

Olive Rogers is a twelve year old girl who, along with her twin brother Oliver, is sent to an unknown boarding school called Ancestors' Academy. Everything goes wrong from day one but Olive cannot do anything about it except wait and hope that things will become better she. She is followed by the ghost of a girl named Jen who had died in school while on punishment. Soon Olive discovers that Jen is not the only one who died in that fashion and what makes it even worse is that they all died in the same place the sewing room. At one glance Ancestors' Academy looks like a school that is run by medieval fanatics but on the inside it is a horrifying place where children lose their personalities to become a copy of the headmistress those who do not comply are killed in gruesome ways that are unimaginable. Join Olive in her journey of 5 years surviving Ancestors' Academy while trying to maintain her own personality as well as her brother's.

Gloria_5922 · วัยรุ่น
43 Chs


"Can you get up?" Elise asked frowning down at me.

Get up? I don't think I can even speak right now! And isn't this all her fault? She should carry me all the way to my dorm. Maria suddenly blocked my view of Jen and I can't say I'm not grateful for that. I moved my eyes to look at her and a tear involuntarily fell from my eye.

"Do you think you can get on my back at least?" Maria said as she covered me with a white sheet.

It took a long time for the two of them to get me on Maria's back as it was just the two of them. The bathroom was now empty and I wonder if those girls will still learn normally after what they had to see. I was slowly taken to my room and changed into a plain white dress I had brought from home, one of my best dresses.

"Have you told Oliver?" I asked Maria out of curiosity and so that I wouldn't have to look at Elise.

"I sent Markus to inform him. I've also informed Sr Drevin so she can bring the doctor over here then when you get better you'll be taken to the clinic." Maria said as she checked my temperature.

She sat down on the bed next to me and checked my pulse rate and somewhere at the back of my mind I felt that she was taking care of me because of Oliver. My eyes darted to Elise who was standing by the window with her eyes focused on something that she keenly watched.

"Your brother is coming this way." Elise said,"Thankfully he's got a pass."

Maria's hands trembled slightly from the information on Oliver's arrival. I rolled my eyes at her and I don't know if she saw it or not but I don't think I care. After what felt like three eternities, Oliver finally pushed open the door and walked in with Markus.

"Vee are you okay?" Oliver asked walking towards me quickly.

He pushed Maria away from me and sat where she had been sitting. She looked so shocked and even Markus was shocked. I laughed internally at the expression on Maria's face and I wasn't the only one laughing because I saw a small smile creep onto Elise's lips.

"I'm not fine." I told Oliver,"Everything hurts."

"I wish I was there." he said and that made everyone glare at him,"Not in the baths but I mean to protect you." he added.

"How would you have protected me?" I asked him smiling.

"I don't know. Such things happen with instinct." he said taking the blanket to cover me even though it was so hot outside.

"Isn't your instinct running?" Elise asked making Oliver and I realize we weren't alone in the room.

Before he could respond Sr Drevin walked in followed by an old man having a first aid kit in his hands and a stethoscope round his neck. The man narrowed his eyes at Oliver and Markus like he didn't want them in the room.

"Do you have a pass Mr Rogers?" Sr Drevin asked Oliver as she came to stand next to the bed.

"Yes." he replied simply as he smoothed the blanket at the edges like he didn't mind that he was being watched.

Oliver had always been this way since we were kids and I like having my own personal nanny. I remember a time in kindergarten when I had diarrhoea; one of the most traumatizing experiences of my life. He had been informed my teacher that I had been given a rotten banana by one of the older kids and had fallen sick. Our parents were quite busy on that day that they couldn't even answer there phones so he had been tasked to take me home, which wasn't far. I had messed up my underwear and was crying profusely until he gave me his school trouser to wear while he remained in his boxers. Before leaving he had got into a fight with the girl who had given me the banana; as in a physical fight. The whole way back home he gave a death glare at anyone who dated to scrunch their nose because of my odor.

