

In the grand halls of Onigashima, where shadows danced and the air thrummed with anticipation, Katakuri descended from the skies to meet Kaido, the imposing figure of the Beast Pirates' captain.

With a jovial roar, Kaido welcomed his newfound son-in-law with open arms, ushering him into the festivities with a grand party befitting their alliance. Amidst the revelry, Katakuri played along with the formalities, exchanging pleasantries and indulging in the festivities.

As the night wore on and the merriment reached its peak, Katakuri seized the opportunity to broach a more serious topic. "So, what are you giving as a dowry, Father-in-law?" he inquired, his tone laced with curiosity.

Kaido, ever the enigmatic host, fixed his gaze upon Katakuri with a wry grin. "What do you desire, Katakuri?" he countered, his voice carrying a note of challenge.

Without hesitation, Katakuri voiced his request. "Make me the king of Wano," he declared, his eyes ablaze with determination.

Kaido's laughter echoed throughout the hall, a booming cacophony that reverberated against the walls. "Wororororo! That's no problem at all," he declared with a grin. "I'll immediately summon that bastard Orochi here anyway he is only a useless dog."

With a nod of agreement, Katakuri watched as Kaido made preparations to fulfill his request, knowing that his journey in Wano was only just beginning.

As the revelation hung heavy in the air, Katakuri and Kaido exchanged a tense glance, the gravity of the situation sinking in.

"Thank you, Father-in-law," Katakuri acknowledged with a nod. "But there's a secret you must know."

Kaido's brows furrowed in curiosity. "A secret?" he echoed, his interest piqued.

With a measured tone, Katakuri continued, "The remnants of Oden are still alive."

Kaido's eyes widened in disbelief. "How is that possible? They vanished years ago," he protested.

Katakuri leaned in, his voice barely a whisper. "You know the abilities of Oden's wife. She possessed the Time-Time Fruit. She sent her son and Oden's retainers into the future. Some of those retainers are still here in Wano, hidden among us. And more will arrive soon."

Kaido's expression hardened with determination. "Then let's eliminate them immediately," he declared, reaching for his mace.

But Katakuri raised a hand, urging caution. "No, let them reveal themselves," he advised. "The rats will show themselves soon enough. We don't need to strain ourselves to catch them."

Katakuri then shifted the conversation, turning the spotlight onto Kaido's own troubles. "What about cleaning up the traitors within your own ranks first?" he suggested.

Kaido's gaze sharpened with suspicion. "Traitors?" he echoed, his grip tightening on his weapon.

With a calm demeanor, Katakuri dropped the bombshell. "One of the Tobi Roppo is a traitor, an agent of the Navy, the leader of Sword—the secret agency tasked with spying on the Navy."

Kaido's eyes narrowed as he scanned the faces of his subordinates "Who is it?" he demanded.

Katakuri fixed his gaze on Drake. "Who do you think it is, Drake?" he challenged.

Drake's composure faltered, beads of sweat forming on his brow. "I don't know, Young Master," he stammered, his voice betraying his nerves.

With a knowing smile, Katakuri delivered the final blow. "You don't know yourself, huh? It's you, Colonel X Drake, the leader of Sword Regiment of the Navy."

Drake's transformation into his beast form was swift, but before he could escape, Kaido's mace came crashing down, delivering a devastating blow. Drake's attempt to dodge was futile as he was struck with a force that sent him sprawling.

"You traitorous bastard," Kaido spat with disgust, kicking Drake towards Katakuri.

Katakuri wasted no time, his scorpion tail lashing out with lethal precision, severing Drake's head from his body in a single, swift motion. As the traitor's lifeless form fell to the ground, the truth of his betrayal lay exposed for all to see.

Kaido's voice rumbled with authority. "Thank you, son-in-law. Without your vigilance, who knows how much information would have been leaked."

Katakuri waved off the gratitude with a dismissive gesture. "It's no problem. We'll be family soon," he replied, his tone casual yet determined.

With a sharp glance at Yamato, Kaido broached the subject of their impending union. "How about you meet Yamato now?" he suggested, a hint of expectation in his voice.

Without hesitation, Katakuri agreed. "Let's go," he said, leading the way out of the room with Kaido in tow.

As they approached Yamato's confinement, the figure within turned to face them with a mixture of curiosity and defiance. "So, you're the one my father wants me to marry," Yamato remarked, their voice tinged with skepticism.

