
The Servant's General

A world set in the ages of warring kingdoms, in this novel you can expect a unique power trope, combat & action, strategy, a bit of kingdom politics and most importantly... No Harem. I took inspiration from works such as Kingdom and The Heroic Legend of Arslan. I'd hoped for more manga or novels that have a progress focused kingdom archetype but there hasn't been any recently so I decided to try one for myself. This novel is something I'm not too deeply invested in, but I'll keep writing for as long as people enjoy it. I'll probably write around 10-20 chapters before deciding if I'll continue or not based on feedback. [Chapter Schedule: 3-5 Per Week] [Novel Cover Image is not mine, it is a placeholder.]

StingLikeAMountain · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Regalia X Cursed

The camp was bustling with soldiers running around and shouting, some of them going off for their food provisions and some others heading towards the training field as Kelle left the Captain's tent.

Kelle felt as if there was a ticking bomb next to him with the war, he didn't know when it would blow up but it was imperative that he learn what exactly his Regalia was and how it worked before then. The worst part was that he had zero knowledge of tactics, other kingdoms, and the worst of all; information about Regalia's themselves.

Kelle looked down at the strange lattice-like tattoo on his hand, and he realized that this was his best bet if he wanted to survive. Besides training like he was used to, he'd have to learn many different things from now on if he wanted to be successful.

'I guess the first thing is going to be learning about this Regalia after all,' thought Kelle.

Before leaving Captain Orin, he had actually given him the reward arranged by the Lord's Manor, which looked like a small black chest.

Kelle hurried back over to the tent he woke up in, which wasn't very far away, and he brushed shoulders with a few of the rushing soldiers in their typical padded brown-leather armor. Seldom he saw some of them with some type of metal armor, like the one Captain Orin had, they were probably captains of some different teams.

He also noticed that most of them actually had what looked like a normal longsword at their hip, a few of them had axes while a scant few carried things like daggers or mauls. It seemed as if there was some freedom when it came to soldiers and their weapon of choice.

Kelle had noticed a few odd-looking standouts on his way, two shorties' that both had similarly shortened hammers at their waist. There was also another standout guy and he was one of the tallest and most robust guys Kelle had ever seen before, and all he had was two massive shields on his back.

Finally making his way back into the tent, Kelle found himself slouched up against one of the wooden beams that held the tent up, and let out a deep breath.

"This is the first time I'd left that Manor as an adult, and more importantly… the first time I've ever had freedom, or something like that, I guess." He mumbled

Kelle felt like the process from nearly being killed by Revel and his two idiots that practically worship him to waking up in a war encampment had happened too fast for him to really process.

Even though he wasn't free there was a sense of potential before that he had never felt before, it felt like this was the first day of his life. And it probably was, from now on things will be completely different. And the thing that all made it possible is thanks to the Regalia.

Kelle took another look at it and it had the same familiar and pleasant faint crimson glow as before, he got a closer look and he felt he could almost make out some of the strange patterns in it as it twisted around like a snake, but they were too difficult to discern.

Thinking about what exactly it might be, he hurriedly looked over to the little black box he had set down. Before leaving the Captain had hinted to him it should give him some of the answers he needs.

He carefully took it into his hands and examined it again; it looked like there was a faint mark on the box, and as he ran his hands over it-



Startled, Kelle saw his Regalia flash in a deep red for a moment as the box opened slightly, partially revealing the contents within.

'I didn't know this thing was a key or something too…" He felt exasperated at being spooked by his own Regalia.

Opening the box all the way, he took out a small notebook within it. It looked just like one of the books in the Lord's Manor he had seen before, but this one had a strange crest on the front of it, and there were no words on it.

'I-I can't even read… how the hell am I supposed to understand this? Was I supposed to get the Captain to read it to me?' Just as he was thinking this, he opened it to see the contents, and another flash rang out from his Regalia.


Kelle was completely stunned as he watched the words inside of the 'book' start twisting and turning around, seemingly coming alive as he stared mesmerized into it.

The strange text formed into some kind of tattoo akin to a Regalia and, to Kelle's bewilderment, traveled down the page and up onto his arm and slithered its way unbeknownst to Kelle through his eyes and straight into his brain.


Kelle's eyes watered as he unwillingly slammed his head back into the wooden pole he was leaning on from the massive influx of information that was prevailing itself to him, and with it, a deep gnawing pain that seemed to seep down even into his bones.

Unluckily, or perhaps it was lucky, that no one had seen him fall to the ground, foaming at the mouth and writhing around as if a demon had possessed him.

After what felt like an hour to him, Kelle opened his eyes as his face was once again caked with dirt from being on the ground.

 'I guess that's one way to learn things,' he grumbled, being forced to remember being put to the ground by Rosh.

Once Kelle woke up, it felt as if he could actually feel his memories. He had never taken notice of it before, but now that memories had forced themselves inside of his brain, he realized there was an entire subset of knowledge open to him that he only had to think about to access.

To quickly sum up some of the information, he laid it out in his head to make it more readable;

Regalia ArchetypeCombat

Specialty: Polearms

Awakened Abilities: ? ? ?


Grade? ? ?

Regalia MutationCursed

Going over the information in his mind, although some things were missing and he had to figure those out later, one thing stood out.

"What does it mean by cursed?"

I'm not sure if I want to add something like a system to this novel, even if it is a psuedo-system that's just information in his head. (Take note, it's just information only. Even if there is a system-like interface it won't give rewards.)

I thought it might help with simplifying some information in the future instead of giving you guys handouts of info-dumps.

Let me know if you like or dislike the idea, and moving forward ill add or remove it depending on feedback.


StingLikeAMountaincreators' thoughts