
The True Longinus

The Seraphic System

Chapter: 41

Pa/ t reon details below the chapter if you're interested in seeing some content in advance. I'll keep posting regardless. If you have any suggestions you would like to see added, I will try to incorporate what I can :)

Also, I noticed someone said events in the last few chapters seemed a bit too chaotic. I understand but it's meant to be this way. You'll find out why in a few chapters.

(The True Longinus)

A warm deceptively soft breeze blew through the Area. As if there weren't two Demigods and the broken body of a woman off to one side while two opposing forces capable of immense destruction stared each other down.

{Name: Cao Cao}

{Title: Human Supremacist}

{Race: Enhanced Human}

{Power Level: 5,940}

The very peak of high class. Extremely impressive for a human.

Cao Cao lazed back uncaringly with an infuriating grin stretched across his face.

Why was he so calm? I was an ultimate class being and that wasn't so easily thrown around. His subordinates behind him all possessed decently strong power levels and were all Sacred gear wielders like him.

That didn't explain his calmness though. My eyes trailed over to the spear he kept lazily in his grasp as if he knew nothing could take it from him and I felt something.

It was comforting and powerful. My eyes squinted as I felt it almost calling out to me. Despite that, I could feel the danger emanating from the Sacred Gear. I instantly knew it was a powerful weapon.

Which gave credit to his confidence. A powerful weapon could turn an even fight into a one-sided slaughter depending on the weapon. It's why even Gods made sure to have powerful divine weapons instead of relying on their own power.

[True Longinus]

Description: The True Longinus is a majestic spear with a golden shaft and a double-edged, slightly curved blade at its tip.


Light Weapon: The True Longinus is imbued with light energy, making it exceptionally deadly against devils, fallen angels, and other beings of darkness. Its mere presence can cause discomfort to evil beings.

Holy Power: As the spear that pierced the side of Jesus Christ, the True Longinus is imbued with overwhelming holy power, making it extremely effective against devils, fallen angels, and other beings of darkness.

Complete Subjugation: The True Longinus has the ability to dominate and subjugate any other Sacred Gear, including other Longinus, due to its superior power and divine authority. [Locked]

Light of Judgment: The spear can release a powerful beam of holy light that can obliterate anything in its path, making it capable of exterminating enemies en masse.

Holy Symbol: Due to spears blade being bathed in the blood of a holy being. It has the ability to amplify all holy power.

Anti-God Weapon: The spear has the potential to kill divine beings or gods, making it a weapon feared not just by devils but by any powerful entity.

Divinity imbued Attacks: Due to the spear containing a Shard of (יְהוָה) soul. All attacks are tinged with divinity, making them more powerful and damaging.

Defence and Aura Manipulation: The spear can shield its wielder from fatal attacks and can allow the user to manipulate aura in order to divert or destroy attacks

Seal Breaking: The True Longinus can break through seals, which is a unique ability of the Holy Relics. [Locked]

Mental Influence and Fear Induction: The True Longinus, can drive people insane due to its powerful holy aura.

(Sub-Species - Polar Night Longinus Chakravartin) (Mutated)

Description: Cao Cao's mutated Sub-Species of the True Longinus, known as Chakravartin was manifested by Indra's many experiments to try enhance the spears power.


Polar Night Longinus Chakravartin: A subspecies Balance Breaker that creates seven orbs called the Seven Treasures, each with unique abilities. The orbs appear identical, making it difficult for opponents to predict the ability being used.

- Cakkaratana (Wheel Treasure): Destroys weapons.

- Itthiratana (Female Treasure): Temporarily stops the special abilities of women.

- Assaratana (Horse Treasure): Teleports the person the orb touches or can be used to teleport the wielder.

- Maniratana (Pearl Treasure): Redirects attacks sent toward the user.

- Hatthiratana (Elephant Treasure): Allows the wielder to lift objects that the orb touches.

- Gahapatiratana (Householder Treasure): Creates warrior-like entities similar to Blade Blacksmith's Balance Breaker, Blade Knight Mass.

- Parinayakaratana (General Treasure): A powerful attack with high destructive capabilities, the strongest among the seven. It has some usage restrictions, possibly requiring certain conditions to activate.

4. Spear Manipulation: The True Longinus can extend and retract according to the wielder's will, with seemingly no limit.

That explained his confidence.

I kept my facial expression relaxed if not a bit tightened from the sheer amount of anger I was restraining from seeing my friends beaten up and presumably tortured.

It hit a sore point and reminded me of the fate of my last angel. Percy had been loyal and while I was technically helping him, he had tried to be reliable. Annabeth, despite her flaws, had also tried to have my back.

