
The Seductress

"How dare you? Ariana, how dare you?" I could feel the anger from his heart radiate through his ears. the tears that kept rolling down my cheeks were unstoppable. I knew I just hurt him beyond imagination. "I'm sorry Nick truly am." "After everything between us, I loved you, I fuckin trusted you. I did everything I could to make you happy and you you-" he cut himself off. He suddenly became extremely silent. Like he was thinking of forgiving me. Ha! Like that'll happen. "Leave." he said in a dangerously low voice I almost didn't hear it. "Leave!" he yelled and I heard it perfectly well this time. "Leave before I do something I'd regret for the rest of my life." He added as he banged his fist on his desk almost knocking off the almost empty bottle of Brandy he'd been obviously drinking all night. Then it hit me. It was crystal clear that not only had I seduced and tricked Mr. Perfect, but I'd also broken his precious heart beyond repair. ********* Meet Arianna Rodstein. A 23 year old shy girl that would do anything to save her sister from a cruel businessman even if it means seducing one of the most sucessful business tycoons in the city. Did i mention he's devilishly handsome and sexy? Nick DeMorgane is just every girl's dream man. Rich,Handsome, Sexy and the CEO to one of the biggest companies in the world. The guy is Perfection and aims for Perfection. So what happens when "Mr Perfect" 's perfectly planned life is wrecked by a brunette out on a saving mission?"

TH3LLMA · สมัยใหม่
52 Chs



A loud sound woke me up from my amazing sleep.

Nick was about to kiss me and I was intensely waiting for it. I was ready to kiss him back with everything in me.

Oh my God! I'm going crazy. Did I just dream of Nick? This shouldn't be happening.

Who could be calling me so early? Everyone knows not to mess with my sleep! I'm literally a sleeping princess.

I picked up my phone grudgingly and snapped immediately. /" What?/" I asked as soon as I answered.

/" Well aren't you a ball of sunshine darling?/" The voice on the other line spoke. I

could recognize the voice of that monster anywhere. I immediately stilled.

/" M-Mr K-king?/" I said my voice laced with fear . He honestly scared me. I couldn't help it.

/" Of course darling. Were you expecting someone else?/" He asked.

/" N-no, just that it's ..it's 6am in the morning and I didn't../" he immediately cut me
