
The Seer Vision

Lost in a daydream on an ordinary day, Kris Rubo finds himself inexplicably transported to a world brimming with magic and mystery. Renamed Ernest Madden, he discovers he possesses the extraordinary ability of foresight, guided by an ancient prophecy that foretells impending darkness.

ZeroPower · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

The Gift of Vision

Once known as Kris Rubo, I had lived a life filled with very ordinary and I aspire to be a Pro gamer . But all that changed when I found myself a world teeming with magic and mystery.

It all started on an ordinary day—or at least, what I thought was an ordinary day. I was crossing the street, lost in my own thoughts, when suddenly everything went dark.

The next thing I knew, I was lying on the ground, surrounded by unfamiliar faces.

"Are you alright?" someone asked, helping me to my feet. I nodded, trying to shake off the confusion.

As I looked around, I realized I was no longer in the city I called home. Instead, I found myself in unusual village, with cobblestone streets and thatched-roof cottages. But what struck me the most was the air of magic that seemed to hang in the atmosphere.

[ I think i was dreaming ]

[ Where i am?, what is this? I'm dead? ]

[ "So this is afterlife?," I muttered to myself. ]

[ This is my second life maybe? ]

And I tried to pinch my cheek.. Maybe not I'm really dreaming.

But the pinch of reality didn't wake me up. Instead, it only confirmed that this was real, and I was now a part of it.

A few minutes later...

A kindly old man approached me, his eyes twinkling with curiosity.

"Welcome, traveler," he said. "I sense great power within you."

I blinked, unsure of what he meant. "Power?"

 Huh? Power?

"what kind of nonsense is that Old man? 

"Yes, the power of a seer," he replied, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. "You have been chosen by the God's to see beyond the veil of time."

"Whattt I've been chosen?" 

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Me, a seer? It sounded like something out of a fantasy novel. But then again, so did this entire situation.

As I tried to make sense of it all, the old man placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Come with me," he said. "There is much for you to learn."


And so, my journey began. Under the old man's guidance, I started to understand the extent of my abilities. I could see glimpses of the future, fleeting visions that offered insight into what was to come.

But with this power came great responsibility. I soon realized that not all visions were pleasant. There were dark omens lurking on the horizon, threatening to disrupt the fragile peace of this world.

As days turned into weeks, I struggled to come to terms with my newfound role. But with each vision, I grew stronger, more determined to use my abilities for good.

And as I looked out at the world spread out before me, I knew that my journey was far from over. There were still mysteries to unravel, battles to be fought, and a destiny that awaited me.

But whatever challenges lay ahead, I was ready to face them. For I was Ernest Madden, the seer, and this was only the beginning of my story.

1 hour later...

I sat alone in my room, pondering the events of the day. The old man's words echoed in my mind, filling me with a sense of purpose.

But amidst the uncertainty, one thing was clear: I had been given a gift, and it was up to me to use it wisely.

As I closed my eyes, I let the visions wash over me, guiding me towards the future that awaited. And with each passing moment, I knew that I was exactly where I was meant to be.

The days melted into weeks, and my training as a seer continued under the guidance of Master Alden, the wise old man who had taken me under his wing.

One crisp morning, as I practiced honing my abilities in the secluded garden behind Master Alden's cottage, a sudden voice broke through my concentration.

1 hour later>>. I felt Something in my head...

What is this memory, who all this people? Is this Ernest Memory?? What?

"Ernest," called a melodious voice, causing me to turn around. It was Taylor, a fellow apprentice who had become a close friend during my time here. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity as she approached.

"What brings you here?" I asked, welcoming the distraction.

"I heard Master Alden speaking of a prophecy," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "He said it foretells of great danger looming over our land."

My heart quickened at her words. Prophecy? Danger? It seemed my visions were not the only ones hinting at dark times ahead.

"Do you know what the prophecy says?" I inquired, eager to learn more.

Taylor shook her head. "No, Master Alden was vague about the details. But he seemed troubled, Ernest. I fear something terrible is on the horizon."

A shiver ran down my spine. The weight of responsibility pressed upon me like a heavy cloak. If there truly was danger approaching, it was up to us to uncover the truth and prevent disaster.

"We must find out more," I declared, determination flickering in my eyes.

Taylor nodded, her expression mirroring my resolve.

"But how? Master Alden is cautious about sharing such information."

"We'll have to be resourceful," I replied, thinking quickly. "Perhaps there are ancient texts or scrolls hidden away in the library that could shed light on the prophecy."

With a shared nod, we set off towards the heart of the village, where the library stood nestled amongst the shops and homes. As we entered, the scent of old parchment and ink filled the air, sending a wave of nostalgia washing over me.

For hours, we pored over dusty tomes and faded manuscripts, searching for any mention of the prophecy that haunted our thoughts. But the answers remained elusive, hidden behind cryptic symbols and obscure references.

Frustration gnawed at the edges of my mind, but I refused to give up. We were close, I could feel it.

And then, just as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the library floor, my fingers brushed against a worn leather-bound book tucked away on the highest shelf.

Heart pounding with anticipation, I carefully opened the book, its pages crackling with age. And there, illuminated by the dim light of the flickering candles, were the words we had been searching for.

"The Prophecy of the Seer," I whispered, my voice barely audible in the quiet of the library.

Elara leaned in closer, her breath hitching in excitement. "What does it say, Ernest?"

I scanned the words, my eyes darting across the page. And as I read aloud, a chill settled over me, for the prophecy spoke of darkness descending upon our world, of chaos and destruction unleashed by forces beyond our comprehension.

But amidst the doom and despair, there was a glimmer of hope—a chance for salvation, guided by the hand of the chosen one.

"The chosen one..." Elara repeated, her voice tinged with awe. "Could it be you, Ernest?"

I shook my head, my mind reeling with the weight of destiny. "I don't know," I admitted, the uncertainty weighing heavily upon me.

But one thing was clear: the fate of our world rested in our hands, and it was up to us to face the challenges that lay ahead.

As we left the library, the moon hung low in the sky, casting its silvery glow over the village below. But despite the darkness that loomed on the horizon, I felt a spark of hope ignite within me.

For even in the face of adversity, there was light to be found, if only we had the courage to seek it out.

And with Taylor by my side, I knew that together, we would face whatever trials awaited us, and emerge victorious.

For we were not just apprentices or friends—we were the guardians of destiny, bound together by the threads of fate.

And as we gazed out at the world spread out before us, I knew that our journey was far from over.

But whatever trials lay ahead, we would face them together, united in purpose and determination.

For we were Ernest Madden, the seer, and Taylor, his faithful companion.

And this was only the beginning of the story.