Medusa had also been nothing but loyal to me. Which was why my hands were clenched so tightly and my eyes burned.

The True Longinus was even stronger than I had expected it would be, I was thankful that I wasn't a Devil or Fallen Angel dealing with that. My Race is finally providing some benefits.

The spear was even more impressive than Zeus' bolt. His confidence made a lot more sense with a weapon such as that in his hands. My thoughts went back to the subspecies section. Instantly I connected the dots.

They were sent here by Indra. Who had also apparently somehow mutated the Longinus. The name Subspecies felt like it would make the spear weaker but instead it simply provided it with extra powerful abilities.

The Sacred Gear system was unfamiliar to me so I didn't know how all of that worked.

I had to admit that I hadn't expected the Hero Faction to target Percy and the others, after all. I thought they were only after me and wouldn't care about some Demigod. Even then, I thought Medusa would be able to handle and guide Percy if he was attacked.

Ares didn't know about his failed plan yet so I hadn't been too worried about him targeting Percy before I could present my case to Zeus.

I couldn't have really done much more unless I decided to stuff them all in my inventory or sub-dimension. Both ideas were not quite ideal.

Cao Cao didn't seem to be in a rush, a brief silence Between us as I went through my thoughts. I kept my eyes and senses sharp, just in case he tried to pull something suddenly.

"Why are you trying to kill me?" I questioned.

Cao Cao titled his head.

"You didn't think you could just go into a country that houses the most powerful pantheon and just make a mess then leave did you? Though I don't like taking orders, I make an exception for only one." Cao Cao confirmed my thoughts.

Truthfully this put me at ease a bit. Of course I knew I wouldn't get away with it. Even if I did, when I went back to kill that Devi bitch I was sure I would get into trouble. If I was caught anyway.

Which was why I was training to such an extent and going after quests for the valuable rewards they would inevitably give me.

I nodded.

"You really should have brought my back up." I Replied.

"Oh? Why's that?" Cao Cao asked with a smirk.

I brought out the two bodies of the previous Hero Faction members I had encountered. Their broken bodies flopping on the ground, red blood immediately pooling around them.

Some of the members flinched.

I hadn't actually killed them, but they didn't need to know that. I raised my hand and sent a mass of holy power energy at them, their bodies disintegrating from the sheer heat and power.

Cao Cao's smirk had faded by now. Replaced by an angry frown.

"you're going to die, a painful pathetic death." I promised.

He scowled in fury. He was prideful and probably a bit of a narcissist. I observed.

Why had I done this? Unnerving them would serve well. It would make them think more about their attacks which would make their attacks slower in return. Not by much, but that didn't quite matter.

The only potential threat I saw here was Cao Cao and that was because I didn't know how powerful his spear would truly make him. Alone he was a minor hurdle.

Since the Peak of high class was considered pretty powerful. Using all of his power he could probably keep up with a good few of my attacks. With the spear he would last a lot longer. If he went for a suicidal attack I would have to be extremely careful.

The rest of his team were all in the high class but not to the same extent. I wouldn't underestimate anyone above the middle realm in the high class.

I had a much better grasp on power level differences with my experience fighting. They were strange since I couldn't see stats, so I didn't know what type of fighters they were. Which made it difficult to really calculate threats.

My mind sharpened and all thoughts drowned out as Cao Cao sneered. His eyes narrowed and his spear shot up just as my arms blurred. My speed was probably insane for him. The rest didn't even react.

The power difference was too high. I enjoyed the shock in Cao Cao's eyes. It was nice to be on the other end for once. A mass of searing hot light energy was sent at him, more of a probe than a killing blow.

Especially since I needed to be careful of Percy who was in their path.

"Polar Night Longinus Chakravartin"


Cao Cao's Spear barley spun in time and the mass of light swirled with difficulty on his part, coming back to shoot towards me. I didn't react, letting the mass harmlessly hit me and absorbing it back into myself.

A glowing wheel Was now floating behind him.

I smiled sardonically.

Roots suddenly shot up from under the man whose name was Siegfried and the woman who was called Jeanne who was standing next to him. They were both standing guard by Percy and the others.

Jeanne quickly created multiple swords that radiated holy energy, using them to cut through the thick roots trying to impale her.

While Siegfried took out a large sword, which appraisal told me was the demonic sword gram and sent a wave of demonic energy that burnt the roots to ashes.

Their brief victory was ended as double the amount of roots rose back up in their place. My eyes were forced to focus on Cao Cao again as he spun his spear.

"Gahapatiratana" he called out.