Kaido confirmed the identity of the visitor. "Yes, Charlotte Katakuri. Your future husband," he stated bluntly.

Yamato's expression hardened with resolve. "It's impossible. I am a man. I will not marry him," they declared adamantly, their defiance unyielding.

Katakuri, however, remained unfazed by Yamato's protest. "You want to be Kozuki Oden, right?" he challenged, his tone carrying a note of certainty.

Yamato nodded proudly, their resolve unshaken. "Yes, indeed. Looks like you also know a little about samurai," they conceded, a hint of respect in their voice.

With a solemn expression, Katakuri issued his challenge. "Then let's settle this like samurai. If I win, you'll accept yourself as a female, become my obedient wife, and follow my orders unquestioningly," he proposed.

Yamato considered the terms carefully before posing their own condition. "And if I win?" they countered, their gaze steady and unwavering.

Katakuri met Yamato's gaze with a confident smirk. "Then I'll let you go free. Don't worry, Kaido won't stop you, and you can do as you please," he assured, a glint of determination in his eyes.

A silent understanding passed between Katakuri and Kaido, their intentions clear. With a subtle nod from the Beast Pirates' captain, Yamato knew that her freedom was assured.

With a nod of understanding, Yamato made their decision. "Then let's fight. Remove my handcuffs," they commanded, their posture poised and ready for the challenge ahead.

As the jailor approached, his movements deliberate and precise, he carefully removed the handcuffs from Yamato's wrists. With a gentle click, the metal restraints fell away, freeing her from their confines. 

Yamato flexed her hands, feeling the newfound freedom coursing through her veins. She squared her shoulders, her resolve unwavering, ready to face Katakuri in battle. 

With a nod of acknowledgment to the jailor, Yamato stepped forward, her gaze locked on Katakuri's, her determination shining bright. It was time to test her strength, to prove herself in the eyes of both friend and foe alike. The stage was set, and the duel was about to begin.

The clash between Katakuri and Yamato erupted into a whirlwind of ferocity and skill, each combatant unleashing their full arsenal in a bid for supremacy.

Yamato, wielding her mace with expert precision, launched a barrage of relentless strikes, each blow aimed with deadly accuracy. Her movements were swift and fluid, her resolve unyielding as she sought to overcome her opponent.

But Katakuri proved to be a formidable adversary, his mastery over his awakened devil fruit and honed combat skills proving to be a daunting challenge for Yamato to overcome. With lightning-fast reflexes and unparalleled agility, he deftly evaded Yamato's onslaught, countering with devastating blows of his own.

Their battle raged on, the sound of clashing weapons echoing through the air as they danced across the battlefield. Katakuri's observation haki allowed him to anticipate Yamato's every move, giving him a crucial advantage in their skirmish.

In the heart of Onigashima, under the watchful gaze of Kaido and the Beast Pirates, Katakuri and Yamato stood poised for battle. The air crackled with anticipation as the two warriors prepared to clash, their determination radiating like an aura around them.

With a sudden burst of speed, Katakuri surged forward, his movements fluid and precise. His scorpio tail lashed out like a whip, aiming to strike Yamato with deadly accuracy. But Yamato was no ordinary opponent. With a swift sidestep, she evaded the attack, her reflexes honed by years of combat experience.

Seizing the opportunity, Yamato countered with a barrage of swift punches and kicks, each strike fueled by her fierce determination. But Katakuri was no stranger to combat. With his awakened Manticore Devil Fruit powers, he met Yamato's onslaught head-on, his venomous attacks weaving a deadly dance in the air.

The clash between the two warriors intensified, their movements blurring as they exchanged blows with incredible speed and ferocity. Each strike reverberated through the battlefield, shaking the very ground beneath their feet.

Despite Yamato's formidable skill and unwavering resolve, Katakuri's superior observation Haki and awakened Devil Fruit powers began to tip the scales in his favor. With a swift maneuver, he anticipated Yamato's next move and landed a devastating blow, sending her reeling backward.

But Yamato refused to yield. With a fierce roar, she unleashed her full strength, pushing herself beyond her limits in a desperate bid to turn the tide of battle. Yet, even her most powerful attacks were met with Katakuri's unwavering defense.

In a final, climactic exchange, Katakuri delivered a decisive blow, his venom-infused strike piercing through Yamato's defenses and leaving her incapacitated on the ground.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, Katakuri stood victorious, his chest heaving with exertion. With a solemn nod of respect, he offered his hand to Yamato, helping her to her feet.