

Rita placed her hand on her chest to try calming herself down.She thought of leaving but saw that the guy was approaching her and she was screaming in her brain 'Oooh God what does he want now because this is becoming very awkward'.It seemed like he was coming with slow motion because she got to see just how irrevocably handsome he was and it took her breath away.She came out of her trance only when he got where she was .She blushed because she was caught gawking.'Ooh great how is it that I drop my guard around this guy'she complained to herself for blushing .'Ooh so she is blushing because of me ,that's a good sign I guess'he encouraged himself.To break the awkward silence he spoke "Hi Rita,um I came to see if you could spare a few minutes for lunch to catch up that's if you don't mind "he said with hope in his eyes and heart.She was taken aback by his request and was dying to talk to him just to see him,hear his voice and catch up on old times maybe ."Sure why not I mean I do have an hour for lunch so yea can do"she said while smiling .Not able to hide his joy he smiled at her appreciatively and told her he would pick her up which she refused and said that he should just choose a place and she would meet him.Rita is very independent and does not want to rely on anyone especially a man .Threw hours later , it was lunch time and she hurried to make sure she keeps time ."Wow I must commend you since you even got here earlier than me.You seem to still keep time just like you did back in school"Jermaine said trying to start a conversation.She just smiled and said it was polite not to keep a person waiting .They made their order and she ordered for healthy foods while Jermaine felt that he was obliged to also eat those to show her that he watched his health which was a total lie because junk was like his thing yet he looked very fit."So are still in contact with any of our classmates from before? he asked "Not really funny enough I have not met any one of them since we parted ways "she answered truthfully "But if given a chance who would you like to see from before?" he tested his luck,"No one I guess because they belong in my past and it is next to impossible to meet any of them since we all went out ways no offence" she said I was as if she took the knife she was using to eat and pierced his heart since he was hurt "Not even me? or should I leave since maybe I'm bothering you" he asked "I'm really sorry I never meant to hurt your feelings because if we met then there must be a reason I guess but I was just speaking my mind since you asked " .She apologized but not quite genuinely since she wanted to hurt him and draw a line between them ."Well fortunately for me am still in contact with almost everyone and only you have been missing but looks like we are complete.Oh by the way we were planning of going hiking together and also hang out,I mean if you want you can join but if you don't then it's okay" Jermaine stated ."I don't know if it's possible because I have quite a tight schedule unless you allocate a time that is convenient and I will get back to you on it " she said knowing very well she won't dare to go because she didn't trust any one of them and if she really has to then she has to take Claret to feel safe .They conversed for a while before Rita left claiming her lunch hour was almost over ."She seems so uptight and that is just so frustrating bro"Jermaine told Alfred his bestie from back then."She is a doctor what do you expect,hmphh I mean for her to have chosen that career she must be tough am even surprised she agreed to "catch up " with you.But know that good things don't come easy."Alfred encouraged him to not give up."What's even more frustrating is the fact that I don't have her contact since she collected mine in the name of she will use it to get back to me about my proposal on hanging together as a class since she is the only one who we had not found , aah I feel like she is avoiding me "Jermaine said expressing his hurt to his buddy who told him that it showed that Rita was not cheap and respected herself.They ended up not playing the video game as planned since Jermaine was not in the mood hence Alfred left for his house .