The ground beneath him pulsed once, and from it emerged warrior-like entities, clad in armour and wielding swords of their own. They had no facial features but their intent was easy to understand as they charged at me.

Dozens of light rods appeared next to me and fired in quick succession, trails of light flashing through the air and impaling all of the strange warrior entities before they could get close.

It was a good thing they weren't particularly dangerous, only being in the middle-class but it was still impressive. My eyes flickered to his spear and I felt greed.

I went to send a strong attack at him only for shadowy monsters burst forth from the surroundings buildings. People screamed in the distance as all they saw was the buildings exploding.

The forms of the monsters were twisted and grotesque. These creatures, I was assuming, were born from the abilities of the boy, Leonardo's Annihilation Maker.

Their strength was much more impressive than the warrior entities and I could only send multiple powerful blades of wind with a flick of my hand that cut multiple of the shadow monsters in half before Cao Cao attacked again.

"Light of Judgment" he called out, using the first of the Longinus' original skills.

A massive destructive beam of holy light exploded out, vaporising everything around it. I smiled in amusement even as everything around me was destroyed.

I could only absorb a bit of the energy since I wasn't too good at using my light absorption left which meant the beam which had a width of at least two Boeing B-47's simply travelled through me and behind me for a few miles before stopping.

The large man, Heracles, finally appeared from the side and went to punch me with his meaty fist. I punched him in the stomach hard enough that I felt his ribs practically shatter.

"Gaah." He coughed up a large amount of blood.

"Balance brea-"

He couldn't finish as in a show of the rage I truly felt and tried to reatrain to keep a cool calculated mind. I grabbed his neck and twisted. Heracles screamed in pain as I snapped his neck.

"You aren't as quite as impressive as the man you were named after." I idly commented.

Magic circles appeared in the dozens. The circles shimmered with power, and I could feel the space around me begin to distort minutely.

No wonder Percy and the others stood no chance. Cao Cao alone was a downright impossible match up for them.

The circles unleashed a barrage of magical attacks. Beams of destructive energy shot out from the circles, converging on my position with deadly precision. Each beam crackled with magical energy.

A thick light dome was creating around me, the beams exploding on contact. A mist surrounded Heracles' fallen body and took him away. Something I didn't bother stopping as he wasn't worth my while.

The only bodies I would try to keep in order to steal the Longinus sacred gears would be Cao Cao, Leonardo and the Dimension Lost user who's name I had yet to get from appraisal.

Another massive magical circle which was black this time appeared under me and I felt the gravity around me multiply. A dozen purple magical circles formed around me and magical ropes shot out.

I sent a wave of wind that blew the magical ropes back. Two large light spears forming and shooting towards the figure shrouded in mist who was forced to relocate.

More warrior-like entities were summoned along with more shadow monsters as Cao Cao seemed to have gotten the hint that any light attacks wouldn't work on me.

A swipe of my hand sent a massive disk of burning hot light towards Cao Cao, cutting through multiple of the monsters with ease. The Annihilation Maker user seemed to be far back, focusing on creating shadow monsters as a support.

Cao Cao redirected it away into a building and I summoned chakra-infused vines to keep him briefly distracted. The vines sprouted out from the ground around him. Which briefly took him off-guard.

My focus turned to the increasing army of shadow monsters, they roared and tried to pile on top of me. Using wind manipulation I made a concussive force that knocked the nearest of them back.

With another flick of my hands large slightly unstable wind blades tore through their ranks. The dozens of monsters getting decimated.

Magic circles reformed as the magic user appeared again with the strange thick almost translucent fog surrounding him. I sent a dozen light rods at him, forcing him to disappear once more.

I quickly recalled my Chakrams and put them back in my inventory for now.

Kicking off the ground, I dispersed the light dome that had been keeping the magical attacks from hitting me and I appeared in front of Cao Cao with a speed he could barely trace.

His spear must have heightened his perception, something that appeared as a faint light glow on his body. This was allowing him to keep up with me despite our significant power gap. Even with my power level being nearly double his.

He barely managed to raise the spear in time to block my punch. Which honestly didn't seem like a conscious decision on his part. This seemed to be a part of the spears Defence and Aura Manipulation. Defending him from an attack that he shouldn't be able to defend.

My desire for the spear rose. I wanted it. Such a powerful weapon would have made this entire shitty quest worth it alone. Unfortunately it was a Sacred Gear, so I couldn't just take it.

The force of my blow still sent him hurtling backward, crashing through several buildings before he could regain control.

A massive magical circle appeared above me, sending a massive beam of magic that I avoided by flying away. My eyes looked for the magic user with annoyance.

My previous location was turned into a wasteland from that attack alone. The battle was starting to truly get out of hand, with already a large portion of the city reduced to rubble.

