, Katakuri directed the energy of the Soul-Soul Fruit into his System Storage, where it merged seamlessly with the repository of his powers. A sense of satisfaction washed over him as he felt the newfound energy coursing through his being.

"Now, this is good," Katakuri remarked, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. With a swift motion, he removed a ring from his hand—a seemingly innocuous accessory that held a hidden secret.

The reason for Katakuri's delayed arrival at the wedding was now revealed. Tasked by Big Mom to attack a laboratory belonging to the renowned scientist Mad's team, Katakuri had successfully acquired the knowledge of merging devil fruits with non-living entities.

With a sense of anticipation, Katakuri gazed upon the ring in his hand, knowing that it now possessed the power of the Soul-Soul Fruit. As he concentrated, the energy within the ring surged, pulsating with untold potential.