He was and always will be my guardian angel. I think I wouldn't have made it out of kindergarten without him.

"This is Dr Buffers." Sr Drevin introduced the old man and I in turn gave him a little nod,"He will take a look at you....in private."

"Private?!" Oliver exclaimed.

"Yes Mr Rogers, in private. Unless you want to see your sister naked?" Sr Drevin said with raised brows.

Naked! Why do I have to undress in front of this man?!

"Naked?!" Markus screamed making everyone look at him.

Ohh....he was worried about me and now he is embarrassed. He looked down as soon as Sr Drevin frowned at him.

"I meant to say....why naked?" he said to compensate for his earlier mistake.

"Elise and I will stay here while the rest of you go back to class." Sr Drevin said.

Oliver was still frowning at the nun like he would strangle her at any moment. And Markus was looking down at me like a worried husband after hearing his wife might die in labour. I gave them a weak smile and they smiled back before glaring at Sr Drevin and Dr Buffers who both had their backs turned on the two boys. When they left I felt my heart drop to my toes when Dr Buffers told Elise to undress me. They hadn't even put underwear on me because of how painful it would have been on me and now I wish they did. I felt every drag of Dr Buffers' fingers on my skin as he inspected my bruises that had now turned black and blue.

For they rest of the check up I felt nothing and heard none of the old man's instructions because Jen was standing right behind Sr Drevin glaring at me.

"I'll go get the medicines for her." I heard Elise say holding a piece of paper in her hands.

"No please stay!" I shouted before she could even move an inch.

I have a strong feeling Elise is the only reason why Jen isn't attacking me so letting her leave will be a death wish. She narrowed her eyes at me and then let her eyes scan the room before they settled on Jen. She handed the prescription to Sr Drevin who happily took it as if she didn't want to stay here with me. When she turned around her eyes locked with Jen for the briefest seconds and then the nun walked around the ghost. So Sr Drevin could see her too! Maybe it's because she is a holy woman?

"Mr Rogers?!" Sr Drevin exclaimed touching her bossom like she just had a heart attack.

What is Ollie doing here?

"You too Markus?" Sr Drevin added.

So Maria is the only one who had actually listened to the nun. Elise covered me again and looked at Sr Drevin who hesitantly opened the door for the two boys to enter and for the doctor to leave. Oliver was the first one to come in followed by a ghostly pale Markus.

"Did the old man do anything to you?" Oliver asked in a whisper and I shook my head.

"You're sure?" Markus whispered with concern.

"I was right here you know." Elise jumped into the conversation not bothering to whisper.

Oliver looked like he wanted to say something like 'shut it shorty!' but he kept it in because it is an offence to insult a fellow student.

"Why aren't you in class?" I asked trying to ease his tension.

"Are you kidding me?" he said quickly then he lowered his voice,"Every time I blinked I saw that old man touching you. I couldn't leave you."

"But I was right here." Elise said exasperated.

"Well I don't trust you, okay. I don't trust anything about this place." he retorted.

Ouch! That must have really hurt her judging from the expression on her face. She blinked rapidly in disbelief then sighed as if she was letting out some steam.

"Why didn't you leave?" Elise asked Markus,"Same reason?"

"No. I....had visions of her crying because the doctor was touching her." he answered seriously.

"That's the same thing." Oliver and Elise said in matter of fact way.

I laughed at Markus and he looked down feeling embarrassed.

"Thanks for worrying about me you guys." I thanked them.

"Markus and I don't have the same position in your life so next time say this instead," Oliver said then he cleared his throat to mimic my voice poorly," thank you my dear brother and GUY!"

We all laughed but I noticed that Elise's smile was half hearted and I also noticed Jen was gone. I wonder if she is upset because Oliver said he doesn't trust her at all. She is probably even asking herself why Ollie trusts Markus and not her. I'm not sure I should pity her but I can sympathize with a heart broken girl.