This was the damage that being at the realm of power I was at caused.

The sun was starting to set and the sounds of sirens could be heard across the city. I had no doubt we were drawing attention. It would be impossible not to unless we were in some sort of sub-dimension.

A battle between a Low-ultimate class being and a group of high class beings with a leader who was a pseudo-ultimate class being.

It was scary to think that there were beings above the ultimate class completely. I had to wonder what type of damage I could do when I reached that level of power.

Right now, even at the low of the ultimate class I had the capability to destroy a city

I hovered above and looked down.

Even that was just a start.

I needed to wrap this up…

I didn't need Ares coming to help his apparent allies. I didn't know who else was working with them either. Last thing I needed was his reinforcements coming to help him.

A glint of metal in the sun caught my attention as I found the True Longinus spear rapidly shooting towards me, its handle expanding seemingly endlessly.

I dodged and shot down from where the spear was extending from. The handle retracted at the same speed I flew down and descended on Cao Cao.

My hand shot out, creating a massive light construct that shaped itself into a massive hammer and slamming it down onto Cao Cao. The ground was riddled with massive cracks and a shockwave spread out from the sheer force.

I felt Cao Cao holding the massive construct up barley with his spear. The light construct was barely being held off the ground by his comparative small body compared to the massive construct.

The air around was heated by the intense heat radiating off the light construct.

"Cakkaratana" I heard him desperately shout.

My light hammer gained cracks spreading throughout its frame and I was left for an even greater desire for the spear.

That was the ability to destroy opposing weapons I believe. Was that a conceptual power? Since my light hammer did technically count as a weapon made of my angelic magical power.

The light hammer was destroyed and I saw Cao Cao who was breathing heavily below.

I shot down before he could summon another attack, my fast speed something his eyes had trouble following. I punched him and my fist barely intercepted by the spear.

The force cratered the ground and made Cao Cao grit his teeth. I smirked evilly at his struggle.

This bastard had leveraged my only allies. I sent a barrage of fast punches, my arms blurring and the clangs of metal ringing out as the spear struggled to keep up.

The True Longinus struggled to maximise Cao Cao speed. The ground around us was completely shattered. I grinned down at him as I witnessed his arms getting redder and redder from the shear strain.

We were suddenly interrupted as magical circles formed around us and monsters in the dozens poured out to help Cao Cao. Golden power erupted from me as I finally let loose.

Now that Percy and the others were further away I didn't need to worry about hurting them with my magic. I had been going near my limit in physical power but I was more of a magic-type fighter.

My physical strength was much lower than my magical power, something I needed to work on in the future. It couldn't be helped so far since physical training had become so much harder.

I roared out, my anger finally making itself known as golden holy light erupted from me. Funnily enough I felt the True Longinus' call become much louder.

The magical circles were shattered and the shadow monsters vaporised. A shockwave blew out and the mist from which the magic user had been shrouded in was blown away along with the magic user.

Cao Cao quickly jumped away, his arms shaking with blood leaking from bursted blood vessels. He took a few pained gasps.

He hadn't been affected since the blast had been sent outwards instead of down at him.

That smug grin of his was wiped completely off his face. Replaced with anger, pain and wariness.

My supernatural eyes found the body of the magic user. Who's name was Georg. He was still breathing but he had been caught unprepared for my magical attack.

The other boy, Leonardo, seemed in much better condition, but his arm hung limply by his side. I could see this all since that explosion had wiped out all the buildings close to us. Leaving a clear waste land of burning ground.

They were both at the edges of the large circular wasteland that had been created.

Percy and the others should be far away now.

My vine attacks had stopped producing after I had left the stop but I had sneakily gotten some vines to help remove their bindings.

With the distraction of being overwhelmed by chakra-infused vines they should have been able to escape.

Cao Cao's breaths were laboured and his arms were starting to form bruises all around. He stumbled and used his spear to prop himself up.

I called out Avael from my pocket dimension.

"Avael." I greeted. "You see those two teenagers over there? Bring them to me, preferably unconscious."

Avael nodded, her eyes sharp as she realised the situation.

Just as I prepared to finish off Cao Cao, he spun his spear once more. His movements are much more wobbly and slower than before.

"Parinayakaratana" Cao Cao roared.

"Father!" Avael shouted.

The spear shook and a fiery beam erupted from its sharp tip. The surroundings shook from the sheer power that eclipsed the Light Of Judgement attack he had performed before.

-{Annabeth Chase}-

Five minutes earlier…

Annabeth's eyes were widened at the sheer display of power from her friend. She had known Kai was strong but to be able to keep up and beat down a team that had utterly destroyed them was insane in her eyes.

That man Cao Cao had been a monster in human flesh. The spear he wielded had made him unbeatable. How was Percy meant to fight a guy who could block all of his physical attacks and reflect any magical attacks?

She hadn't been much help, she was good with a knife but possessed no magic or special ability of her own beyond her brain. Which she had been doubting lately.

Annabeth had felt terrible when she caved in, seeing Percy and Medusa being tortured had made her begrudgingly give in. Seeing Kai with Percy's mother had made that guilt worse.

Kai had delivered on his promise while she had gone and betrayed him. Seeing Kai use so much power had made her realise this whole time that Percy and herself had truly just been baggage.

Now, as she spotted a dozen smaller vines creep up to her and help her loosen bindings. She quickly released herself along with Percy.

Annabeth quickly kicked out at the leg of the swordswoman who had just stopped cutting down the diminishing vines. The older swordswoman stumbled and she disarmed her in the next moment.

The man next to her went to swing his demonic swords as he noticed Annabeth, only to be forced to block as a massive blast of water shot at him.

The ground suddenly shook as a giant fiery explosion of light happened in the distance. She quickly knocked out the swordswoman with a kick to the head.

"I hope Kai is okay." Percy said worried, glancing at the massive explosion that had caused a massive fire.

Annabeth quickly ran over the Medusa, taking out some Ambrosia from her bag. Plopping it into her mouth she sighed in relief as her wounds started healing slowly.

She looked at the explosion as Percy quickly neutralised the tired demonic sword wielder who seemed exhausted from fighting the strange vines Kai had summoned.

'Even if he's stronger than us, I'm sure there's a way we can help him' She thought determinedly.


That looked painful. I observed from behind Cao Cao.

I had obviously known Cao Cao was going to pull some shit when he started glaring at me with true hatred. The surge of viciousness in his emotions had made me create a perfect illusion.

Which had been dispersed by the massive surge of energy.

That attack was dangerous. Like, seriously dangerous. Something a High Class being wouldn't be able to pull off. Not only was it powerful but the power had been dense.

A massive crater filled with strange golden fire was spread for dozens of miles in my previous location.

Cao Cao was gasping for breath, kneeling down on the ground. All of his strength seemed to have been used on that last attack. Which wasn't surprising. That was an insane attack.

Avael looked worried, only to sigh in relief as she saw me standing behind Cao Cao. Her eyes turned fiery and I felt true hatred directed towards Cao Cao. She raised her hand and went to finish off Cao Cao.

"Avael stop." I called out. "It's fine, I'll deal with him."

My voice startled Cao Cao. Cao Cao looked up, his face pale, sweat streaming down his brow. He was beaten, and he knew it.

Avael lowered her hands, nodding and sending me a look that exclaimed she wanted headpats. I ignored it for now as she went off to go retrieve the other members of the Hero Faction.

"This is impossible! You- filthy Angel. I am the chosen one to show the supernatural world the might of humans. I won't roll over and let you kill me." Cao Cao roared.

He tried to raise his spear only to fail.

I kicked him down and he fell onto the ground completely. Another kick sent to his abdomen as i felt a few of his bones crack.

I stopped myself from brutally beating him on the spot.

The pathetic idiot was already beaten and that had hurt him more than my attack. His eyes showed it as even now he desperately tried to get up.

This battle had drained me more than I anticipated.

It wasn't the gruelling, uphill struggle I was accustomed to, but it had still sapped a significant portion of my strength. I wasn't completely spent, but I wasn't at full capacity either.

"Is there anyone else with you?" I questioned.

Cao Cao sneered but didn't answer my question.

i slapped him and he scowled up at me furiously.

I wasn't going to kill him outright, I really wanted his sacred gear. Perhaps the system shop had something that could help out. I had been saving up on quite the amount of credits.

I'll keep him in my inventory until then.

Cao Cao's eyes flickered behind me and a nasty smile appeared on his face.

"You really should have stayed out of this situation, brat." A deep voice growled from behind me.

I tried to turn around in time as I heard the whistle of something piercing through the air directly towards me.

My sense's had been alert, but I had been focused on Cao Cao and Ares hadn't been in my perspective. Somehow I hadn't picked up his energy or presence.

He must have been using the Helm of Darkness to hide from me.

Damn it.

Just as I turned around there was a flash of blonde hair and I was just able to make out someone standing in front of me. In the path of the projectile I had heard whistling towards me.

Blood splashed a moment later.


if you wish to read up to eleven chapters in advance among my stories and other things please visit pa/t reon * / Snipez818, I appreciate all the support!